40 Battered Bits of Trivia That Are Ready for A Deep-Frying in That Boiling Brain of Yours

Dunk these in and let them soak
40 Battered Bits of Trivia That Are Ready for A Deep-Frying in That Boiling Brain of Yours

Well, we couldnt have made this any easier for you. Like the morning-shift crew in the kitchen, we chopped these facts, whipped up some fresh batter and changed your brains fryer oil. You just had to step in here, open up that skull of yours and drop in this basket of tasty goods.

Now just do us a solid and tell our manager what a great job we did. Thanks.

Helena Bonham Carter

Helena Bonham Carter accidentally ruptured Neville Longbottom's eardrum. CRACKED.COM While filming Harry Pot- ter and the Order of the Phoenix, she accidental- ly perforated Matthew Lewis' eardrum when she stuck her wand into his ear canal.


The Great British Bake Off

Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively enjoy The Great British Bake Off. N CO C say DIEGO CON Apparently, that's their favorite thing to watch together. Reynolds says that Everybody on the show is nice to each other, which I find refreshing. CRACKED.COM


Star Wars

40 Battered Bits of Trivia That Are Ready for A Deep-Frying in That Boiling Brain of Yours

Peter Yarrow

CRACKEDCON Peter Yarrow (center) is the Peter of the folk group Peter, Paul and Mary. He's also a convicted sex offender. He went to prison in the '70

Christopher Walken

CRACKED.COM Christopher Walken dances a lot in his movies. That's because he started out as a dancer rather than an actor, and he tries to incorporate


Millionaires and celebrities hire personal CRACKEDCON shoppers to do their holiday shopping. They charge $400 an hour or a percentage of the shopping


Genie from Aladdin wouldn't have been a comic relief if he had looked like the original sketch envisioned. ORACKEDCON


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