40 Random Bits of Trivia That Seem Cool in Public but Behind the Scenes They’re Very Difficult To Work With

Don’t let their bright colors and pictures fool you. Some of these are utter nightmares
40 Random Bits of Trivia That Seem Cool in Public but Behind the Scenes They’re Very Difficult To Work With

We all put on a bit of a face in public. It’s why we release a huge sigh of relief the second we get home and melt into the couch. We’re finally able to be our gross, curmudgeonly selves. 

Some people can take that public face a little too far, though — so far that it can be downright deceptive. These facts border on that kind of duplicity. They lure you in with pictures, but at least when it’s all over, you’ll have learned things.

Brain Therapy

A new brain therapy is having revolutionary success against depression. It's developed at Stanford and involves stimulating a brain with a magnetic field, and it can deliver great results in just a few days of treatment. CRACKED.COM

Remember the Titans

Based-one truestory REMEMBER THE TITANS Released in 2000, this Disney movie was allegedly based on a true story about a high school football team. It showed how the team overcame racial tensions, although quite a few of the facts were changed or left out. use CRACKED


Government Spending

When healthcare.gov launched and immediately crashed, the government paid $4 million to fix it. Affordable Care Act That money went to the same contractor who screwed it up. Despite the fact that the flaws were generated by the contractor, the CMS withheld only $267,420 of the $4 million. http://www bloomberg com/news/articles/2015-09-22/-s-paid- GRACKED.COM healthcare-gov-contractor-4-million-to-fix-its-own-mess


The Bristol Bus Boycott

In 1963, the Bristol Bus Boycott was held to protest racist hiring practices. INO COLOUR BAR EVERY MAN BOYCOTT TRE FREHT BUSES NO COLOUR DOA At the time, the bus company in Bristol refused to hire Black drivers - but after an extended boycott, on 28 August 1963, they changed their policy. CRACKED.COM


Annabelle Comes Home

BTS STORIES FROM HORROR MOVIES 2019 ANNABELLE COMES HOME The set for the third Annabelle installment was so spooky, a priest had to intervene. A piano bench would move by itself, door knocks would be randomly heard, and performers saw shadowy figures on the set. CRACKED.COM



Squirrels are omnivores Squirrels don't just eat nuts ... they will also eat meat, especially if necessary. In one instance, a pack of Russian black squirrels reportedly attacked and ate a stray dog. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW

Source: BBC

Beanie Babies

40 Random Bits of Trivia That Seem Cool in Public but Behind the Scenes They’re Very Difficult To Work With
Source: CNN


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