27 of People’s Most Embarrassing Moments of All Time

Lots of memories fragment and drift away as time goes on. The name of an old college professor, the year of a trip or that Spanish you supposedly learned all used to be within reach, but now may take effort to reconstruct and revisit. We’d much rather keep these memories in sharp relief, but instead, moments of great shame burn themselves into our brain with ease and in perpetuity.
Getting pantsed on the school trip to the water park, for instance, has forever reserved a spot in your mind in shocking detail. And whether you like it or not, the memory will surge to the forefront of your consciousness with little warning.
We used to take this kind of humiliation to the grave, but thanks to the anonymity of the internet, we can recoil in horror at other people’s embarrassing moments. After all, when these things don’t happen to you, they’re pretty funny. Here then, is a collection of some Redditors’ most embarrassing moments — many of which remind us that we will all get caught with our pants down in one way or another.