40 Random Bits of Trivia We Took the Liberty of Ordering for the Whole Table

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40 Random Bits of Trivia We Took the Liberty of Ordering for the Whole Table

This isn’t a power move or anything, we’re just in a giving mood. We got a particularly fat fact paycheck this week, so we figured, if we’re swimming in facts like Scrooge McDuck, we might as well share the wealth and let you guys dive in here with us. 

Lost in Translation

Lost in Translation was a surprisingly personal project for Sofia Coppola. She had spent a lot of time in Tokyo when she was younger - she ran a clothing company with her friend called Milk Fed that often took her there. CRACKED.COM


Gas Lamps

CRACKED.COM Gas lamps might have contributed to Victorian ghosts. DE adidas With gas lighting being a new thing and regulations being not a thing at all, Victorian people weren't unlikely to inhale gas (not to mention the fires and explosions). Hallucinations caused by carbon monoxide poisoning might help explain the uptick in ghostly activity in the mid-1800s.

10-Year-Old Gold Medalist

The youngest athlete to ever win a medal was 10 years old. Dimitrios Loundras was the youngest athlete to ever medal in the modern Olympics. Не won bronze in gymnastics at the 1896 Summer Olympics in Athens. CRACKED.COM


Masters of the Universe

CRACKED.COM Masters of the Universe Dolph Lundgren hates his performance. Lundgren was fresh from his breakout role as Ivan Drago in Rocky IV, so many were skeptical that he could carry a feature as a lead. In hindsight, Lundgren agrees, frequently stating in interviews that his accent and inexperience hurt the film.

Source: CBR

New York City

Since 1992, women have been legally allowed to walk around New York topless. This was kickstarted by a 1986 protest involving nine women who took off their tops and waited to be arrested. CRACKED.COM


George R.R. Martin

George RR Martin makes a point of watching the Jets and Giants games. 69156 ID He works seven days a week, except when it's NFL season that's when he takes Sundays off so he can watch the Jets and Giants play. CRACKED.COM


Amazonian Dogs

There are real, flesh-and-blood dogs with two noses in the Amazon rainforest. The Double-Nosed Andean tiger hound has a really good sense of smell, as you might expect, even though it's not terribly handsome, as one explorer said. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM

Source: BBC

Graham Crackers

Graham crackers are supposed to suppress your naughty thoughts. GRAHAM COMPANEY AS AN TEN THESE ARTICLE EVERYDAY CIt ATIOMAL GOODS OF 122 ARE FOOD COMPANY BISCUIT CRACKERS UNEQUALED e ER SEAL CRACKEDcO 19-century minister Sylvester Graham invented his special grain biscuit because anything tastier might give you impure thoughts. Somewhere

Source: NY Post


Rats make a face when they feel pain... ...and get hurt when they recognize the look of pain on each other's faces. Their facial expressions are SO cl

The Bystander Effect

In an emergency situation, observers are more likely to help if there are few others around. The likeliness of someone helping decreases as the number

Cool Hand Luke

Donn Pearce hates prison drama Cool Hand Luke and Paul Newman's classic performance. He says Newman was a cute guy who wouldn't have lasted five minut

The Notebook

The director of The Notebook thought Ryan Gosling looked like a regular schlub. You might assume that Gosling gets movie roles thrown his way because


SISTERS DIED IN A CAR CRASH Sheila Wentworth and Doris Jean Hall decided to visit each other on the same day at the same timeo Their identical Jeep Ch


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