26 of People’s Most Expensive Mistakes

‘I bought a boat for almost no money and now I’m broke’
26 of People’s Most Expensive Mistakes

No one likes to make a mistake, but if you’re lucky, a quick laugh and an apology will fix it. Less fortunate mistakes hit you where it truly hurts: your wallet. Not only do you have to dwell with the emotional cost of your error, you also have hard numbers informing you just how severely you fucked up.

Even worse, sometimes the initial bank account debit isn’t where the pain ends. Bad financial decisions have a habit of inviting friends over to feast on your available checking balance, leaving you destitute and dejected, remembering the extra zeroes that once were.

To hammer home some financial responsibility, here are tales of woe from people that have accidentally set fire to a fat stack of greenbacks in their life. Before you buy that fixer-upper, or throw your Hancock on a loan without reading the paperwork, learn what kind of nightmare you might be opting into. 

It’s a lot more pleasant to learn from the following mistakes than make your own, I promise you that.

 Зу ago Freshman year of college I thought my final exam was at 11:30. It was at 9:30. The exam was 40% of my grade, so I failed. I lost my scholarship, and had to pay to retake the class. 8.5K ...
Mirraco323 Зу ago Edited Зу ago I started working at 12 and started an Edward Jones account to grow the money. I only worked 8-9 hours a week, so it wasn't a ton of money, but the account grew to about $20,000 by the time I was 16. Also, when you're a kid you have your parent be custodian of the account meaning at the end of the day, you have to go through them to access the money. Anyway when I was 16 my dad said he couldn't pay the rent and we were going to be homeless. asked
 Зу ago Got promoted to being a warehouse manager many years ago. Didn't receive any training really because the person I was replacing was promoted to another position and they were trying to learn how to do that job while they were supposed to be teaching how to do my new job. At some point, we started to run low on a few key products that were more in demand, so I asked the guy who was supposed to be training me how much should have in stock, then based my order on that. Well, they didn't tell me
TheOnlyCurmudgeon Зу ago Not caring for my teeth when young 2.2K ...
galfightor Зу ago | bought a boat for almost no money and now I'm broke - 1.1K ...
Affectionate_Pea_811 e Зу ago Not taking diabetes seriously cost me the vision in my right eye. 2.7K ...
smallcoldbrew Зу ago Taking out a $5,000 loan to help my Mom with her very very past due bills. Long story short, she ends up missing bills again and not learning her lesson. 3.1K ...
oldstraits Зу ago Rushed into buying a car. Bought a salvaged vehicle that looked like it was in great shape. It drove fine, and it was exactly what I needed at the time. About a month in some frame damage was discovered that made it hard to steer, and there were NO FUCKING AIRBAGS! | tried to turn around and sell it once I found out, but I couldn't in good conscience sell an unsafe vehicle to anyone. So I pay $7K to install new airbags and have a few other things done. Once the car was safe, | felt
DaNobodyFromNowhere Зу ago Toss up between my last marriage and the time I ran my boss's $3.5 million yacht aground on a submerged sandbar on the Intracoastal Waterway south of Charleston, SC. 976 ...
rusty_L_shackleford Зу ago | was working in Healthcare IT and a coworker emailed me a request to move data field xyz 123 from a test server over to production. No explanation, no flags, thats it. I was swamped at the time. Dealing with red flag requests, getting hundreds of emails a day, and | didn't get to it. Becasue that didn't get moved $8 MILLION in claims didn't go out. - 253 ...
valboots Зу ago Losing my USB that had 50 Bitcoin on it. It was a prize for getting 2nd in a guitar hero contest hosted by the university I was attending. 1.8K ...
Forcekin6532 Зу ago My father died in 2007 and left me and my sister $115k each. I used it to buy a new house. | was 25 at the time. Didn't know shit about the process to buy a home. So needless to say I bought something I couldn't afford. Then the market crashed in 2008. I lost the house and my inheritance. | was more upset about blowing my fathers savings than losing the house. Lesson learned. 2.3K ...
UndergroundASMR Зу ago Agreeing to not having the septic tank inspected before closing on our home. It was pumped recently so it must be fine, right? Turns out it was actually in bad shape and needed to be fully replaced. Over $20,000 2.3K ...
augabol Зу ago Flunking out of a university. 1.4K ...
KatharsysGO Зу ago | worked for UPS for a season. I failed to get a signature for a package (containing a firearm) at a home where | was aware the owner bought and sold guns..... Package goes missing, crimes get committed, ATF gets involved. | wish I knew the (theoretical) price tag on that mistake other than never being able to work for that company again. EDIT: a tad more context at the end. 966 ...
fataii Зу ago Got in a fight while on an exchange program, ended up awaiting trial in jail for a year before being released. All loans and scholarships were cancelled. 613 ...
webbedlizardbits Зу ago When I started working in an operating theatre, I knelt down under a surgical microscope, promptly forgot my surroundings and then got up quickly and ungracefully. My back hit one of the handles, causing $10,000 worth of damage to a $500,000 piece of equipment. I was three weeks into my new job. 199 ...
IndieDiscovery Зу ago Unemployed in NYC for 3 months paying $4,000/month in rent. 1.2K ...
diamond_lover123 Зу ago I answered honestly during a medical evaluation when I could have easily just checked no next to everything on the form and now I'm at risk of not being able to get the career I desire because of it. Even if | somehow do manage to avoid being completely denied, it still will have cost me thousands of dollars in psychological testing. 1.5K ...
 Зу ago Bachelor's in Anthropology, Minor in Music. 562 ...
pause_and_consider e Зу ago Went to an Ivy League school for nursing school. Now I have $90k of debt, literally no one cares where you went to school, my peers who went to community college or state schools are doing the exact same job and buying houses. 285 ...
sanibelle98 Зу ago My wedding. I wanted to get married by Elvis in Las Vegas just the two of us but my fiancé had visions of wearing white tie and tails. I was insecure and just went along with it and the entire evening was so stressful and one of the worst nights of my life because I was so worried about what everyone thought and if they were having a good time. It's been 23 years and I can't bring myself to even look at pictures. We're happily married now but the wedding was just a colossal waste of
Cassandra_Canmore Зу ago Edited Зу ago When | was a teenager I was using the detachable shower head. For you know... | was leaning against the wall. Hit my finish and as I was in the thrill of the moment spun 360 degrees and fell out the shower taking the rod, liner, and curtain with me. While holding the shower head still yanked it out the wall taking a foot of tile out and a chunk of drywall. It was about $1,200 to get it fixed. I told my parents I freaked out because I thought I saw a spider.
the-soaring-moa Зу ago Started smoking 535 ...
Sixstringnomad Зу ago Edited Зу ago Back in June I went to Africa for charity work and got sick drinking from a private well. I've been in hospitals for four months now and because most of that time my health insurance didn't cover me outside of the country | owe the government $170,000 for covering my hospital stays in the Congo and Kenya.
Firebolt164 Зу ago Not doing more research into hiring a roofing contractor. Paid $13k for the shittiest job ever. Flashing messed up, rotten sheathing not replaced, nails blown clear through the singles, reusing shingles when they started running low, water running behind my siding, no flashing around my chimney, it was a shit show. They didn't even cleanup, they left the old roof and nails strewn across my backyard and lawn. I pushed and pushed and next thing I know, he's disappeared and | have water running in my house. My insurance guy refused to help and I had to


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