31 of the Wildest Things People Have Witnessed at the Airport

‘Someone left a suitcase with $5,000 in it’
31 of the Wildest Things People Have Witnessed at the Airport

When it comes to air travel, most folks have their pre-flight regimen down pat — they make their way through security, flip through a three-month-old magazine at the bookstore and then drop $27 on a single beer. But this tried-and-true routine wasn’t enough for one traveler, so she decided to take certain matters into her own hands. 

In an attempt to speed up the boarding process, the frantic flyer broke onto a corporate airport’s “secure ramp area,” demanding she personally load her bags onto the aircraft. “By the time one of our line service guys saw her, she had the main entry door opened up on a Global XRS aircraft. When he pulled up, she looked at him and asked if he could help her get her bags onboard, when he told her he couldn’t, she told him she was going to fly the plane to China and didn’t want to be late,” Redditor chuchubott recalled of the incident, noting that after the occurrence, the boarding process became much more strict.

This China-bound passenger was far from the only one to amp up security with their antics — from $10,000 fines to sneaky stowaways, airport employees and vacationers alike have shared the wildest things they’ve witnessed at the airport.

magic_zipper 7y ago A little different, but I work Avionics on F-22s in the Air Force. Most of the work is done outside. One day on mid shift we get told to go inside, turn off the lights, and not look outside. Not knowing what the hell was going on, we obviously complied. Once everyone was inside, the big stadium lights that covered the entire airfield were turned off and all the entire airfield was dark. We heard low rumbling in the distance that was getting closer and rumors started flying. We were under attack, aliens, you name it. Eventually
DomLite 7y ago Edited 7у ago | work at my local airport (I live on a tiny island and this airport is smaller than our library), and just last summer we had a hurricane looming down on us. Everyone is getting packed up to evacuate, we're renting cars like crazy to people fleeing and we're trying to get them out of the storm area. I was out checking on the cars we had and when I walked back up there was a man sitting on a bench out front, with an apocalyptic-looking storm bearing down on us, wind whipping everywhere,
 7y ago Worked at Perth airport until recently. Most flights in Perth go to Bali and you see some right characters (read: Bali bogans). A Jetstar flight was delayed by 7 hours and a woman and her husband used the time to get absolutely shitfaced. The woman fancied a cigarette and rather than go outside and go through security again, lit up in the middle of the duty free. My colleagues quickly tried to stop her, but she told them to fuck off. Cue airport police, $10,000 fine and no flight to Bali.... should have listened to the staff...
ironwolf56 7y ago Edited 7y ago Worked for a summer as a skycap at an airport in Maine. A couple of the 9/11 hijackers came through that airport, and then to Logan (in Boston) which is where the hijacking took place; they chose this airport in Portland precisely because it was kinda podunk and no one would pay attention as much. A guy I worked with actually showed them to where the rental car place was because the way the airport was set up back then it was in this weird corner and people would ask for our help to
Chupacabra_Sandwich 7y ago I used to do cargo for Delta and British Airways. We ship A LOT of dead people. A lot of animals, too. They actually sent me to la to go to a class entirely on animal handling. THere's regulations and procedures for EVERYTHING all the way up to Elephants and whales and shit. Weirdest thing we ever got to actually ship was an alligator of some sort. 9.2K Award Share ... Jebbediahh 7y ago A whale. On an airplane. Flying. Award Share 2.5K ...
Streder 7y ago Pittsburgh international, 3am or so several years ago. Watched an older woman tumble down the up escalator. Every time she flipped over she yelled I'm ok like Filburt from Rocko's Modern Life. Flop I'm ok Flop I'm ok Flop I'm ok Rolled in place for maybe a minute before someone shut the thing off. - 23K Award Share ... FlaccidOctopus 7y ago That sounds hilariously painful 6K Award Share ...
chuchubott 7y ago I worked at a corporate aircraft maintenance place, and we had a situation where this crazy woman somehow got out on the secured ramp area. By the time one of our line service guys saw her she had the main entry door opened up on a Global XRS aircraft. When he pulled up she looked at him and asked if he could help her get her bags onboard, when he told her he couldn't, she told him she was going to fly the plane to China and didn't want to be late. After that occurance the security
R8RBruin 7y ago Not me, but my father was regional manager of one of the rental car companies at the airport and on 9/11 when all flights were grounded everyone needed rental cars and it was havoc. My father said the phone rang and he almost didn't answer because he was so busy, turns out it was the company CEO and ordered him to hand out keys free. No cost, no documentation as the situation was severe and all other major rental companies followed suit. Not necessarily strange, funny or scary but it is one of the few stories he
Flupsy 7y ago A schoolfriend's father worked on Passport Control at Gatwick in the mid-80s. In those days passports were often handwritten and had spaces for things like 'distinguishing features'. One day a young woman presented her passport to him, and he opened it and compared the photo... and then paused before saying 'this is a bit unusual'. Не showed her the open passport which read in part: 'Distinguishing Features: BIG TITS'. She exclaimed 'my bloody brother, I'll kill him!' 1.6K Award Share ... + 17 more replies
Harribacker 7y ago Edited 7y ago Not an employee. Dad ran a business in Missouri and hired a mechanic who ended up being horrible. Left his tools everywhere, trucks he worked on would break down, everything was covered in oily fingerprints, etc. Employee was fired and forgotten. Fast forward a few years, my parents are on their honeymoon in Cancun getting on the plane to come back home, when the pilot announces over the PA system that the plane can't take off for a while because of maintenance. My dad looks out the window at the wing and sees oily
Sk8Chach 7y ago Not me, but a friend. Не used to work refueling planes. Most days during lunch he would sit in the airport and do some people watching. Anyway a cart with a bunch a baggage rolls by and the bag on the end falls off without anyone noticing, but him. After some time security is notified of the unknown bag. Taking all precautions security bring in the bomb sniffing dog to check it out. The dog sniffs it for a second and then all of a sudden begins to dryhump the bag. This was all before 9/11 6.5K
 7y ago Airports employ falconers. The birds are used to keep other birds away from aircraft, because a bird in an engine can really mess up someone's day. So this falconer had come into the airport with his bird to grab a cup of coffee. Не decided to try to impress some ladies by taking the hawks hood off and doing a little demonstration. What he failed to notice was the starlings resting outside on a steel beam. Hawk flew after starlings, smoked the glass and broke it's neck. Thousands of dollars worth of highly trained bird, gone. -
EatLard 7y ago I work the cargo ramp. We're at the very edge of the main runway, and there's a marshy area about 200 ft from the end of the runway. One day we saw a pickup roll out on the service road near the marsh, and hear several shotgun blasts. A couple minutes later, the airport guys in the truck roll up and ask if anyone wants some free geese. One of our crew took two dead geese home and smoked them for us. Delicious. Apparently, the geese were just coming right back to that spot if they were
nursebad 7y ago I was in the San Juan PR airport in the American Airlines terminal on the morning of the 10th anniversary of 9/11. At 8am everything came to a halt and there was a call for a minute of silence. All American Airlines employees just stopped, hung their heads and slowly everyone else stopped talking. It was pretty much quite other than traffic and some industrial hum. It went from controlled chaos to stillness and back. 718 ...
Doomwaffle9 7y ago On the way back through TSA from a class trip to Germany one of my classmates got pulled aside from the group because he bought gummy bears in bulk from a Haribo store and they thought he was smuggling something in them. Dude just really liked gummies. 675 ... RhydianMarai 7y ago I had a classmate get so many bottles of olive oil in Germany that he had to put them in other people's luggage to stay in the weight limit. Something about high schoolers and Germany I guess! 197 ...
Timidviking 7y ago At Frankfurt airport some time last year there was a lady who tested positive for explosives. She somehow got away from the airport security. Airport gets shutdown and they start evacuating the terminals. German security officers start yelling for everyone to move towards the train. Someone yells okay!, but no tricks this time 322 ... + 10 more replies
 7y ago I used to work at a bookstore in the airport. Someone once left a suitcase with $5,000 in it. I didn't get anything for turning it. 238 ...
Did_Not_Finnish 7y ago Saw an international stowaway emerge from a suitcase (well, a large duffel bag). 229 ... + 3 more replies
 7y ago Few weeks ago I was walking out at the end of my shift. Passing through baggage claim, it's about 10:30 pm, there are about 100 people in the area I was in. I hear someone yell he's got my gun! Everyone froze for 2 seconds. Finally, someone started to run and we all followed suit. Being amidst a large crowd of people scrambling away from a potential shooter is the most terrifying thing I've been a part of. The reported details of what happened are murky. The official story was that a cop was arresting a guy.
Lips902 7y ago My mother was on her way to work at YHZ in preboard security. She called me to say she just saw a massive explosion. As I made my way to the fire dept, my pager went off, alerting us to a 747 cargo plane crashing just past the runway. It was easily in my top 3 craziest scenes to be on. 140 Award Share ... + 10 more replies
druiz4545 7y ago All flights were canceled due to bad weather. When the announcement was given the whole airport simultaneously yelled, WHAT THE FUCK! 117 Award Share ...
allozzieadventures 7y ago Don't have any personal stories, but my uncle has a big one. Не has always worked with helicopters, and currently works as a heli pilot examiner examiner, which is pretty specialised work as you can imagine. Не also helps with the calibration/testing of simulators. Ironically, this means he spends most of his working week sitting on planes, travelling to simulators around the world. One of these flights, something bothered him about the way the plane was flown. Can't remember what, maybe an excessively rough landing? Anyhow, the flight had a stopover, and he decided to get off
EatLard 7y ago And one more: the pilot for one of our smaller planes requested de-ice. He's a very picky guy when it comes to spraying his plane, so he got out to inspect when he thought the crew was done. The de-ice truck was on the other side of the plane, and the crew didn't see him get out. They weren't done. Не got soaked by hot orange glycol. Fortunately, it was indirect spray coming off the plane instead of directly from the nozzle at high pressure. The flight was delayed while he ran inside to change, swearing the
PantlessCrocodile 7y ago Finally, my time to shine! A kangaroo being transported escaped and ran around the ramp area. That was quite the sight to see. I just found a news article about it, but it fails to mention how it kicked an employee. http://archive.sltrib.com/story.php? ref=/ci 5825364 I don't think people realize how many interesting things are loaded onto planes. I've loaded chickens, snakes (on a plane!), dead bodies. My favorite might be the baby penguins we loaded in the main cabin though. 89 Award Share ...
GhostlyPrototype 7y ago My friend works for an airport. Whenever we are going through one, he tells me do not question the security line. One day he was going through for some training. The line was going slowly. One visitor asks loudly and annoyed what's taking so long? Security takes him away, and is later put in a cop car and taken away. They can apparently kick you off your flight and arrest you for seemly no reason. 88 Award Share ... Zjackrum 7y ago Obviously only a terrorist would want security to be fast and not check everything thoroughly
andhowsherbush 7y ago I don't work for a airport but I was visiting vegas and I took my laptop with me. The guy does the drug swab thing across the keyboard and yells out WE'VE GOT A POSITIVE I was horrified but all the employees just started laughing, then he handed it back and said their job is boring so sometimes they'll fuck with people. 81 Award Share ... + 2 more replies
jimmerforthree 7y ago I don't work in an airport, but when I was traveling home there was a beagle sniffing everyone as they walked by to make sure they didn't have anything illegal. Then that beagle heard someone's dog barking that just came off the plane. That was when that beagle clocked out and was all in for play time. The police couldn't get the beagle to calm down cause he just wanted to play!!!! - 79 Award Share ...
rk2192 7y ago Obligatory I don't work at an airport, but my friends dad does in secirity. Не told me about a heavily pregnant lady who came through wearing a bright pink hoody. At the airport he works at, they have the new body scanners that take an x-ray like image as you go through. Lady goes through, and my friends dad gets waved over by his colleague checking the screen. She points at the lady and says, does that look like a baby to you? Woman had a full cooked chicken up her hoody! When questioned on it, she
Odin343 7y ago My dad works for the airlines and I think funniest/scariest? Story he told me was when him and a few others were loading containers into a plane, one guy accidentally dropped a container and when he picked it back up the container opened and there was a severed head and various human limbs all packaged in clear bags. (This package was going to some medical place, hence the body parts). Не said that it scared the guy so bad, that he went home for the day. 61 Award Share ...
roonerspize 7y ago I had an internship at an airport in high school. They stuck us in customer service one day. We had a guy who walked up and told us, I just want you to know the carpet in this airport stinks. I have a very sensitive nose. As a bunch of high schoolers, we had fun laughing at him after he walked away. 58 Award Share ...
mariahmce 7y ago Not an employee but a passenger. I got flagged for a random TSA pat down and the agent asked me if I had any metal in my body, to which I said, I have an IUD. The agent freaks out and starts flagging other agents over. She musters all her calm and says Please repeat that you have an IED on you to which I had to say no, an IUD, a copper intrauterine device, for birth control. She didn't know what an IUD was. I bet she'll remember now! 5.3K Award Share ... modernbee 7y ago


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