40 Neighborly Bits of Trivia That’ll Bake Banana Bread for Any New Facts Moving Into Your Brain

Facts that help attract more facts
40 Neighborly Bits of Trivia That’ll Bake Banana Bread for Any New Facts Moving Into Your Brain

With these facts in your brain, there isn’t a fact on Earth that won’t want to move in. Neighbors are what really make a neighborhood special. You can have the classiest brain in town, but a few Karen-type facts can make it an utter nightmare. 

These are so warm and welcoming that your brain could be a flooded, gator-ridden trailer park and the most knowledgable facts would pay top dollar for a spot next door. Help them move in now, before they decide to live elsewhere!

Patrick Swayze

PATRICK SWAYZE WANTED TO PURSUE A CAREER IN BALLET. That's how he mEt his future wife, during dance lessons, making their love story eerily similar to

Daylight Saving Time

Daylight Saving Time is supposedly about saving energy. 9 10 8 11 7 12 6 1 5 2 3 DON'T FORGET TO FALL 4 BACK It's actually about spending money. The first and most persistent lobbyist for Daylight Saving Time was the Chamber of Commerce, because they reasoned that people go out and spend money after work when it's light out. The biggest influence on the most recent changes to the DST schedule is the candy companies, who do more business at Halloween now that it's light later. CRACKED.COM http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story php7storyid=7779869


Old-School Predictions

An 1889 novel predicted parts of 2000 surprisingly accurately. Hono Domini 2 Written by Julius Vogel, a former New Zealand prime minister, Anno Domini 2000 features instant communication technology, widespread travel in aluminum air cruisers, and great changes to the environment as a result of industrial technology. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM


12 Monkeys

CRACKED 12 MONKEYS legally had to include an inspired by credit. The set of the interrogation scene was so similar to architect Lebbeus Woods' Neomechanical Tower (Upper) Chamber, that he sued and won a high six- figure settlement. The credits now state that the interrogation room was inspired by his work.

Universal Pictures

​​Film Suits

Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley trolled its own hardcore fans. 01180110 ettereet 81181118 0110100 e016888e 01100601 ee1eeeee 11e1ee0 oettif 11e00te 100010 01111001 ee1


CRACKED.COM Our brain associates quality with weight, and for that reason wine bottlers often use thicker-than-necessary glass and deeper punts to give even mediocre wines the illusion of quality.

28 Days Later

In 28 Days Later, Murphy wanders through a totally empty London. That wasn't a set. lt was actually London. The filmmakers got the scene by shooting i


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