40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia That Think They’re Being Inconspicuous, But It’s Very Obvious They’re About to Be Part of This Flash Mob

Please don’t. I’m just trying to get to work, man
40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia That Think They’re Being Inconspicuous, But It’s Very Obvious They’re About to Be Part of This Flash Mob

Goro’s four massive arms took a total of 11 regular humans to operate.

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The Tick

... TELL US NOW. THE TICK (2001) Greg T. tells us, It was comedy gold. Only nine episodes aired featuring the dim-witted but gold-hearted super-hero. CRACKED.COM

Batman Returns

In Batman Returns the shadow from Selina Kyle's glasses. foreshadows her later transformation into Catwoman. 1it 1 C1992)

Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets

TELL US NOW. ... Alex P. thinks a series could save Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets. God I wanted that movie to be good so badly! It was beautiful, original, the setting was fantastic, it would have been so cool! The problem was the braindead script and the fact they hired a pair of wooden mannequins as the main characters. But do a series, and all will be forgiven. CRACKED.COM


Lara Croft

Iconic by random chance Lara Croft's massive boobs In 1996, developer Toby Gard from Core Design was working on Lara Croft, and made a mistake that made her bust size bigger than he meant to-150% bigger, to be precise. Не kept it. CRACKED

Embracer Group


Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Brooklyn Nine-Nine Why is no one having MENT ORD a good time? I specifically requested it. When CAPTAIN RAY HOLT says fun, you better fun! CAPTA CRACKED

Fox, NBC


The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

CRACKED THE FRESH PRINCE OF BEL-AIR WILL'S DAD COMES AND GOES. After Will's dad leaves, Will plays tough until he completely breaks down. The line, How come he don't want me, man? followed by the massive hug from Uncle Phil is an iconic TV moment.


Undercover Bears Oatmeal

... TELL US NOW. UNDERCOVER BEARS OATMEAL Richard H. jokes, Maybe if we throw some candy and fake mystery in our oatmeal, the kids will ask for it. CRACKED.COM

Spider-Man 3

SPIDER-MAN 3 CRACKED.COM Critics call Sam Raimi's Spider-Man (2002) & Spider-Man 2 (2004) some of the best superhero films ever made. In Spider-Man 3, Raimi was forced to add villains, Topher Grace was painfully miscast as Venom, and Spidey's jazz/emo phase had the trilogy's Rotten Tomatoes score read: 90, 93, 63.

Source: Looper

Ellen Pompeo

AND THE EMMY DOESN'T GO TO: ELLEN POMPEO Grey's Anatomy racked up 38 Emmy nominations in its 15+ year on the air. Multiple actors from the show got Em


CRACKEDCOR COM The only reason that Sense8 got its two hour finale was massive outcry from fans. Following the show's cancellation after Season 2, fan

Black Panther

CRACKED COM In Black Panther, a society living near a meteorite crash site quickly advances thanks to a rare metal from the meteorite. That's happened


In Superbad, Jonah Hill's character is seen saying: This plan's been **ked since Jump Street, man. Five years 2TEPT JUMP later... STREET COM

Alan Rickman

The Prisoner of Azkaban' represents a tonal Shift in the Harry Potter series But that didn't stop the great Alan Rickman from CRACKED.COM planting a


The original poster for Carrie (1976) gave away the prom scene. IF YOUI'VE GOT ATASTE FOR TERROR... SPOILER TAKE CARRIE TO THE PROM. ALERT! CARRIE ant


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