32 Times Size Mattered Just a Little Bit

32 Times Size Mattered Just a Little Bit

Size can be measured, but labeling something “big” or “small” is all about perspective. Sure, you can think of yourself as an insignificant little speck in the universe. But on the other hand, you yourself are a gigantic, sentient universe to the trillions of atoms within your physical form. Our Napoleon complex — and these not-so-tasty mushrooms we found — have us thinking the latter.

Check out these size comparisons and see if they freaked you out as badly as they did us…

The highest mountains in the world are nothing compared to the sheer massiveness of our planet. In fact, if you shrunk the Earth down to the size of a billiard ball... 13 12 4 ...it would be smoother than the billiard ball. GRACKED.COM


The Wright Brothers' celebrated first flight was only 120 feet in length, shorter than the 196 ft wingspan of a Boeing 747. 196 ft 120 ft CRACKED COM


Just beyond these pillars... ...are the front doors to the U.S. National Archives. CRACKED.COM The bronze doors are over 37 feet tall.


The Mona Lisa is tiny. At 31.3 inches by 21 inches, it's smaller than the average TV set. CRACKED.COM


RUSSIA IS ABOUT THE SAME SIZE AS PLUTO Pluto's surface area is 17,646,012 km2, compared to Russia's 17,098,246 km². CRACKED.COM


IF FLEAS WERE AS TALL AS PEOPLE, THEY COULD JUMP OVER 15 CARS And that's bumper to bumper. Fleas can jump 38 times their body length. CRACKED.COM


This is a satellite view of the Grand Canyon: This is Vallis Marineris, on Mars: Here's how they'd look at the same scale: CRACKED.COM


The world's longest cat is 48.5 from the tip of his nose to the tip of his tail bone. The world's smallest cat is 7.5 long (the size of a full-grown guinea pig). CRACKED.COM http://www.cvm.missouri.edu/news/mrpeebles.htm


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