34 of the Funniest Tweets from Friday, March 21, 2025

America is so beautiful
34 of the Funniest Tweets from Friday, March 21, 2025

Family Guy wasn’t always a smash-hit TV show with 431 episodes and so many controversies they even have their own dedicated Wikipedia page. Back in 1995, the Seth MacFarlane-created series was nothing more than a 16-minute animatic, which sparked viral attention after being unearthed on Twitter earlier this week.

“This looks like A.I. tried to recreate Family Guy from memory,” wrote one Twitter user in response to the news while another claimed stills from the pilot evoked “early ‘90s cartoon horror.” 

Family Guy’s eerie early days aren’t the only bit of ‘90s cartoon news that made headlines this week either. In a recent interview with The Ringer’s Alan Siegel, Basic Instinct director Paul Verhoeven clarified that the Bart Simpson keychain featured in the 1992 erotic thriller was never intended to be a shoutout to the Fox staple. “In my storyboard, I had drawn a close-up keychain coming out of Beth’s pocket. And among these keys was a finger-long little puppet — also hanging on the keychain ring,” he recalled. “As my storyboards were often used by the crew to find out what I had in mind, the prop master might have, seeing my drawing, (put) a Simpsons character in there.”

Unlike Bart’s cinema stint, the hilarious tweets below were all crafted with care, including those detailing tardy interviewees, “goated” spam emails and the insanity of Instagram Reels comments.

XI cigs @AngryVoter2024 - 19h ... as an american I instantly imagined burger Julie @iLoveEndorphins - 1d Forgot what I was going to say 66 1.3K 32K 420K
matt @mattybtweets69-3 3h ... The left testicle is the more logical and analytical one. The right is the creative and artistic testicle. 5 97 1.1K 14K
samulige (follows back) @samulig... .1d x ... low key fell off 43K 466K 526 5M
tropical waves @trhopicalw... 1d XI ... Not my house but I know my way around - 3.6K 26 590K 19K
The Notorious J.O.V. @whotfi... .20h XI ... Women with a time machine don't go to mcdonalds okay thanks men with a time machine don't go to mcdonalds okay thanks 190 60K 6 3.9K
NATE @NATERERUN• 1d XI ... Ordering a seafood boil and paying $12 every 2 weeks >>>> Pop Base @PopBase. 1d Klarna announces they have signed DoorDash as a partner. Customers can opt to split payments into four equal, interest-free installments or defer them to match their payday schedule. DOORDASH Klarna. Smoooth payments 206 3.5K 59K 3.1M
@buffys . 1d x1 ... @maddisontrog Primrose Everdeen Manchester City @ManCity.1d Guess who!? 49 2.1K 62K 1.2M
imagine owning the world's grea... 14h XI ... Bald guys are hottttttt like come over here egghead lets fckkkk 57 411 4.4K 178K
pomegranate 3: @psychadelicfurr.1d XI ... Yuengling LAGER AMERICA'S OLDEST BREWERY this and missing every single shot 230 21K 169K 3.8M
Zane Hamilton @zaneo_11 1d x ... Tornado warning? Nah, I'm warning the tornado TR ОЯ СК ЯО ВЯ 525 20K 244K 5.6M
star @stxrinsky.1 16h XI ... stop the train WC SLUTSTATION we're home 955 31 10K del 240K
no context memes @weirdda... 1d X ... Born to: Forced to: 6:00am 6:30am Earn 7:00am X 8:00am 9:00am 335 60K 392K 11M
WholesomeMemes @Wholes... .19h XI ... Cancel my H.Schaduwloper plans, my cat just sat on me. 5 574 6.5K 201K
X caitie delaney @caitiedelaney.14 16h ... saying hello to little birds that you see outside is free and feels fuckin awesome 11 182 1.5K 32K
Anna @superd0ne.1 1d XI ... do I have to explain @buffys3/12/25 drop an 11/10 outfit 826 11K 165K 7M
jason @Jasgagger.1d XI ... wasp came out a pizza box and scared tf out of me and i panicked and covered him in buffalo sauce but now i feel kinda bad 1.5M 611 4.9K 87K
Zack Voell @zackvoell.1 13h ... the year is 2038 and you owe $50,000 of burrito debt to doordash but you can pay it all off by living in mr beasts minivan for 80 days 88 2,412 37.6K 824K
XI james @jamescoulee. 1d ... oh okay JONATHAN BAILEY jbayleaf 5.4M followers 65 posts You don't follow each other on Instagram View profile 12:33 don't reply if you think im sexy and want to marry me New messages 89 69K 908K 1.8K
Dildo Baggins @EmmaTolkin 17h ... Checking out at the grocery store and the cashier goes just so you know these grapes are $22, are you ok with that? TWENTY TWO DOLLAR GRAPES????? 82 251 8.4K 123K
caro @stylesgala 21h G ... i literally think about this tweet every day catalina Follow @fiImaker Y'all would fuck a tree if it had abs and blue eyes @newdiaryentry-7/15/23 oh! techsiren @techhsiren Mar 15 is there a specific post that you still think about 71 2.7K 60K del 1.2M
Dan Douglas @dandouglas Mar 20 0 ... one of the most celebrated artists of all time who painted dozens of self- portraits and the top image is Al-generated lol Vincent van Gogh Dutch painter Overview Artworks On view Movies El Correo Born Died 30 Mar 1853 29 Jul 1890 Zundert, Netherlands Auvers-sur-Oise,,... Overview 270 11K 222K 2.3M
dille @nescartridges 18h G ... 2025 feels like it was written by a 14 year old DF DiscussingFilm @DiscussingFilm 20h Grimace in the live-action MINECRAFT movie world for a new McDonalds ad. 134 5.4K 97K 1.1M ارار
That radical social work chick @sandinistaoliva Mar 20 20 bucks he's either a social worker or a public defender Sylvia @sylveeyahh Mar 19 i just saw a guy cry for 6 minutes and then his phone alarm went off and he just stopped crying and went right on back to work...just like that???? 83 1.8K 56K 1.2M
Pharaoh @MrMekzy_.22h G ... Jordin_Sparks_No_Air_ft_Chris_Brown_mp3_download NoteS. @NoteSphere . Mar 20 you just had to be there. NoteSphere XpressMusic NOKIA 12:43 ٢٠١ 1/1 Music player Wizkid Don't Dull Superstar WIKKID 04:01 03:05 Back Options def 3 2 abc 100 mno 6 5 jkl 4 ghi wxyz 9 8 tuv 7 pqrs 0 337 5.7K 30K 904K
G ... Images AI Could Never Recreate @imagesaicouldnt. 20h instagram reels is crazy To the mom who is driving their child to another therapy session.8k while your friends cart their kids to sports practice. 4,126 Comments i evaslackofketchup 2w Hey I'm gonna draw you as a pregnant furry 21.5K Reply 12 81 2.4K del 37K
nuevo @nuevothato 6h ... Getting tipsy and maintaining that >>> KILL @broztitute 6h getting drunk <<< 29 3K 11K del 359K
crashed my 1994 impreza into a bollard :/ / @MaskTheMovie . 12h ... goated spam name Michelle Poop Mar 17 ! Subscription Renewal Confirmation - Inv... Token Date: Monday, March 17, 2025 Tok... 2 261 3.7K 69K
Cof fee Lovers and Fans J ;@tonyhawktruther - 21h ... *rubs the big JFK-shaped bulge in my belly* I don't knooooow Joe Rogan @joerogan Mar 18 So, who killed JFK? 10 839 15K 439K
emmy @emxlymargaret - 18h ... we had an interviewee scheduled at 11 am who came in at 4:30 pm because she felt like coming later 85 209 12K 255K
kelpo @Omokelp . 21h ... I love my mom but why is she like that 222 13K 63K del 1.2M
Out of Context Human Race @NoContextHumans. 10h G ... Simpler times gangnam style society in 2012 49 144 2.5K del 114K
simone kessell pickleball updates @lottiesacolytex. 19h G ... i think about this every day of my life me and the little amish girl found at the farmers market after take her to sephora O NOS PALEYFEST citi & THE citi UNIVER Die ALEYFEST YFEST EYFI MEDIA iti ST EYFEST MEDIA LE LEYFES ti EST citi ALEYFEST techsiren @techhsiren Mar 15 is there a specific post that you still think about 6 875 16K 335K
evan loves worf @esjesjesj 18h G ... Spelled department wrong Elon Musk X @elonmusk.8m DEPARTMENT UNITED STATES OF OF AMERICA EDUCATION @PlanetOfMemes Departmen of Education 1.3K 1.8K 14K 406K 330 3.5K 78K 927K
SAL THE HUMAN @The8BitIdiot.22h XI ... Millennial retirement planning. PULL KMS Financial Solutions 1.7K 18 11K 282K


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