40 Random Bits of Trivia Mom Says You Have to Finish Before You Can Go Outside and Play

When facts are for dinner, it’s like Mom letting you have ice cream after you finish all your ice cream
40 Random Bits of Trivia Mom Says You Have to Finish Before You Can Go Outside and Play

Dont be fooled by their appearance, just because these facts look healthy doesnt mean theyre a chore to get through. Youre not muscling down cauliflower here. Heck, if you were originally hoping to blow through these to get on with more fun activities, you might find that these facts are way better than whatever else you had planned.

After all, stranger things have happened.

Frozen Noodles

In 2020, 9 members of the same family died in China after eating noodles that were in the freezer for a year. CRACKED.COM The corn-based noodles, a local Chinese dish called Suantangzi, gave them Bongkrekic acid poisoning. Three children in the fami- ly didn't like the taste and refused to eat them, sav- ing their lives.


Danny Trejo


Pride and Prejudice

Colin Firth's wet shirt scene in Pride and Prejudice was going to be a nude scene. The screenwriter isn't sure why they changed it from full-frontal nudity-- it might have been down to the studio or the actor. CRACKED.COM

Source: Vulture


Scientists at the University of Wurzburg in Germany calculated at what frequency termites will eat faster neoe Their findings? Termites generally chew

Trevor Noah

Trevor Noah was the voice of Griot in Black Panther. If that talking A.I. sounded familiar, it's almost certainly because you've seen an episode of The Daily Show. Considering a griot is an African storyteller, Noah (who grew up in Apartheid-era South Africa) was an appropriate choice. And he was able to understand Xhosa without subtitles, too. CRACKED.COM

Osmosis Jones

The chicken wing festival in Buffalo started because of the movie Osmosis Jones. The National Chicken Wing Festival in Buffalo, New York that Bill Murray's character mentions wasn't a thing at the time, but this idea caused organizers to actually create the festival - which has been active for 16 years. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW

Buffalo Wing

The Wedding Crashers

Roles Almost Played by Nicolas Cage The Wedding Crashers Will Ferrell's brief cameo is memorable-but it might have been even more memorable with Nic Cage instead. CRACKED.COM

Source: /Film


Shazam (previously known as Captain Marvel) actually made his first on-screen appearance in 1941. Adventures of Captain Marvel was a 12-part black and


This untitled watercolor by Wassily Kandinsky has been called the first Abstract painting. Kandinsky realized that simply using colors and shapes coul


Charlie And The Chocolate Factory. has nut-sorting squirrels. Those are real, live, trained squirrels. It took months to train the squirrels to sort n

Small Talk

Engaging in small talk seems like the best way to connect. But... You'll probably sound like an idiot. Researchers had men spend a few minutes in the


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