26 of the Most Embarrassing Notifications Seen on Someone Else’s Phone

‘You dreamt about diarrhea?!’
26 of the Most Embarrassing Notifications Seen on Someone Else’s Phone

These days, our whole lives occur — or are at least documented — on our phones. Regardless of category or content rating, they’re all backed up on a hard drive or, even more frighteningly, to the cloud. By nature, the phone you use to text your boss is also probably the one you use to send and receive salacious pictures that belong nowhere near the workplace

What are you supposed to do about it, buy a burner for sexts? No. We can’t start sending genitals with an amount of subterfuge reserved for black-market arms deals. Plus, burners always have terrible cameras. This all leads to the fear, and sometimes the reality, that two spheres of your life will collide with a chime and an unexpected notification. 

For these Redditors, that nightmare came true, and thankfully, they documented it on the internet for us to read, gasp at and pray to forever avoid.

SchoolOfTheWolf93 7y ago | got subscribed to Yandy Lingerie texts after | ordered something from there. Really annoying as they don't tell you how to unsubscribe. | was at work and a parent was looking at some of the pictures I had taken of the field trip we took the kids on and a message pops up SEXY CROTCHLESS PANTIES ON SALE! | was mortified. 5K ...
 7y ago My bf has a friend that | have always suspected is in love with him. Once she was showing me something on her phone and a text from her mom popped up saying I still don't understand why you can't get with . We pretended it didn't happen. 6K ...
velour_manure 7y ago I communicate with my doctor through an app, so he can message me whenever he needs to-it's pretty awesome. Anyway, I'm a new patient of his and he had me do all the standard tests just to get up to speed on my health. So I'm showing a meme to my gf and suddenly a notification pops up on my phone saying, We have your HIV test results. Once I explained it was fine, but it was awkward at the time. 360 ...
yspir 7y ago One of my classes in high school had a facebook messenger group chat to talk about homework and stuff and when the nickname function got introduced a lot of people ended up with exactly the type of nicknames you would expect from high schoolers. I was showing my dad a picture or something when the little messenger bubble popped into the screen saying horny harddick sent a message. My dad just like, awkwardly coughed and then got up and walked away before I could explain. Не never brought it up again and | never got in trouble
jessicaticorn 7y ago | was showing my friend this dream dictionary app and how it worked. | clicked on a random day to show him it keeps a history for you and he yelled, YOU DREAMT ABOUT DIARRHEA?! 2.5K ...
TheBeardMaestro 7y ago My ex's tinder notification popped up on her phone while she was showing me her pics on holiday. That was funny haha it hurts 9.2K ...
karuisama 7y ago Happened to my BFF, she is a very organized person and has everything mapped out. We were both senior RAs in college, and were watching movies in a common room with all of her freshman (male) residents. Halfway through the movie, this app pops up and says Mary, you are ovulating today! Now is a great time to get pregnant! They made fun of her for ages... *name was changed. 4.1K ...
deadbeatwhiner 7y ago Edited 7y ago it wasn't me but my professor used to have his laptop hooked up to the projector up front and while he was going through a powerpoint a text popped up on his screen from a woman and all it said was I have herpes edit: he stopped connecting his laptop to the projector after that 2.2K ...
kronoschic 7y ago My best friend and | used to have a code word for situations where we shouldn't be sending each other inappropriate stuff. So whenever one of us sent the word crisco it means someone was looking at our phone and to keep it PG. We picked this word because one time my dad was fixing my phone and she sent, in all caps: DID YOU KNOW IN ANCIENT TIMES THEY USED ANIMAL FAT AS LUBE so THEY COULD FUCK EACH OTHER IN THE ASS? 6.2K ...
sleepysheepy13 7y ago One of my friends was showing her professor something on her phone and right as she handed her the phone she got a message in our groupchat from our friend that we nicknamed I want penis pasta. 2.4K ... + 15 more replies
ZedasiriaDeRazz 7y ago Showing my brother something on Amazon and get a text from a guy I was talking to at the moment saying: let me put ranch on them pussy lips pretty mama (for the record we used to joke like this a lot, making fun of thristy pick up lines). My bro just looked at me and walked away. ... - 1.3K
 7y ago Edited 7y ago I was with a group of friends and this person gave me their number. I save people's names with a detail that reminds me of who they are (ex James From Chicago) So this person was talking nonstop about their yacht. So I wrote something like Gary Hasayacht. Не sent a text but it didn't go to my phone for a while because we had a bad signal, but it popped up when my phone was in clear view. Не sees the text, and his name as its listed on my phone, and then
Scoozie 7y ago | was letting my coworker share/borrow my laptop and my birth control reminder popped up while he was using it. I'm extremely immature so the message just says BIRTH CONTROL with the location set to YO MOUTH. 7.4K ...
Muvl 7y ago I was waiting for a job interview and the interviewer was late. Being panicky and nervous for it already, I was texting my friend every detail of what was going on, which included the interviewer's lack of timeliness. Не shows up, we talk, I'm showing him something on my phone, and my friend texts me back about how unprofessional it is to be late as an interviewer. I didn't get the job. 709 ...
hhurdd 7y ago The first couple months of my marriage we lived in different states because there was no sense in moving my husband out of the barracks for three months. I was working fast food at the time and i was walking up to the front of the store while closing when i got a text from him. Naturally i opened it and it was a dick. My manager was behind me and started yelling about inappropriate texting at work. Tldr: my manager saw my husband's dick. 3.1K ...
FrankieAK 7y ago My best friend and I were eating at our favorite pizza place and when we were done, | went to pay while she went to poop. I had a coupon for the meal on my phone. So, right as I hand the lady my phone to scan my coupon, friend texts me to describe the shit she is taking. The poor lady just handed me my phone really fast and didn't say anything else. 203 ...
shawn1563 7y ago Edited 7y ago Well I'm active in a group chat called shawarma sluts and my mom saw a notification once. Fun
Itwouldbe_nice 7y ago Well | went to open up the calculator on my phone at work and | guess I had forgot to close the tab from my morning wank. Pulled up some real racey porn that my coworker got a good glimpse of. There were a lot of people that | worked with that would've blown that up way out of proportion. I guess I'm lucky it was one of the dude Bros who just laughed at me. 781 ...
billbapapa 7y ago Father and law and I are looking at picture on my phone. Wife texts me, banner on the top of the phone, I've been a bad girl... | need a spanking... or maybe just a hard fucking? Dude looked at me, I answered, what kind of daughter did you raise? Не didn't laugh as hard as I think he should have. 9.8K ...
quadtard 7y ago Oh boy I have one and it is famous at my company now. I was the one to see the notification. | teach English in China and two years ago arrived to my first job about a month late thanks to visa issues. I survive the first two days OK and now its Friday and I get invited to a coworkers apartment to hang out, have a beer and meet some other expats. There's just a handful of us chatting and drinking casually. Some time later people have walked off or called it a night and its
DenverTigerCO 7y ago Well, my current (for the next few days) boyfriend and I were looking at my phone (right when we first started dating) when I needed to look something up. lol and behold the last thing I was looking at was checking him out on google so it was awkward and he said... did you google me? It's funny now but was so awkward then! - 391 ...
calypso_cane 7y ago I was showing my grandmother pictures from my trip to Washington State - as | was going through the pictures I took on at Mount Rainier, Olympic National Park, andthe Puget Sound ferry. Right in the middle of a great picture my wife text me about wanting to try out our new strap-on... It was literally just the smiling devil emoji and want to try out the new strap-on? | don't think I've ever blushed so red in my entire life. 2K ...
KiwiCandle 7y ago Was riding in the car with a coworker when my wife texted. Told siri to read it. Huge mistake. Wife texted to bitch at me about leaving dingleberries in the shower drain. 323 ...
tonybeetzzz 7y ago My new boss was sitting at my desk on my computer and my phone started ringing. The screen said REHAB. I forgot | put that number in after I finished rehab just in case. I was Soo mortified. Thinking fast I said my sister just called do you mind if I call her back? 386 ...
armatillomaniac 7y ago This is about a Facebook group I used to be in called 'The beautiful world of cockatiels' Cocktiels being super adorable birds which make great pets When Facebook was a bit older and the list of groups was at the side, part of the title was cut-off on account of it having a long name. So, the group title read: THE BEAUTIFUL WORLD OF COCK I used to get a little paranoid that people would see that lol 471 ...
theLesserOf2Weedles 7y ago My best friend in high school was in the process of being grounded and having his phone taken away and as he was handing over his phone to his mom he got a text from me that said Hey I found your mom's dildo accompanied with a picture of a medieval battering ram. Не told me that they both saw it, right as the transaction was taking place, then held each others gaze silently for what he described as an eternity. 15K ...


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