27 Fast-Food Items Whose Main Ingredient Was Stupidity

27 Fast-Food Items Whose Main Ingredient Was Stupidity

Fast-food chains just can’t stop tinkering. They don’t think, “Wow, we must’ve created something special here because the whole world seems to enjoy it.” No, no. They have to justify their paycheck. If they were done tinkering, they wouldn’t be needed anymore. So they get in their fancy suits and head on down to their big ol’ boardrooms to come up with some new way to mess with a good thing. A “Whopperito?!” Grow up!

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McStuffins were Hot Pockets. CRACKED.COM McDonalds wanted to get in on the scalding pouch pastry game with two of their signature flavor profiles: ...chicken teriyaki, and ...pepperoni pizza.


Burger King's Burger Pizza In a clear publicity stunt (that we are continuing to help hype, so it's effective), a 2,500 calorie pizza-sized burger was only available in New York because New Yorkers aren't snobs about their pizza or anything. CRACKED.COM


Pizza Hut's Hot Dog Bites Pizza Sure, hot dogs and pizza are good on their own, but Pizza Hut made sure to prove you can have too much of a good thing. The hot dog crust pizza came with a side of mustard and pretzel version. CRACKED.COM


Mashed Potato Beef Burger MCDONALD'S 100% Manly Man CRACKED.COM For a while, McDonald's China was on a big masculinity kick. Lots of their commercials highlighted the manliness of meat eaters - none moreso than this burger that dared to include a layer of potato salad.


Gracoro Burger MCDONALD'S CRACKED.COM McDonald's Japan once offered this deep-fried dollop of macaroni, shrimp, and white sauce.


Waffle Taco TACO BELL CRACKED.COM In 2014, Taco Bell disrupted the wet hot American breakfast scene with a waffle, your choice of sausage or bacon, and a haphazard ice cream scoop of egg.


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