32 Inappropriate Stories About HR You’d Report to HR If HR Weren’t Such a Horror Show

‘Saw the HR person sitting on the CEO’s knee’
32 Inappropriate Stories About HR You’d Report to HR If HR Weren’t Such a Horror Show

Human resource professionals have a reputation for being soulless and cutthroat. And more often than not, they deserve such labels. But while we’re all aware that HR exists to look out for the good of the company, it’s an entirely different matter to see the head of the department sitting on the CEO’s knee during a Friday night happy hour

Along those lines, Redditors have divulged their horror stories about HR departments all over the globe, and quite a few of these situations seem worthy of an HR complaint, if, well, you know…

armsupthrowaway 3y ago Our HR always abuses the company budget. They have the nicest ergonomic keyboards, a fancy coffee machine in their office, and are the first to receive gifts from vendors. One time they did the food tasting for the company year-end party (that they were organising). Catering company allowed 2 people for food tasting, and will charge $100 for additional people. The ENTIRE HR department went in the afternoon (and charged the company for the tasting fee, of course). 1.4K ...
JAdamsidk123 Зу ago HR was the bosses sister and the boss was a narcissist. The sister/HR had very little actual life experience because they both came from a big pharma family and never really had a sense of what working a real job was like. Boss could do no wrong in his sister's eyes, so complaining about anything just got you gaslit. Glad I'm not there anymore. 497 ...
Daikataro 3y ago Upon giving two weeks notice, I get this stupid rant about millennial snowflakes, how we can't take the stress of a real job, and how we think we're so important and unique, but in reality the only thing that would happen, is that they would find another engineer to fill in for me, and things would be like I never existed. After the initial shock, I replied with a you are absolutely correct. Me staying or not is meaningless. Consider my resignation immediate from this moment, please give me the paperwork to sign. 9.6K ...
Danobing Зу ago I worked at a smallish company that grew big enough to hire a hr person. Her office was down from mine so in the mornings I'd swing by and say hi. That turned into grabbing a cup of coffee she had just made, the into having a pastry and talking about life. I found that if I mentioned someone's name in passing, a few minutes later she would spill the beans about that person's life. What work issues they had, health issues, family issues etc. I learned really quick any issues I had not to take them
Wisebutt98 . 3y ago HR person used her position to collect intel to get people she didn't like fired. 4.9K ...
Postmodernfinn 3y ago Edited Зу ago The HR/Payroll manager at a small hospital I worked at had a bad habit of not paying out the sign on bonus that was paid out incrementally in three payments through the course of a year and sign on bonuses for picking up extra shifts. After repeated request to be belatedly compensated, I took it to corporate who addressed my issue immediately. A couple weeks later I was terminated on what amounted to a technicality where I forget my badge one shift and my relief was late to take over sitting with a patient,
slimeydave Зу ago HR ordered me to downgrade my three excellent employee reviews to satisfactory because management didn't recognize their names. I got written up for telling my employees this. HR denied that they told me anything, even though I had the emails from them documenting it. Totally worth it. My employees were excellent and got the raises they deserved. + 28K ...
 Зу ago Overall I've been able to get along with HR departments with one exception. I was working a help desk job for a company during college and the head of HR called in for help. Не was making an Excel spreadsheet and couldn't figure out how to make a formula do what he wanted. I offered to come take a look as we were in the same building and he told me I couldn't because the spreadsheet was full of confidential information. So I asked then if he could describe what exactly he was trying to do without
D14BLO Зу ago I went to HR to report that my team's manager was illegally shorting all of our paychecks. HR's response was to adopt a new, company-wide policy addressing the paycheck issue and back-paying most people for a certain amount, and also to frame me for work avoidance. HR and IT disabled part of my login account to a tool we used, and then fired me a few months later after failing to fix the problem and allowing me to actually do my job. They tried to deny my unemployment claim afterward. Told the unemployment rep that they had
GreatJanitor 3y ago After 4 years on the job, I was given a first and final warning for asking why the hell HR was behind a locked door and now dominated over half the first floor, filled with new furniture that was unused after 6 months, meanwhile, my chair was taken by another employee and I was told to use the chair without padding. An executive from another department heard my complaint, stole one of the unused chairs from the HR expansion, and gave it to me, explaining that if I did it, I'd be fired, she did it daring
Ivanka_Gorgonzola Зу ago 2000 ish, customer service. Mass sick wave, horribly understaffed Saturday on the universal remote control project with 85 minute queues. HR desperately calls everyone to come in, including a girl on sick leave that had fractured her leg the week before and was still in great pain. She was brought in by her dad on a wheelchair and after logging in and taking a few calls, pulled into a training room and fired. You can't fire people on sick leave in my country. 27 ...
 3y ago I got a promotion. I confided with HR that there were some things going wrong in the office with regards to one of their current directors (unfair favoritism). I then did not get the promotion anymore. When I quit my job not long after that director came to me, smirking, wishing me good luck at my next job, and told me that he was really hoping for me to get that promotion. Obviously being sarcastic and trying to plunge the knife deeper into my back. Не was fired about a year later for sexual harassment. The guy
vegatrOn . 3y ago . Edited 3y ago I told HR I was extremely depressed and struggling with suicidal thoughts every day at work. Their response was to do nothing until I quit.
muito_ricardo 3y ago When I use to work for an accounting firm and got treated like shit by one particular staff member - I complained to HR, then weeks later saw that HR person sitting on the CEOs knee at Friday night drinks - talk about professionalism. They never did anything about the staff member. 38 ...
WizardofStaz 3y ago HR at my company put signs up everywhere saying stay home if you're sick, then started writing people up for attendance policy violations if they called out twice in 60 days. They want to lay people off but need an excuse. 44 ...
venti-depresso 3y ago My boss told me I can't talk about being gay at work. I emailed her to verify that's what she meant and BCC'd HR, then emailed my HR rep for more context. Sorry that happened to you. 61 ...
ShoeLace1291 . 3y ago Asking for more hours during the February slow down at Walmart when I was working 13 hours per week and I was making less than $100 per week they just said have you tried signing up for welfare? 111 ...
TheMotorcycleMan 3y ago Back when I worked for someone other than myself, I made the mistake of sleeping with a girl in HR. Things ended amicably, so I thought. They did not. 46 ...
Postmodernfinn 3y ago Edited Зу ago My fiancé at the time and I worked at a hospital. Before our shift she gets a call her grandmother an hour outside of town had a stroke. Was told if I went with her, I would forfeit my job. I left. Fought with hr for a week to get my job back and then was blackballed from transferring to another unit (literally was offered a position on another floor only for it to suddenly no longer be available) causing me to eventually turn in my two weeks notice instead of deal with my
sauce_poutine Зу ago I went to a job fair last year and the HR at the door were filtering people by who can enter or not in the fair depending on their CV. I had to argue for 10 minutes that pure math and theoretical physics background is more than enough for most data driven jobs, but she kept arguing that IT was not written on my CV. After a while she finally let me in as she was tired to argue. Once inside, the first company I talked to was looking for mathematicians to solve some deep learning problem
Mister_Pianister 0 Зу ago Our HR person literally won't even speak to anyone. If you go in to ask something she blows you off with I'm busy or usually begins griping about how she hasn't had her lunch yet and dare anyone come bother her. 78 ...
bm_alot 3y ago Gf's friend at Target, went to HR cause the supervisor was hitting on her, and she constantly turn him down cause she had a bf. When she complain with proof of the manager sexting her and all, she end up getting fired. Nothing happened to the supervisor. 113 ...
JamesMattDillon 3y ago Had an exit interview. Asked me why I was quitting. Told them simply that the other place was better paying, & overall better to their employees. When they asked how I knew. Well, it is a factory job, and my Late Great Grandfather, my Grandfather, & my dad worked and works there. That is how I knew. 169 ...
LockeWorl 3y ago I almost got fired from Best Buy in Alabama for missing work to have cancer surgery. Fuck that company so hard. Not only did I have cancer surgery I was terrified I'd lose my job at any time. I even got called by HR off the clock between chemo appointments to confirm I was sick. It still frustrates me just thinking about it. 229 ...
MachineGame 3y ago We found a spy camera in our department office. It was shaped like a charging brick and had been recording video and audio all night. We copied the videos off the camera after the offender took it down and left it out on their desk. We took the video file that showed the person sneaking around an employee to remove the camera and turned that in with the information of what happened. That was almost a year ago now and nothing has been done. Getting ready to turn it in ourselves to the FBI. The delicious part
walrustoe 3y ago A coworker complained to HR about his manager being too hard on him and ended up getting fired. HR is not your friend. Do not trust them. Now payroll on the other hand, payroll is your friend. Payroll doesn't give two shits about your problem and you can tell them anything you want. 775 ...
 3y ago I used the term 'piss off' (as in 'get lost') in an unofficial online forum. Someone alerted a corporate recruiter, who managed to dig through my previous posts, connect dots, narrow down who I was, and have the head of HR terminate my job offer without discussion. Never knew 'piss' was considered profanity. 1.1K ...
Omgshinyobject . Зу ago e Edited 3y ago In the 6 years I worked at a company i forgot to hit the submit button on my timesheet once. Queue HR telling me that I wouldn't get paid for my worked hours and calling me in for a disciplinary interview which was 1 hour of 4 people telling me how dare I forget to click submit. I forgot to hit submit because I was so overworked and I couldn't believe all four of them had time to waste an hour on such a useless meeting.
TheStarSwordsman14 3y ago I was working at a five star hotel years ago. I was a banquet man so I would set up and tear down events like weddings, parties, etc. I knew something was up when as a new guy they left me alone to tear down a huge Bar mitzvah and set it up for the NBA. As you could imagine, the room was a mess. I stayed by myself until 5AM to tear it down and set up it. Couldn't get it done. Once the morning serving staff came in they complained, I was like fuck this
Outlander56 . 3y ago We got a Confidential Employee Survey handed to us at work. It had our employee number on the top of the page 482 ...
abra5umente 3y ago When I got fired for having depression and being forthcoming about it after getting drowsy when starting a new medication. HR basically said, we sympathise with your position but we are not flexible enough for you. I'd asked for 2 days off in a year to just spend time at home while I was adjusting to the new meds and having a really shit time, got a letter on my desk from my boss after I came back that was titled with termination of employment and asking me to come to a meeting two days later with
sOynugget Зу ago I went to hr. my boss had been bullying me and several other apprentices. Ended up in an office alone, no-one from my old office acknowledges my existence and I don't get invited to important meetings anymore - all because HR decided to side with my boss who convinced everyone that im lying because im a very sensitive woman who just isn't cut for the IT industry.. I actually only went to HR because another apprentice got bullied so much that he one day told me he was considering suicide. At least they moved him to a different location


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