40 Random Bits of Trivia That Seem Cool in Public but Behind the Scenes They’re Very Difficult To Work With
Don’t let their bright colors and pictures fool you. Some of these are utter nightmares

We all put on a bit of a face in public. It’s why we release a huge sigh of relief the second we get home and melt into the couch. We’re finally able to be our gross, curmudgeonly selves.
Some people can take that public face a little too far, though — so far that it can be downright deceptive. These facts border on that kind of duplicity. They lure you in with pictures, but at least when it’s all over, you’ll have learned things.
Louis Armstrong

Mark Wahlberg

Brain Therapy

Remember the Titans

Die Hard


Dub the Dew



Knives Out

Charlie Chaplin

Mike Rowe

Michael Jackson

Government Spending

The Bristol Bus Boycott

German Soldiers

Annabelle Comes Home

Tourette Syndrome

Video Games

Moose Party

A Jiffy

15,000 Years of Doggos

Source: 13 Facts That Prove How Good Dogs Are (As If You Needed Proof)


Source: BBC
Russell Crowe

Beverly Hills

Mount Rushmore

Doctor Who

Source: 13 Now-You-Know Bits of Trivia About Movies, History, Celebrity Weirdness, And More


Star Wars

Forgetting Sarah Marshall

Jane Lynch

source: classmates.com
White Castle

Source: Consumerist
The Founding Fathers

More: 5 Awkward Footnotes Hidden In History's Biggest Moments

Source: The Atlantic

Beanie Babies

The Thing

Flavor Flav