40 Random Bits of Trivia That We Juiced From A Particularly Intelligent Grapefruit

Gotta get every last factual drop
40 Random Bits of Trivia That We Juiced From A Particularly Intelligent Grapefruit

Much like toothpaste in the tube, if you put some muscle into it, you can squeeze a lot more facts out of this list than you thought. Sure, the title says theres 40 facts here, but once you get down to number one, its on you if you want to squeeze it for all its worth. 

Weve had the same toothpaste tube for like a month now, and we have faith that you can really make this list last.


The smallest coins ever used, Vijayanger's tara, had a diameter of 4 millimeters. If you didn't have exact change, you'd be carrying around a pocket f

Scarlett Johansson

Celebrity Items Sold in Auctions Scarlett Johansson's Used Tissue A tissue Johansson blew into on an episode of The Tonight Show with Jay Leno sold for $5,300 in a charity eBay auction in 2008. CRACKED.COM


William Henry Harrison

Shortest Reigns 31 days William Henry Harrison The ninth president of the U.S. rocked the position from March 4 to April 4, 1 841. Harrison was one of the three presidents the Whig Party ever had, and caught a deadly cold just three weeks after getting elected. Today, he's fondly remembered for not changing his clothes after a rainstorm, because that's communism. CRACKED.COM


The Declaration of Independence

CRACKED.COM MYTH: The Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4th. It was drafted on June 11 and 28, presented to Congress on July 2, and revised on July 3 and 4. It was adopted by the Congress on July 4th. However, John Hancock didn't lay his big ol' signature down until August 4th.


The Only Animal That Doesn’t Need Oxygen

We've found the first animal that somehow doesn't breathe using oxygen. It's a very tiny critter - a white salmon parasite that's just a few millimeters long. CRACKED.COM


The Velvet Underground

The Velvet Underground GRACKED.COM FIRST SHOW: Drummer Angus MacLise made a big deal of quitting the band after their first gig because they sold out by accepting $75 for a cover set in a high school auditorium.

Liam Neeson

Despite playing tough guys on-screen, Liam Neeson is actually a wimp when it comes to heights. He's not just afraid of standing in a tall building or

The Titanic

When the Titanic sunk on that fateful April night, the two children were brought to the last boat rescue launched. Edmond, the baby, was naked except


CRACKEDcO Tree lobsters are considered the rarest insects in the world, and can only be found in Lord Howe Island, Australia. Thought to be extinct in

Star Trek

CRACKED COM Star Trek VI's explosion of Praxis, a key Klingon Empire power source, is based on the Chernobyl disaster.


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