40 Random Bits of Trivia Our Landlord Doesn’t Know We Poured Down the Drain

He’s gonna know about these at some point, but that’s a problem for a later date
40 Random Bits of Trivia Our Landlord Doesn’t Know We Poured Down the Drain

Sometimes we like to think of ourselves as the morning and evening shifts of our own lives. What we do now in this “morning shift” will set our “evening shift” selves up for success or failure in the near future.

This list was something that our morning-shift selves threw together in a pinch, and when our bosses find it, our evening-shift selves are really in for it. Read them real quick so we can sweep them under the rug ASAP.

The Lost City of Srivijaya

Fishermen uncovered a lost 14th century city when golden artifacts were caught in their nets. Srivijaya ruled Indonesia and much of Southeast Asia for over 600 years but disappeared without a trace, until its location was revealed on the River Musi. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW



The squirrels in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory were real, trained animals. They gathered 40 squirrels (some were raised on set and some others taken from squirrel rescues or people's homes) and spent eight weeks training them for the scene.

Source: BBC

The God of Death

The Large Hadron Collider Summons The God Of Death Researcher William Henry claims that CERN built the Collider as a stargate portal to summon the God Osiris or Shiva. Followers of this conspiracy claim it's no coincidence that there is a statue of Shiva in front of the CERN building. CRACKED.COM

Home Improvement

MARK TAYLOR became a submarine instructor CRACKED.COM In the weirdest story on this list, Taran Noah Smith was found in 2019 hosting a sub piloting program for a company called Community Submersibles.

Source: SFGate

Neil Gaiman

AT A GLANCE NEIL GAIMAN Не was offered a feature editor job at Penthouse ATIONAL MAGAZINE FOR Mbx RNATIONAL SPIRACY STELLO: OUNG DREAM Не was a freelance writer for the girly magazine, and even though he needed the steady income to support his family, he turned it down to pursue fiction. Не said, There's an alternative universe where I said yes, and I feel really sorry for him. CRACKED.COM

Source: Neil Gaiman: Dream Dangerously

William Barr

William Barr compared the pandemic lockdown to slavery. In September 2020, the former Attorney Generel gave a speech at Hillsdale College Where he said: You know, putting a national lockdown, stay at home orders, is like house arrest. Other than slavery which was a different kind of restraint, this is the greatest intrusion on civil liberties in American history. CRACKED.COM


South Park

South Park co-creator Trey Parker was mostly unknown during the show's first season. OMEDY 1 So he let people think they were seeing him naked. Parker


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