40 Slovenly Bits of Trivia That Spout Their Worldly Views From Mommy’s Basement

Bring these facts some lasagna and they’ll tell you anything you want to know
40 Slovenly Bits of Trivia That Spout Their Worldly Views From Mommy’s Basement

These facts may have overstayed their welcome, but were constantly flip flopping between kicking them out or letting them stay. On one hand, theyre using up space that wed like to use for a pool table (and making said space disgusting), but on the other, they provide us with incredibly valuable knowledge. 

You know what? We made up our minds, and were letting them go. Their mom dumped them on us, and now were dumping them on you. Enjoy their factual goodness while we take measurements for this pool table.

Stalking John Malkovich

INDIE MOVIES OF THE '90s BEING JOHN MALKOVICH JOHN MALKOVICH'S AGENTS APPARENTLY THOUGHT CHARLIE KAUFMAN WAS A STALKER. Kaufman got the distinct impression that the floor 7 1/2 in his script raised some red flags, as Malkovich was living in an unlikely apartment 7 1/2 in Manhattan. CRACKED.COM


Dumb Criminals

PROVE IT, COPPER! CRACKED.COM In 2011, a California gang member was arrested for driving with an expired license. While in custody, police noticed that his chest tattoos depicted an unsolved liquor store robbery and murder. After questioning, he confessed and was convicted.

Source: abcnews


Alfred Hitchcock installed a sexual harassment door. THE BIRDS CRACKED COM Hitchcock was a horrible creep to Tippi Hedren, stalking her and making shameless, aggressive sexual advances. The worst thing he did was threaten to ruin her if she wouldn't boink him; the dumbest was installing a door between her dressing


Smells in stores may be fake. That lovely freshly-baked bread smell? There's a good chance it's artificial. Nebulization technology, which vaporizes


Throughout history, syphillis went by many names in different countries, and it was mostly named after those countries' enemies. For example, the Fren

Hugh Jackman

40 Slovenly Bits of Trivia That Spout Their Worldly Views From Mommy’s Basement


Alcatraz prison's scary reputation is Hollywood nonsense. Other federal inmates often requested transfers there because of its good food and humane co

Paul Rudd

Paul Rudd glazed hams. To save up money for a move to Los Angeles, Rudd got a job at Holiday Ham Company. There he would sift sugar onto a heated ham


GRAGKEDO PeG Candle maker William Procter and soap maker James Gamble had nothing in common but the materials in their products, until they married si


Bekoji is a small town in Ethiopia. It has around 17 OOO citizens. Runners from this town won over 30 world championships and 16 Olympic medals. For r


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