40 Random Bits of Trivia That Look Just As Cool As Smoking 40 Cigarettes (And Without the Harmful Side Effects)

Here, read these with the cool kids under the bleachers
40 Random Bits of Trivia That Look Just As Cool As Smoking 40 Cigarettes (And Without the Harmful Side Effects)

Dont let their jean-jacket-clad bad boy image fool you, these facts are complete nerds come test time. Its probably because their parents are so strict. At school, they put on that tough-guy act for their friends and teachers, but if they ever bring home a B, theyll be grounded for life. 

So dont be intimidated. These “bad boys” are harmless.

Lynne Cheney

Dick Cheney's wife Lynne published a lesbian romance novel. S0NET454-411204-52.500 SISTERS LYNNECHENEY TTHENON'EL ONA STRONOO AND EALITIFLL WYMLANY W B80E ALLTHE RULISOETHE ALERICRS FRONTIER Sisters was considered so controversial, Cheney persuaded the publisher not to re-issue it in the 2004 re-election year (it was written about 25 years earlier). CRACKED.COM

Source: CNN

Mary Shelley

MARY SHELLEY wrote a book at 19 that has become a classic - Frankenstein. Written in the 19th century, it was science fiction exploring themes of scientific progress, human dignity, and justice. CRACKED


A Windows XP computer infected with six types of malware was auctioned for $1.3 million. Stand - the Computer National - - Shared documents - - I Administrator WORTH ... - I - Restrictions - Marage - Decamando . - Expires - Petines - ask Ins the - Photo I - Computer Media Have Teconger - houpen Acomo and the - - Product and Tom - and Settings - - - The laptop is part of an artwork titled The Persistence of Chaos, and was a joint project between artist Guo o Dong and cyber-security company Deep Instinct. CRACKED.COM


Scarlett Johansson

CRACKED.COM scarlett Johansson she hates the nickname scarJo. I associate that name with, like, pop stars. It sounds tacky. It's lazy and flippant.

Source: Glamour


Cristiano Ronaldo's sister Katia Aveiro is a musician who's put out six albums. Until 2013, her stage name had been Ronalda, and at one point she announced that she wanted to represent Portugal in the EuroVision Song Contest. CRACKED.COM

Source: GQ

The Holy Grail

BEHIND-THE-SCENESFACTS ROCK MUSIC HELPED FINANCE THE MOVIE THE HOLY GRAIL The movie managed to get made thanks to the financial backing of rock bands like Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin, and several record labels. Pink Floyd bandmates used the proceeds from their hit album Dark Side of the Moon

New Girl

Max Greenfield had a Saturday Night ive-themed bar mitzvah The New Girl star even had a Blues Brothers cake. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED COM

The Boraro

40 Random Bits of Trivia That Look Just As Cool As Smoking 40 Cigarettes (And Without the Harmful Side Effects)
Source: ABC


In Algeria, 70% of lawyers and 60% of judges are women, as are 60% of university students. CRACKEDOON

Mayim Bialik

Mayim Bialik breastfed her son past the age of 3 years old. She thinks that children should have a say when it comes to deciding when to wean. CRACKED

Justin Theroux

Justin Theroux made some extra money selling snow cones at a Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus in Japan. ARNUM RINGCS BAILEY 3RS The actor tra


Disney resorted to changing the film title Moana to Oceania in ltaly... CLANIA DisNEY ...in order to avoid connotations of Moana Pozzi, Italy's most p

Witcher 3

40 Random Bits of Trivia That Look Just As Cool As Smoking 40 Cigarettes (And Without the Harmful Side Effects)


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