20 of People’s Wildest FML Moments

‘Jess was up in flames’
20 of People’s Wildest FML Moments

Most new graduates have parties, but one Redditor took their celebration a little too far, culminating in a situation that involved so much pain and suffering that it’s been canonized as one of the worst “FML” moments Reddit has ever seen. 

“Last night during my graduation party everyone (including myself) thought it would be a grand idea to see who could do the best flip on my trampoline,” they recalled of their wild night. “I just got back from the ER after chipping three teeth and almost ripping off my right nostril by face planting into the side of the trampoline in front of all my college friends.” 

This is only the tip of the iceberg, too. Whether it’s medical emergencies or heartbreaking losses, here are the wildest times people shook their heads and said “Fuck my life”...

Dudeicus_Maximus 14y ago Broke up with my girlfriend in January 2005. Drove to San Francisco from central Long Island, NY and got a job and a room with some friends. My life was going great and I was really enjoying myself. I was writing a book and loving life in San Francisco as a 24 year old. In May 2005, I got a call from my ex-girlfriend: I'm pregnant. I guess she missed a depo-provera shot or got it late. Rumor has it, she did it on purpose because she didn't want me to leave. FML She left four months
 14y ago Punctured my lung for the second time at the age of 14, while on a bicycle ride 10km from home. When I got to the doctor I was told: Oh yea, it most definitely is punctured. However, we are fully booked, come back tomorrow, and we will take care of you then. That night, gasping for air whilst in pain, I still managed to masturbate to some very softcore cable tv porn. - 1.8K Award Share ...
Digiko 14y ago All in the span of one year- Bought a house House floods during heavy rains - first time ever in 20 years in the county Mom gets sick and ends up in the hospital for 7 days Dad has a heart attack and dies on Thanksgiving after dinner 4 months from retirement. It was a tough year. 695 Award Share ...
ThirstyWhale 14y ago Just renewed my lease with girlfriend. Break up with girlfriend. - 667 Award Share ...
Unit91 14y ago Edited 14y ago Fiancé of 9 years dumps me, so I try to go back to school, have a stroke mid semester, now I'm living with my parents taking care of me at 35. Seriously FML. Edit: just to clear things up, I'm an idiot for typing it that way.... we were together for 9 years, engaged for 3. Oh, and I'm a female (dum dum daaaa)
Dctwo 14y ago A tale of infidelity on exotic islands, theft, destruction, financial ruin, death, and binge drinking. Woohoo! TL;DR Version: flew gf of 8 years to hawaii. she cheated on me there. came back, she left me and moved to hawaii for dude. began binge drinking. flew to dallas for a week to vaycay and get my mind off of things. A pipe in my upstairs bathroom bursts, floods all 4 levels of my house for 4 days until i return. Living in a hotel. Someone hits my car. Car gets stolen from body shop. Get car back, then
rudman 14y ago Three days ago my wife was found dead in her bed. It was sudden and unexpected. Her 49th birthday was last month, our 24th anniversary is next month. The wake is today, cremation tomorrow. I don't know what I am going to do without her. FML. 1.7K Award Share ...
aGorilla 14y ago About two years ago, I found my dad, dead, in the bathroom at 4:20 am. I called 911, they asked if I wanted instructions for CPR, I said no, he's dead. The paramedics showed up about 15 minutes later, and said he's still warm, should we try CPR?, I said yes. They couldn't revive him, I still blame myself. 49 Award Share ...
theonethatgotaway 14y ago In the span of less than two months, my room mate walked out on the lease, i moved out in the middle of the night because I couldn't afford it on my own and couldn't find a roommate. The landlord was threatening to sue me. I was essentially homeless and couch hopping. i walked in on my boyfriend and another girl, he left me for her, took me back and then I caught them going on a secret trip to Oregon. My brother verbally attacked me and disowned me. Three of my best friends abandoned me. And
Zedseayou 14y ago I was in a coffee shop when some inconsiderate douche started flashing his balls around. 1K Award Share ... + 27 more replies
Processtour 11y ago Two days ago, when my Aspergers/ADHD nine year old son had the worst anxiety attack and it took four adults to get him into his school. I seriously thought that I might have to put a 5150 psychiatric hold on him. The worst feeling ever. 4 Award Share ...
TheWorstlndianAlive 11y ago I get dumped. Car will not start. Must sleep on couch of man who dumped me. 3 Award Share ...
 14y ago Brother told me this today: I walked into the food store yesterday to buy some popcorn, but the words that came out my mouth were 'Do you have any cock porn? 330 Award Share ...
 14y ago I finished writing a 12 page paper and emailed it to my professor. I never proof read the email because I was in such a rush to send it. After looking at it, I realized the attachment showed up as sexypaperbitchassbaby.docx. That..that's what my professor would see as he opened the paper. FML very much. Award Share 301 ...
Ziggo54 14y ago Last night during my graduation party everyone (including myself) thought it would be a grand idea to see who could do the best flip on my trampoline. Long story short... I just got back from the ER after chipping 3 teeth and almost ripping off my right nostril by face planting into the side of the trampoline in front of all my college friends. What a great way to start real life Award Share 134 ...
 14y ago I had a 1987 Jeep Cherokee for my first car. Her name was Jess and she was awesome. I went inside of a building and five minutes later I came out and Jess was up in flames. 50 Award Share ... I_donut_understand 14y ago Jess sounds hot. 56 Share Award ...
wanttoseemycat 14y ago I'm 6'7 and have scoliosis. At 27 I needed a spinal fusion surgery, my neurosurgeon said my back looked like that of a 60 year old railroad worker. Recovery was bullshit, took years. Back braces, physical therapy, but you know what? I'm better off than a lot of people. I never say fuck my life. Award 40 Share ...
 14y ago I just found out I can't afford college for another year because the school I applied to made mistakes concerning my financial aid. I applied to a Budweiser factory hoping to lift kegs yesterday... I graduated in the top 10% of my class of 435 students with an IB Diploma. Fuck everything about this. 33 Award Share ...
thewordisbranch 14y ago The first time i met my girlfriends cousin and uncle, i was wearing the cousins clothes. We thought we had a beach house all to ourselves, so nakedness ensues. When suddenly we hear footsteps coming up the stairs, so i grab the first pair of clothes i see (mine were in some other random room) and she just lays under in a bed. The cousin walks by me kind of confused, goes into the room where my girlfriend, his cousin, is laying naked in his bed. The clothes i was wearing were the clothes he was about
MrPigger 14y ago Bagged my 1st job, came home to tell my flatmate and assorted friends, got drunk to celebrate, woke up with no eyebrows. FML Basically started the job looking permanently surprised. Almost 6 years later I still have to hide my security pass. - 617 Award Share ...


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