29 Bizarre Reasons Someone Refused to Buy a House

‘The basement was too dark’
29 Bizarre Reasons Someone Refused to Buy a House

Realtors have deep insight into the neuroses that plague the human mind. For instance, one remembers a client who refused to buy a house because the original owners wouldn’t leave their bidet behind, saying it was “a matter of principle.” Another’s clients cited their astral adviser, who maintained there were “difficult spirits in the house,” which was obviously too much to handle. 

Other realtors of Reddit have recalled the reasons their worst clients gave for not going through with a sale, including a too-dark basement, a spare fridge and a very picky cat.

LelainaPierce . 5mo ago Ghosts. Not confirmed ghosts, just the possibility of ghosts. This was a 55+ community. 17 Reply ...
robadogg 5mo ago Not a realtor, but the reason my mate didn't buy a house once is because the guy over the road was mowing the lawn in his budgie smugglers, and he didnt want to see that every second Saturday morning 15 Reply ...
. 5mo ago Fiendish_Jetsanna They didn't like the color of the carpeting on the stairs. 22 Reply ...
DontKnowMargo . 5mo ago Address had a number 4 in it. 20 Reply ...
NBlink1392 . 5mo ago Walked a client through a house and wanted to come back for a second walkthrough with her cat to see if their cat would like it. Apparently the cat didn't approve. 27 Reply ...
VTnav . 5mo ago Not a realtor: family member turned down a 1.5M house because she didn't like the spare fridge in the garage. 36 Reply ...
movingmom1 5mo ago The buyer of one of my listings heard neighbors gossip that there has been a death in the house (the owner had in fact passed peacefully in a hospital), demanded a $70,000 credit to make up for it. Wtaf. We went back onto the market shortly after. 39 Reply ...
pisspantmcgee e 5mo ago I was a realtor for a minute years ago. I was asking a lady about a house we viewed and what she thought. She told me she thought the basement was too dark. 46 Reply ...
CantTakeMeSeriously . 5mo ago They brought in an astral advisor and she didn't like the auras and claimed there were difficult spirits in the house. Although it probably didn't help I had an altar to Baphomet with a fresh blood sacrifice in the dining room, it was a poor excuse to get out of a conditional sale. 66 Reply ...
MeowMixMorgan 5mo ago We have dogs. When selling our home, the buyers (during the inspection phase) exercised their right to withdraw the offer because our dogs shit in the yard. Not that there was any shit in the backyard, as I do the ol poop and scoop, but their reasoning was you can't get all the poop out of the grass . 88 Reply ...
Celestial_Unicorn_ 5mo ago Not a realtor, but a child of a realtor. I called my mom just for this post Imao My mom once had clients who had their bid accepted on a house after very tense negotiations. They decided not to buy the house because once their offer was accepted, they felt like it was too easy to get the house, so there must be something wrong with it. They were shocked when their other bids weren't accepted and ultimately decided to stop looking for a house. 52 Reply ...
Jasper-Collins в 5mo ago Because the sellers refused to leave behind their bidet. They demanded the used bidet as a matter of principle. 56 Reply ...
SaTan_luvs_CaTs 5mo ago not a realtor, but when I was trying to sell my condo, someone found out I had cats and didn't want to buy for that reason alone. There was no carpet. They had no allergies. They just didn't like cats. The cats were coming with me when I moved and they didn't open up a portal to hell in the living room floor or anything. 95 Reply ...
ChiAnndego 5mo ago When we were looking at houses, I rejected quite a few because they were facing the wrong direction (ie. north). To be fair, I live at a high latitude, and living 3/4 of my life without sun coming in my windows was a no-go. 103 Reply ...
 5mo ago Te dumbest one I've ever experienced was a couple backing out because I refused to repair the city curb and gutter on the street and it made the house look trashy. It wasn't the approach. it was about 10' from the mailbox, where it looked as if someone parking on the street had continuously ran onto it or into it over the course of many years. 104 Reply ...
muncybr . 5mo ago Buyer loved the house until they opened the upstairs storage space. They screamed and ran downstairs because they found a dead bird. It was a large piece of pink insulation that had fallen down. 116 Reply ...
 5mo ago Not a realtor, but used to work for one. Had a client who was ready to close on a house, then backed out at the last minute because the neighborhood DID NOT have an HOA. I was stunned. My family was driven from the first house I grew up in by a psychotic HOA president who happened to be our next door neighbor. Harpies from hell, all of them, except maintenance-only ones, but pretty much all of those exist because someone got out of control. 276 Reply ...
temporalz 5mo ago During home inspection, one of the bolts that held down the master bedroom ensuite toilet was not installed into the floor strait, thus the bolt holding down the toilet wasn't sitting flush with the base of the toilet. The wife was uncomfortable sitting on a bent toilet. The husband was furious with the reason. Cancelled the deal anyways. Second home she cancelled because we couldn't confirm if anyone had died in the home. Husband was going to lose his shit. She ended up liking another home, which I thought was worst than the last one. And in
EarhornJones 5mo ago My elderly parents were looking to buy a house in the city where I live. One house met all of their criteria, and the furnishings inside even matched the furniture in their own home. Unfortunately, they were concerned that the arrangement of the kitchen would make it difficult for someone in the living room to hear the TV if someone in the kitchen was running the garbage disposal. I don't think they really wanted to move. 395 Reply ...
Agitated-Equipment59 5mo ago Loved the house. It fit all our needs. We were pumped. As we were leaving, we stood in the porch to take in the neighborhood. The house directly across the street had built shelves into the windows facing the house we were viewing. The shelves were filled with old creepy dolls staring at the house we were looking at. Hundreds of dull lifeless eyes waiting for you to go to sleep so they could kill you. They were Sun faded. We noped out of there with our realtor's blessing. It was 20 years ago and it still
. 5mo ago omfgjanne It was 12 minutes from a specific place instead of 10 187 Reply ...
Brucine 5mo ago My family home was bought by a young man in the military and his very quirky wife. They had already ruled out dozens of houses and settled on ours because it had adequate chi flow from the front door. When they saw that the bed was directly under a window in the bedroom, the wife freaked out and said that it was sucking out our brains. 2.8K Reply ...
sarcasticb 5mo ago Not a realtor, but I worked in finance at an RV dealership a few years back. I had a couple fly in from out of state to look at a brand new $400,000 unit that had specific features they were after and they put a deposit on it. I got them approved and scheduled a time for them to sign, but they backed out at the last minute because they weren't sure their cat would like it. They flew back home. 2.9K Reply ...
Myviewpoint62 5mo ago This story goes back to around 1960 but my parents found it so stupid they told me. A family friend and his young wife found a home they wanted to buy. The wife's mother was going to give them the down payment. They were super excited about the house and said it even had a breakfast bar, i.e. a counter with bar stools underneath, in the kitchen. The mother said no way would she ever allow her money to be spent on a house with a bar. They tried to explain it to her but ultimately could
mtcwby 5mo ago Not me but my dad did some residential and commercial back in the 70. Lady came in and loved the house until they got to a guest bedroom that was painted yellow. She instantly switched and said can't buy this house because this is yellow. My dad says We'll paint it. Any color you want. Her response drove him to do strictly commercial after that. But I'll know it was yellow once. 2.6K Reply ...
ThePirateDickbeard 5mo ago Spent around two months looking for a property with a couple. They barely qualified for what they were looking for, so each offer was a battle just to get it reviewed. Finally found a house that had a willing seller, good listing agent, and it checked all but one box. That box? The guest bathroom had a shower curtain the wife didn't like. Seriously. Not a glass door or anything permanent but a removable curtain held up by those bars you twist into place. I even offered to buy them a $200 gift card for Home Depot
WINTERSONG1111 5mo ago I knew someone who didn't buy a house because it had too many closets. Other than that, they thought the house was perfect. After a moment of stunned silence I suggested they buy the house and close some closet doors and just not use the closet(s). 5.2K Reply ...
twodogstwocats 5mo ago Former Realtor here. Had a couple that wanted to live in a specific neighborhood and wanted a rectangular pool with a small pool house and covered patio. There were exactly 3 houses in the neighborhood that met these requirements. I spoke with all 3 owners and one said they would sell and they were generous on their pricing. Why, you ask, did the couple decide not to buy? The house next door was yellow. 7.6K Reply ...
bushware 0 5mo ago Someone passed on our old house because the basement wasn't sound- proof enough, and didn't have good enough drainage. Apparently they butchered exotic animals and were worried the screams would be heard by the neighbors. 14 Reply ...


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