32 Trivia Tidbits About Money

Penny for your thoughts. Dollar for your facts
32 Trivia Tidbits About Money

Have we got a list for you! We found all kinds of spicy, pricey facts on cash, cheddar, coin, lettuce, greenbacks, bucks, bread, scratch, dough, moolah, simoleons, Benjamins and dolla dolla bills y’all! 

That last one was a Wu-Tang reference. Yeah, we’re cool like that. It’s from “C.R.E.A.M. (Cash Rules Everything Around Me).” We’re usually preaching “Cash Facts Rule Everything Around Us,” but C.F.R.E.A.U. is just such a horrible acronym. We’ll stick to the facts and leave the wordplay to the Wu.

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Intelligence and Wealth

CRACKED COM People with below average intelligence are just as likely to be wealthy One study found people from similar backgrounds with higher IQ scores tended to earn higher incomes but weren't any less likely to avoid financial difficulty, making them just as likely to be rich or poor as anyone else.


Giant Gambling Losses

CRACKED OVER $100 MILLION GAMBLED AWAY One businessman lost more than $100 million in 2007 at a chain of casinos in Las Vegas. It's said that he was given alcohol and drugs to keep him gambling.



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