30 Funny Moments People Had With Total Strangers

‘Sir, that’s poutine’
30 Funny Moments People Had With Total Strangers

It’s best to avoid getting in the middle of a lovers’ quarrel, but sometimes you find yourself tangled up in their drama anyway. Luckily, one Redditor figured out a hilarious way to both keep the peace and make a necessary exit. 

“Was at a festival and some girl walked up to me and started talking to me about how her and her boyfriend had just had a big argument,” he recalled. Out of nowhere, the boyfriend angrily approached and asked, “‘Who the fuck is this guy?’” Understandably, the Redditor didn’t want to join in on the conflict, and opted instead to open up about his ailing digestive system, explaining, “I have the shits.” 

The share led the peeved partner to push his aggression aside and come up with a few remedies. “(He) tells me to try peppermint capsules, then his girlfriend chimes in and starts talking about charcoal tablets,” the Redditor continued. “The two of them bond over their respective remedies for IBS and walk away wishing me a pleasant evening.”

There are plenty of other times a run-in with a rando made all the difference. Whether it’s Mario encountering Luigi on Halloween night or a stoplight game of rock, paper, scissors, these are some of the funniest moments people had with total strangers.

jack11058 8y ago Not funny, but memorable. When I was 19, I worked at a record store. One night, I confronted and tussled with a booster (shoplifter targeting bulk amounts for resale). Unbeknownst to me, he had a box cutter and he opened my face from the top of my ear (near the temple) down to the corner of my mouth. I'm bleeding all over the place and freaking out (as one does). A random customer dressed in chef's whites is the only person in the store not freaking out. Не takes me calmly to the employee bathroom, applies a
Gunnasty 8y ago During my freshman year of college one weekend me and some friends went out drinking, and I had waaaaaay too much. I ended up wandering away from my friends so that I could explore the scene I guess and ended up passing out in the bushes in the quad on campus. It was pouring rain and I'm not really sure how long | was asleep but I ended up getting woken up by a guy who walked me back to my dorm while we facetimed his girlfriend. Never got his name but anytime I see him on
Trust_Me_ImFrog 8y ago Once I was at a gas station. Me and a guy randomly locked eyes like we knew each other. Не said Hey so I replied Hey man what's up?. Не told me everythings cool, then there was standard concersation, I asked how are the kids, he told me they are starting puberty etc. Не asked me if I am going skiing or coming home from a trip (I had box on top of my car). So we chatted for like 2 minutes, went inside the gas station and went our separate ways. Few minutes later at the
NeverSawTheEnding 8y ago Was at a Festival and some girl walked up to me and started talking to me about how her and her boyfriend had just had a big argument. A couple minutes in her boyfriend storms over and points at me and says who the fuck is this guy!?. Feeling a bit tired and too worn down to be intimidated or argumentative I said I've got the shits. Не suddenly changes his tune and tells me to try peppermint capsules, then his girlfriend chimes in and starts talking about charcoal tablets and the two of them bond over
HplusGaming 8y ago Edited 8y ago I used to work at a hardware store called Menards as a cashier. As part of the job, we're required to have small talk with the guests to make things friendly. Well this couple comes in my line with a ton of screws. A literal fuck ton of screws. The whole cart was full to the brim in boxes of screws. For some dumb reason, the greeting I give them is Wow, looks like you guys have a lot of screwing to do! I immediately realize what I said as my heart drops and
laterdude 8y ago I was at a gay bar and asked the old guy beside me: Come here often? and he answered: Not since they plastered over the glory holes. 2.2K Award Share ... PIP_SHORT 8y ago Edited 8y ago This is perfect double entendre.
Dumpbuttnuggs 8y ago I decided to take a break while driving from one side of the state to the other and stopped at a rest stop. Upon getting out of my car and heading towards the McDonald's/Dunkin donuts/convenience store plaza, I looked down as I came upon a pile of hair. Someone had either lost their weave or got into a rest stop fight and had it pulled out. I said out loud to myself that's unbe-weavable! Some random business guy in a suit and tie passed by and told me to weave it alone. It was the best interaction
half_monkeyboy 8y ago I was at a black tie event for New Years Eve. At midnight, they dropped hundreds of balloons from the ceiling and almost instantly people started to pop them. An hour or so later, drunk me decides to roam around to see if I can find an unpopped balloon. After fifteen or so minutes of searching, I find one by the dj table and start walking back to my group of friends with it. This guy, who also has a balloon, stops me and yells You found one too! We were instantly friends and referred to each
ZeneParker 8y ago I was in a Steak and Shake about 10 years ago in the summer at 2AM. Not sure if you have been to a fine establishment such as this, but at the end of the meal you get up and pay at the register. A girl is paying for her food and at the end of the transaction goes Keep the change ya filthy animal a la Home Alone. The entire place erupts in laughter. It warms my heart to think that at that Steak and Shake at 2AM we were all united in the Christmas spirit.
books_and_shepherds 8y ago I work at a well-known book retailer, where we push memberships on our shoppers. An older couple came in, but paid separately. It was clear they weren't married, so I assumed either they were friends or just dating. The woman pays first, and uses her member card. When I ring up the man, | ask if he's a member as well. Не says no, but asks if he can use hers. I chuckle and say that he can, as they're friends and family memberships. Не looks me dead in the eye, and goes, I hope that applies
camradio 8y ago Was sitting at a Black Jack table in Vegas. A new player, who was very drunk, sat down at the table. Не gets his cards, it was a lower hand and he goes to say hit I think. Instead he goes Hi- URGLHA! and pukes across the table. After a few seconds of silent disgust the guy just picked up his none played chips and walks away. Everyone left at the table just burst out laughing. 513 Award Share ...
LemongrabTheFab 8y ago Went to pick my sister up from the bar she works at. Two of the punters stumbled in to my car and gave me their address. Shocked, I sat in silence and they slowly realised I was not a taxi. Then we all laughed, they got out, and I never met them ever again! 578 Award Share ...
jerryblack31 8y ago Paid a bus ticket for a guy once. Well, not really for him, but for his 20-year old dog. Guy hadn't any money with him and would be forced to walk 2 hours to his destination if the bus driver wouldn't let him in. Не just hugged me while crying, saying Thank you a thousand times. Will never forget that. Award Share 808 ... + 12 more replies
Vhftb 8y ago It was more of a group of strangers. You know those pirate ship rides at the amusement park? Yeah, it was near closing time so I chose that to be my last ride. It began to rock slowly as usual, and as the side I was on gained reasonable height, people started to scream. The people screaming thing is a normal thing anyone would expect when they ride this, so when the other side went up and then down, they screamed but just a little louder. What ensued was a screaming competition between the two sides. |
GARNER2015 8y ago Edited 8y ago I was once waiting at a pedestrian crossing, | had just finished work so I had my satchel bag. While I was waiting for the lights to turn green I was leaning against the button (In England we have a screen that has a button with a green/red man). When the lights turned green I went to cross but I was immediately pulled backward because my bag was hooked on the button. A car was waiting at the lights and the people inside looked like they were wetting themselves laughing. I was in a
plssendfood 8y ago I wait tables at a local restaurant a few nights a week, and an older man came in last night with his wife, daughter, and granddaughter. I get their drinks and come back for their food order. Man: You really need to change the name of this menu item. Me: Which one? Man: The poontang. Me: ......sir, that's poutine. Man: starts cracking up
Abtino11 8y ago Was at a festival and saw one of the most beautiful girls I've ever laid eyes on. Some guy walks through the crowd with a bubble gun and this girl (probably on acid) watches the bubbles with the awe of an innocent child. She was so infatuated with the bubbles that as one came closer to her she stuck her tongue and caught it on her tongue. She was clearly not anticipating the bitter taste of soap and the precious bubble that she was so amazed by turned against her. I approached her, laughing about the incident,
butteryboner 8y ago I was driving with my girlfriend to a date and I played rock paper scissors with some random guy at a red light. Later that night when we were walking back to my car the same guy and his gf were getting in the car right next to mine. We high fived and called each other bros. Never came across him again. Award Share 95 ...
mistachristopha 8y ago this just happened last week. I was walking to the nearest pizza place by my job, and i was waiting for the light to change. All of a sudden something slams into my chest, it's two small brown birds fighting! It happened so quickly, and was so unexpected. The woman across the street saw it and started laughing, which made me laugh. But yea, was scary for a second 394 Award Share ...
leytay 8y ago I was once at a bar carrying a small clutch bag. I clapped my hands above my head whilst holding said clutch and on the way down cracked a chick in the head. Clutch came open and rained tampons, lipsticks, cards and money all over her damn head. We fell to the floor in a fit of laughter, she helped me clean up my belongings and I offered to buy her an apology drink. Get to the bar and the bartender hands us two margaritas - he'd seen the whole thing and thought we both needed a drink. Award
MeshechBeGood 8y ago 21st birthday and went with some friends into the city (no way of anyone external to us knowing it was my birthday though). Arrived into a fairly quiet club on a weekday (we were students). As soon as I walk in, a guy grabs me (I'm a guy too) and waltzes me very quickly around the entire place without saying a word, buys me two jagerbombs and two for himself, downs them, then just leaves the club. I just stood there not entirely sure what had just happened and drank my jagerbombs :) Friends also got the house
OreoNachos 8y ago I was working as a cashier at a grocery store when I had this middle aged man come into my line and I started ringing up his items. I noticed he was wearing a t-shirt that said ARMY so I asked him if he was in the service. Не said yes so I thanked him for his service and that I appreciated what he's done. Не responded with You're worth it. I almost cried it was so sweet. Award 375 Share ...
arcsine 8y ago Walked in to a campus 7-11 late at night, Bohemian Rhapsody came on the radio. EVERY. SINGLE. PERSON. Joined in a giant impromptu singalong, even the cashier. 308 Award Share ...
Redditmymistress 8y ago Edited 8y ago Ended up playing the back nine with an old hippie dude. Не chipped a birdie from like 40 feet off the green. We ran toward each other, embraced and jumped up and down like small children. 257 Award Share ...
needsmoresteel 8y ago Train ride home from a Stampeders (Canadian football) game. Guy get on the train with us and he's vaping and grooving to his music. He's starting to sing away. Oh, God!, thought I, What a douchebag. before too long he had the whole section of the train car doing a sing-along. Award Share 121 ...
waving_hello 8y ago I was looking at shoes and decided to try one of them on. I took my own shoe off and set it on a box for a minute. A lady came by, picked up my shoe, and started examining it like she was interested in it. I started laughing as I explained to her that it was my shoe and not one to buy. 102 Award Share ...
 8y ago About 15 years old on holiday with friends when I found a £2 coin in the floor. Told some random guy he could keep the £2 coin if he swallowed it. Не swallowed the £2 coin and I seen him a few hours later being sick, helped him be sick and he gave me the £2 coin back. Great investment! 77 Award Share ...
shannytyrelle 8y ago This random student at my uni asked me for a cig, he then started rolling a joint. we never spoke, we just smoked, then we said bye and went our way. Stupid? yeah. but a nice memory. 51 Award Share ...
Ox029A 8y ago Flying home from Cleveland the day after game 7 of the World Series. Connected in MSP, walking to my next flight while wearing earbuds and a Cubs hat. Saw a dude walking towards me in a Cubs hat, also wearing headphones. We high-fived without speaking or breaking stride. 16 Award Share ...
bronxbmbr 8y ago Last Halloween I was meeting up with friends on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, I was dressed as Mario, hat gloves and all. I was waiting outside a bar for a friend and looked up to see a fully dressed Luigi staring at me out of an apartment window, we stared at each other for some time. I looked around to see if anyone else was seeing this and when I looked up my mysterious friend had disappeared. 329 Award Share ...


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