36 of the Dumbest Mistakes Made by Coworkers

‘Took the wrong coffin to a funeral’
36 of the Dumbest Mistakes Made by Coworkers

Dumb coworkers are a blessing. They can make a mistake so Earth-shatteringly stupid that it takes the heat off of everyone else at work for at least a few months. One Redditor knows all about this, as their coworker at Petco decided to buck the important system of separating the male and female guinea pigs, opting for their own system of separating them by short hair and long hair. Obviously, all of the female Guinea pigs got pregnant, and that coworker was the Petco Idiot™ for at least a year. 

Other Redditors have disclosed the dumbest things their coworkers have done, and we should all hope someone this stupid gets employed alongside us.

JCarr110 8mo ago In 2002 I ran a shoe store. I had a habit of paying attention to everyone's shoes in interviews and making small talk about them. Hired a new guy. One day I found a box of shoes with the shoes missing and this dude's shoes in the box. I knew they were his, but obviously couldn't prove it. Until he showed up at work in the missing shoes. 87 Share ...
NotMoose5407 8mo ago This guy I work with is like 0 for 60 on the tablet username and password. It's user and password. 99 Share ...
diegoplus . 8mo ago Copying the Desktop icons of apps on a floppy disk thinking she copied the full programs, to install them on her home computer. Share 145 ...
toddfredd 8mo ago A hostess at a restaurant I worked at on college. The owner taught her how to use the register. When things slowed down we found her ringing in things into the register. She was  practicing . She rang in over $2,000 of nonexistent charges. Took the owner three hours to correct it after closing 238 Share ...
Weary-Writer758 8mo ago Coworker took his girlfriend through a secure area of the airport to bypass screening before their flight. Airport was locked down, both arrested and of course he was fired. 174 Share ...
 2y ago Our broom closet has a sink in it. Coworker told us as we were prepping there was a leak in it, we trusted her and told her to call in a work order. Maintenance dude gets there, super busy guy, just to turn the faucet off in the sink. 21 ...
Background-Interview 2y ago Someone braised a brisket with pot and pan detergent on Thursday. Don't ask me how they managed to do that. 26 ... + More replies
angelaelle o 8mo ago Co-worker held a block of dry ice in her bare hands and asked, what is this? The box it came out of had a hazard sticker that said Dry Ice and then a bunch of cautions, like use gloves or tongs to pick up. Share 226 ...
. 8mo ago Mysterious-Owl1644 Suck up dead fish with a shop vac. Share 186 ...
hex_1101 8mo ago Worked at a fast food restaurant, and one of the managers locked herself out of the office. One of the employees had the bright idea of trying to get over the partition and through the ceiling. Не crashed through the office ceiling in a flame of glory dragging cables and bent metal supports with him. 140 Share ...
badatusersnames 2y ago Dish Either the guy that tried to jump scare me while I was about to pour filtered fryer oil back in to the fryers, or the supervisor that watched him do it and did nothing about it 29 ...
hubertcumberdale420 8mo ago Worked at Chick-fil-A and the kid in the cow costume decided to walk over to the Walmart nearby and ride bikes around still in the costume. The manager called and was like hey do you know your cow is riding bicycles around in our store? Share 232 ...
WillardFist . 8mo ago Put a bunch of freshly sharpened knives in a sink that was full of soapy water and didn't tell anyone. Another coworker got like 5 large cuts on his hand while reaching in to start cleaning dishes. Share 560 ...
Express_Let8362 e 8mo ago Cutting his hair at the bar, he was the bartender... Share 954 ...
emby5 . 8mo ago Office manager pitched the idea of having a live shooter drill, and not telling anyone in advance. Share 1.5K ...
 8mo ago Worked with a lot of hazardous chemicals. Had a coworker who was notorious for being on his phone. We had to use a pump to put a hazardous chemical into a tank. Problem was you couldn't look at the destination and pump the pump at the same time. Someone had to pump and someone had to watch. So I specifically asked said coworker to not look at his phone this one time. Tank overflowed and spilt the chemical everywhere because he was staring at his phone. Took hours to clean up. 3.3K Share ...
psych0h0sebeast 8mo ago I had a coworker that smelled of booze at 7am. Supervisor told him he smelled like booze, and made a couple of get lost/go hide somewhere remarks. Coworker was offended, and demanded to be given a breathalyzer. Coworker blew hot and was terminated. The end. 447 Share ...
MrFavorable . 8mo ago My best friend, he took his mop bucket and poured it down a water fountain instead of using the closet with a sink that was literally right next to the water fountain. Не got fired the next day. 723 Share ...
zyygh 8mo ago Не opened a Skype window (yes, this was ~10 years ago) and started messaging me to shit-talk a person who was in the same call as us. Except, he forgot he was sharing his screen. 3K Share ...
Lichruler 8mo ago Taking out and using a vape pen in a clean room area that had an acid hood with butanol, nitric acid, and hydrofluoric acid in it. Suffice to say he wasn't employed for long after that. 2.3K Share ...
LinusMeindl e 8mo ago One dude once photocopied a slice of pizza. We found cheese and stuff inside the machine for weeks. Was pretty funny though. 3.5K Share ...
2gecko1983 8mo ago Telling the manager on duty, I'm not the one eating it, so why should I care? when the manager was trying to explain to her how to correctly prepare a customer's food. 2.4K Share ...
Lizzy_Of_Galtar 8mo ago I asked one of the new kids to stack the shoe department. Easy if but a bit boring. I showed her, stack by brand then size, big at the bottom, small top yeah? She decided to organise it by the color of the boxes instead because it looked prettier. Took me hours to fix that mess. 6.2K Share ...
Shubabi 2y ago Took the wrong coffin to a funeral. Someone else had to drive to the cemetery with the correct deceased on board, and thankfully they made it before the viewing. 21K ...
ribeye256 2y ago Worked in a machine shop. One of the lathe operators left the bar of cold rolled steel he was turning hanging out the back. When he turned the machine on, it literally deformed and turned into a a freaking helicopter blade ripped the back of the machine apart, and eventually flew off at high speed. Luckily no one got hit by it. If so, they'd be dead. 6.1K ...
Psychological-East91 . 2y ago One of my coworkers took an order to feed 150 people and told them two platters of sandwiches would do. Each platter is 5 sandwiches cut into 3 bits. So at best, they'd have 30 pieces of sandwiches to feed 150 people. Не doubled down and everything and had days to figure it out. 750 ...
 2y ago Edited 2y ago I worked in a paint shop and every time a new chemical was introduced to the shop, I would ask about the hazards. They would tell me that it is a green chemical; there are no hazards. It's baby safe they would say. Once when I entered the shop I saw a guy using a new spray. The side of the bucket indicated that it was dangerously poisonous and highly corrosive. I told him that he should be using a mask and gloves to use that chemical. Не said Don't worry, it's baby safe.
Mr_Frible . 2y ago Tried to retrieve his lighter from a deep fat fryer with his hands. boy was that fun to clean up. 12K ...
theysocool 2y ago The office we worked in was shut down due to covid and the company went 100% remote. A new senior engineer was hired to work directly with our product team and also manage a team of developers. During our company wide weekly zoom meeting after he was done presenting for the company he turned his camera off but forgot to put him self on mute. 100+ people heard this man playing Fortnite and talking down about the company to someone else in the background among other things. Не only lasted a month. 12K ...
RosenBrtt 2y ago I used to work for a landscaping company and over the course of a summer I witnessed one of my co-workers accidentally set 3 different things on fire (a hedge trimmer, a truck, and himself) 12K ...
ShiroHachiRoku 2y ago Edited 2y ago Social worker here. We're supposed to see clients who live with families once a year. A mom of a kid kept calling her worker but got no answer. Mom called the on call worker who discovered the assigned worker had logged the visits in and made thorough notes. The mom said she never saw her in two years. This led to her whole caseload being audited and then they found she had logged a visit with a client who'd been dead for months. While being audited, her supervisor decided to do a surprise visit
Onwisconsin42 2y ago I worked on a golf course during the summer. Area with lots of poison ivy. Two of my coworkers were instructed to weedy a river edge area. If we encounter poison ivy, we either stop what we are doing or go get full suit protection with respirators. These dumbasses were weedwhacking in the thickest poison ivy I had ever seen. No protective suit or glasses or respirator. I roll up and notice what the hell they're doing and point out all the poison ivy everywhere- they were aerosolizing the oil. They both ended up in the hospital
Ohiolongboard в 2y ago . Edited 2y ago Tried to cool down hot oil (in a chute, all ready to be emptied) with a nice big bucket of water.....I heard THOMAS NO only to turn around and see a GEYSER of hot oil shooting towards the ceiling before it hit and splashed down around him. Nobody was hurt some fucking how
atot806 2y ago The designer, creative director and head of production all missed that there was an eight day week on a calendar. We sent 10000 copies of a useless calendar to a client. Rightly so, they refused to pay for it. 11K ...
PumpkinsDad в 2y ago At a Petco all the Guinea pigs were in a big plexi-glass enclosure with a center divider. Boys on one side and girls on the other. An employee decided that all the long haired Guinea pigs should be on one side and short haired on the other. It took forever to sort them out and all the females were pregnant. 9.2K ...
Brother_Outl... o 8mo ago e Edited 8mo ago During a home remodel a co-worker ran hot water lines to the toilet. It was the funniest thing I've ever seen. You flushed it a few times, steam would roll out of the bowl and the whole thing would get so hot that you couldn't sit on it 83 Share ...


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