35 Facts About the Paranormal and Supernatural to Instantly Flash Into Your Brain Like a Neuralyzer in Reverse

35 Facts About the Paranormal and Supernatural to Instantly Flash Into Your Brain Like a Neuralyzer in Reverse

You might want to wait till the sun comes up before you peruse these frightening facts. Unless the ghosts, ghouls, aliens and mythological creatures in your life are day walkers too! Man, that’d be terrible. If you’re being haunted day and night, maybe skip this list. You’ve seen enough.

BTS STORIES FROM HORROR MOVIES 2019 ANNABELLE COMES HOME The set for the third Annabelle installment was so spooky, a priest had to intervene. A piano bench would move by itself, door knocks would be randomly heard, and performers saw shadowy figures on the set. CRACKED.COM


BTS STORIES FROM HORROR MOVIES 1982 POLTERGEIST Tragedy followed this film. Actress Dominique Dunne was strangled and died in the same year the film came out, and Heather O'Rourke died of cardiac arrest at age 12, in 1988. A priest exorcized the set of the 1986 sequel, so maybe it all comes from the original using actual human remains for the pool scene. CRACKED.COM


CRACKED ANCIENT ROCK ART The head of the SETI organization's Interstellar Message Composition suggested that ancient rock art could be a sign of aliens, and that scientists might have trouble recognizing signs of alien life because they could look like something natural.


CRACKED AN ANCIENT STRUCTURE The mayor of Șanliurfa, Turkey, suggested that the 12,000-year-old Göbeklitepe archaeological site might have been built by aliens. Не pointed to the purse motifs on the statues, as well as T-shaped pillars that weigh up to 20 tons, as evidence.


CRACKED.COM If your money inexplicably goes missing in Malaysia, you can blame it on a Toyol. Toyols are mischievous child spirits invoked by witch doctors from aborted babies. They are used to perform petty crimes for them, as long as they are fed with blood every night.


A Tiyanak is a Philippine mythological monster that disguises itself as a baby crying for help in the middle of the woods. The Tiyanak turns into a monster when its lured victim is near, then goes back to being a helpless baby after killing its victim. CRACKED.COM


In Brazil, a tall, skinny woman with long yellow fingernails and red eyes is believed to be the cause of sleep paralysis. She is the Pisadeira A PISADEIRA Apeau de ogadesico 100 upa de quese official HIT Premis un quites securale per cittle Robin fiter deles hospital compridos in congenuale Para complete in abilities SINCE Proteida denocando olive that Da if Israpido responsivil pd pos quando LAND mission milk number dormir logo en . Photoins dona de with THE peko - every de hurrigi purcitu- para respiração dannie Qualio minds, - - cansado por Sitar the e pude etc not


Myths with real-life consequences Ghosts (that hang out in houses) A ghost whisperer checked out Hull, UK's most haunted house, and caught some creepy, unexplained noises on camera. Не also felt a presence and heard voices, bangs, and scratching, plus a hiss when he lay in a coffin. CRACKED


Myths with real-life consequences Ghosts (the canine kind) Robbie Williams (yes, that Robbie Williams) sold his house because it was too haunted for his tastes. His daughter said she didn't like living there, and Williams himself says he saw his dog Trixie's ghost there. CRACKED


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