27 of People’s Most Embarrassing Moments of All Time

‘I just wanted to see how far you’d go’
27 of People’s Most Embarrassing Moments of All Time

Lots of memories fragment and drift away as time goes on. The name of an old college professor, the year of a trip or that Spanish you supposedly learned all used to be within reach, but now may take effort to reconstruct and revisit. We’d much rather keep these memories in sharp relief, but instead, moments of great shame burn themselves into our brain with ease and in perpetuity. 

Getting pantsed on the school trip to the water park, for instance, has forever reserved a spot in your mind in shocking detail. And whether you like it or not, the memory will surge to the forefront of your consciousness with little warning.

We used to take this kind of humiliation to the grave, but thanks to the anonymity of the internet, we can recoil in horror at other people’s embarrassing moments. After all, when these things don’t happen to you, they’re pretty funny. Here then, is a collection of some Redditors’ most embarrassing moments — many of which remind us that we will all get caught with our pants down in one way or another.

Tostonn 6y ago | was at my friends birthday party in high school and was super drunk. Ran up to a group of people and said Watch this! | then proceeded to run and dive into a bounce house only for the Velcro lined entrance to grab my sweats/boxers and pull them down to my ankles. I'll never forget the looks of horror on their faces while | laid there on my back with my legs in the air showing off all my goodies 2K ...
nocturnalplur 6y ago Was on an airplane years ago with my girlfriend and her parents. My girlfriend couldn't get a seat next to me and sat directly behind me. During the flight I thought I would surprise her and reached me hand back onto her knee. Slowly I kept extending it up her thigh until I heard giggling. Looked behind through the seats and saw that my hand was on the leg of the guy next to her. Не saw my face and said, I just wanted to see how far you'd go. Of course my girlfriend was in on
sleepcantcatchme 6y ago Edited 6y ago This was during my Sophomore year in math class. | sat between two gentleman. I was really congested that day and thus pretty tired at the same time. | was resting my head in my hand and hunched over my math book when | felt a sneeze coming. | went to lean back but apparently didn't move quick enough when the force of this sneeze sent my face hurling into my desk. My head smacked the desk so hard that I bounced back up like a basketball. At that point | was just dizzy
KiwiPin0 6y ago | hit face first into a street light lamp post because I was staring (while walking) at a beautiful girl walking towards the direction where I am coming from. It was in front of the main gate of our university. Hundreds of students saw it. My friends laughed hard as hell. 4.3K ...
teensysnek 6y ago Recently went on a vacation with some friends + a mutual friend who I don't know that well. Him and I took the pullout couches, and his was right next to the bathroom. Later one night, when we were all walking around away from our hotel, I got the stomach rumbles. Then the nausea hit. I have never felt so sick in my life. It felt like someone was grabbing my insides and twisting them. The second we got back to our hotel I made a beeline for the bathroom. Through that paper thin wall, this guy
orangepun-king 6y ago Edited 6y ago When I was 16 I went to a waterpark with slides and pools and all with my uncle and two younger cousins. I wore a regular bikini and went swimming in some pools with my cousins for about 40 minutes. We then went to this big slide thing, and after that we got in line to do an even bigger one with my uncle too. As I'm standing in line, I hear some teenagers laugh behind me, and I turned around to see one of them pointing at me and quickly stop as they
yourideassuck 6y ago Edited 6y ago I don't know if it was more cringeworthy than embarrassing, but thinking back I definitely grimace... | was in kindergarten and was playing in the sandbox at recess one day with my friend. We were making a sandcastle but didn't have any sand that was wet enough to form a solid structure. I had been holding my pee for a while, and being 5 years old I didn't want to stop playing, so i let it out while I was sitting and promptly let my friend know that I had magically found some wet
PM_ME_LARGE_CHEST 6y ago Edited 6y ago Sigh.* was 15 or 16, sitting at my table in my room, browsing the internet. had one hand in my pants playing around with my random-boner. It was nothing sexual - I was just keeping my hands occupied as I would if I were tapping my foot or twiddling my thumbs. So I was doing a helicopter, stretching, pulling, etc. At one point, I must have pushed against the shaft too much, because immediately heard a click as you would hear when cracking your fingers or knuckles and my then-prominent wang started to deflate. I
Rocketmax 6y ago Edited 6y ago | was at an NFL game and something I had ate earlier had just wrecked my stomach and left me with horrible gas. Like the kind which clears a room it is so bad. I was walking up the stairs to my seat mid game and really had to let one rip. Right then the crowd cheered and I thought the moment was right. What I didn't relize is that my ass was at the same level as a woman sitting in her seat on the aisle and I literally farted right in her
Dingus_93 6y ago Edited 6y ago | was on a date and we decided to go to sushi (one of those decently affordable but kinda sketchy ones). I was really craving Korean short ribs cause that shit is the best. Lo and behold the sushi restaurant had it on the menu! Fantastic! | ate it, it was delicious. But on the bus ride home my tummy started to feel a little rumbly. No big deal. We would be home in 20. Well over the course of that bus ride it turned into a grave situation. Water at the floodgates kind
Yesnowaitsorry 6y ago Not me, but a mate. Не was out on a first date. According to him, on his first mouthful of food some of it hit the back of his throat and he coughed. A piece of food flew out and landed on his dates food. Apparently she didn't see the funny side. If memory serves correctly she didn't eat any of her food. 1.3K ...
Shiiznt 6y ago Edited 6y ago When I was in primary school, I think year 5 or something, we had assembly and I got an award for something, I don't remember what. Anyway, | get up, get my award, stand there with other award recipients and then people clap and we go back to our line. ANYWAY. I was just getting my glasses, right, so I'm blind, can't see well. | spend like 10-20 minutes in front of everyone just looking for the spot I was sitting. Nobody helped me. It was just me looking for my spot aimlessly. Eventually
bbystars 6y ago in 4th grade, i was asked to be in my schools spelling bee. i was the only 4th grader and youngest person that would be in it, so i practiced every day for weeks with my mom. day finally comes, i get EVERY single word wrong. i never attempted to spell even one letter from the words, i just stood there awkwardly and silently for about 10 seconds each time before i sulked away back into my seat without speaking a word the entire time. in front of the entire school and staff. i blanked I out when
weebrian 6y ago On a road trip with some friends. We stop for gas and a bathroom break. I walk into the empty men's room with my best bud right behind me and I take the closest of the three urinals. In a rare break from Bro Code, my buddy takes the one right next to me but the urinals have dividers so not a major infraction, but still - Iv want to teach him a lesson. So as he's in full stream, | reach around the divider and grab his elbow and shake the hell out of it, in an attempt
nelsy21 . 6y ago This past Saturday I went into a clothing store with my sister and I walked into a mirror and said Oh my bad to my own reflection.. She got a good laugh out of it at least 570 ...
prsjlnplng 6y ago Unfortunately, this one was recent. I ran into a long-time friend out of nowhere that I hadn't seen in years. My first thoughts were, Hey! It's great to see you - wow, we're so close to graduating! That, however, is not what I said. My first words to her, after all this time, were an enthusiastic, Wow! We're so gross! Going with it, she sarcastically played along and said Yeah, because I'm so gross. To wHiCh I stUpidLy rEsPonDed bY LooKiNg uP aT tHe CeiLiNg aNd sAyiNG aN eLonGaTeD TRUE - I'm mortified just thinking about it. I couldn't get out
Father_of_the_Bribe . 6y ago Edited 6y ago My wife gave me shit this Halloween because as a group of fresh faces children said Trick or Treat! and held out their bags for some candy I, a lame 35 year old dad, replied Absolutely. Everything I offered my wife for the following week was met with a smirk and Absolutely. 592 ...
TossingTurnips 6y ago My dick hanging out of my unzipped shorts in Walmart with my extended family there. - 384 ...
 6y ago In middle school my mom was friends with another mother. The other mother would give me rides home after school along with a couple other kids. Truthfully I think I only got rides because her son had a crush on me. Well anyways, one day she has a new kid to drop off, so she drops off that kid first and then it was my turn. Well all the houses look the same to me and | didn't really know how to direct her. Her son very helpfully said something like 'its gonna be a left on
Aversatile 6y ago Edited 6y ago 11th grade, i was interviewing for a leadership position in a club for next year. I was really nervous and I walk in and there are a bunch of teachers there as interviewers. When I shake the first teachers hand, instead of saying nice to see you, | said nice to look at you. Face went tomato red. I still cringe at that when I'm laying in bed at night.
a-nice-egg 6y ago I was a theater kid and didn't have stage fright or anything. But when I was a freshman in high school, I had my first panic attack hours before I was to play The Goose in our production of Charlotte's Web. | also have chronic migraine, and it caused a big one, complete with excruciating pain, light and sound sensitivity, and lots of nausea. And I had forgotten my prescription painkillers at home, so was stuck with it. It was a bad day. I tried to push through it all and got into costume and a full
princesssconsuelaa 6y ago in 8th grade I broke my wrist in gym class - it was a square dancing class. my dad called me twinkle toes for years. 208 ...
eatmyshorts283 6y ago Filming for my high school football team since I had broken a bone. Me and my buddy were talking about girls, as high schoolers do, and we found out a few weeks later it recorded sound as well. That still keeps me up at night sometimes. 204 ...
smidgit 6y ago Edited 6y ago | was 16. I was playing the piano in front of the entire school and I'd forgotten my music. I thought it was fine because I'd been playing this piece by heart for months but I forgot it halfway through. I tentatively played a few chords but I just couldn't remember. So I just went oh shit really loudly and laughed awkwardly. The second I did that I remembered and finished off my piece.
 6y ago When I was in high school my parents asked to log onto my Facebook to message a relative that had blocked them. No big, I gave them the password and that was that. Fast forward a couple weeks, I hardly ever use fb and honestly forgot they'd been on it. My boyfriend at the time wanted some pictures. His phone was having probs and couldn't receive images. I was like hey I'll just fb message you them. 30 min later I got a call from my mom saying if you could please stop sexting your boyfriend that'd
fallen_95 6y ago | was in 3rd grade, me and my family went to the desert to rent quad bikes for fun i get into a tiny quad bike and start doing donuts, now keep in mind that a few hours earlier i was playing gta vice city anyways the quad bike flipped on its back, and me in my small panicked mind though it was going to explode, so i i booked it and in the end every one in that place laughed at me. 85 ...
flabinella 6y ago I had a great day at a waterpark/outdoor pool and towards the afternoon a woman came up to me and whispered in my ear that I have a problem with my swimsuit. I reached behind a noticed a huge gap. The fabric was torn right in the middle and you could see my white, untanned asscrack. | was running around like this all day and no one said anything. 12K ...


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