40 Random Bits of Trivia Carrie Underwood Scratched Into the Side of Our Pretty Little Souped Up Four-Wheel Drive

If we knew facts were involved, we’d have scorned all kinds of vengeful singers!
40 Random Bits of Trivia Carrie Underwood Scratched Into the Side of Our Pretty Little Souped Up Four-Wheel Drive

Our trip to the mechanic today was a real roller coaster of emotions. We were down in the dumps when we got the bill for thousands of dollars in car repairs, but we shot up to the top of the world when he handed us this list of facts he found in there. 

This might be the best silver lining in history! You guys check these facts out while we work out a payment plan.

John Carpenter

John Carpenter Once a legendary horror filmmaker, Carpenter has since released 2 albums and gone on tour with his 80's synth-pop project.

Glenn Close

Glenn Close was raised in a cult. Close's parents joined the Moral Re-Armament, a right-wing religious cult, when she was seven and she was in it up until she was 22. The actress says the experience had a profound impact on her life, and that for years after she wouldn't trust any of her instincts because all her beliefs had been dictated to her. CRACKED.COM


Illegal filmmaking Extras died in 1928's Noah's Ark. For the flood, cameraman Hal Mohr quit when director Michael Curtiz rolled his eyes at his safety concerns. Three extras died, another lost a limb, and a dozen suffered serious injuries, but Curtiz somehow escaped any legal repercussions. CRACKED

Warner Bros. Pictures


Harry Macklowe

Property mogul Harry Macklowe had to split his $2 billion fortune with his wife after theirdivorce. He got back at her by putting giant pictures of hi

Amphicoelias Fragillimus

Amphicoelias Fragillimus, possibly the largest dinosaur that ever existed, giving a modern elephant a piggy back ride. CRACKED.COM



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