27 Funny, Wild or Unbelievable Rules Implemented Because of Just One Person

‘No campfire flames taller than 24 inches’
27 Funny, Wild or Unbelievable Rules Implemented Because of Just One Person

We’re all attempting to leave behind some kind of legacy. For some people, though, those legacies come in the form of being the literal reason that a rule was created. 

One Redditor understands this concept very well. In his first year of college, a notably lax philosophy professor announced that papers could be turned in late without penalty, so the Redditor turned in all eight papers on the day of the final exam. The professor didn’t dock points, as he said he wouldn’t, but he implemented a rule afterward that he wouldn’t accept late assignments without some kind of real emergency excuse. To drive his point home, the professor recited this rule aloud to the class while maintaining eye contact with the aforementioned Redditor, who was taking another class from the professor the following year. 

Other inadvertent rulemakers have disclosed the times they’ve made history, and boy are these legacies to uphold. 

jesst 4y ago Not me but my dad. My dad and his friend streaked through the school and then ran through a meeting. There apparently was not a no streaking rule so they only got in trouble for skipping class. When I went to school there 20 years later there was a no streaking rule. 427 Share ...
allicatmarie 4y ago Gave myself a concussion in a college yoga class by having my mat too close to the mirror/ballet bar. It's now a department rule that you can't be next to the mirror while stretching or doing yoga/Pilates. It's been 7 years. 782 Share ...
EuphoricMonsterSlut 4y ago Now teachers report students when they're out for more than 15 minutes. They used to not do anything when students were ditching, that is until I was found passed out in a bathroom stall after being out of class for 40 minutes. My teacher wrote in the report I just assumed she was ditching. She hates this class. 128 Share ...
Nyxelestia 4y ago My freshman English teacher knew going in that she'd need to put minimum page limits on assigned essays. Apparently, / was the reason she also started adding maximum page limits. Share 411 ...
 4y ago So my company pays for my food when I travel, which is awesome. I was fairly new to the job at the time, so I went to a lovely Nordic restaurant for brunch in Oregon. I ended up getting drunk on some delicious mimosas, (paid for on a separate tab), and $25 worth of food. I was drunk, and my server was awesome, and ended up tipping him 100%. A couple days later my boss calls me and asked me why the FUCK did you tip $25?!?! Shortly after that, the company sent out an email to
B4nn4b0y 4y ago Not me but my mom. Back in the 80's my mom was the definition of a coupon queen. She would browse every newspaper, pamphlet, etc to find grocery store coupons to this particular chain near her house. Back then, there was no limit 1 per customer rule for the coupons so my mom would chain together multiple coupons for practically everything. It got to the point where she would have so many discounts and cash back that she would get all her groceries for free, and the store would have to pay her money for the cash
AreYouALavaBeaver 4y ago Not me, but my dad. In 1967 he was hit by an ice cream truck in the small town he lived in and the mayor (a close family friend) made it illegal for ice cream trucks to operate in the town. It's still illegal and I have friends that still live there that whine all summer about the lack of trucks. If they only knew... 294 Share ...
2angrywombats 4y ago GPS trackers in all work vehicles because I did a 9 hour drive in 7 hours. 162 Share ...
mr_sto0pid . 4y ago The church I used to go too now locks its wine bottles in a cabinet because I chugged a bottle. 988 Share ...
Wrong_Answer_Willie 4y ago Because of my wife and I, (Local Hospital) will not perform a cesarean section without having had an ultrasound prior. (1988) 1.8K Share ...
psilome 4y ago At Boy Scout Summer Camp, as a Scoutmaster. No campfire flames higher than 24 inches. Turns out that if you make a five foot tower out of ONLY the 1/4 dowels from small American flags, you get a straight and narrow column of flame about 30 ft high. I was the Clark Griswold of scoutmasters. 3.3K Share ...
Danger5Ranger 4y ago In college we had a shuttle van that would carry you from your dorm to your car after dark. I got dropped off at my car and crossed in front of the van. The shuttle driver was on his phone not paying attention and started to drive. I felt the hood and grill start pushing into my shoulder and hip and was able to scream and and flail to get his attention before he ran me over. Now they have to go both ways down each row of cars in the parking lots to only let people
APBanditsTN 4y ago After having my two front teeth replaced... Band director: Okay. I never thought I'd have to say this, but wrestling is not allowed in the band room. 3.4K Share ...
tent_mcgee . 4y ago No drinking before the company Christmas party. This was for a restaurant. 395 Share ...
ImReverse_Giraffe e 4y ago At a certain University that recently lost a very big football game it is against school rules to dress up as genitalia for Halloween. 203 Share ...
DaveyPants 4y ago No chicken patties in the toaster. Seemed like a good idea at the time. Crispy on the outside...juicy on the inside. You cause one small fire... 32 Share ...
 4y ago No uprooting wild onions, and replanting them to the point you have an actual farm at school. 42 Share ...
MrChedar 4y ago . Edited 4y ago Not me but in 8th grade 2 kids were caught kissing in front of the principal and she thought it was a good idea to make a rule that you can't get into a 1 meter radius to the opposite gender to prevent people getting into relationships so me and my friends exploited this rule and called every single female a pervert, even the principal. She was not pleased. Share 66 ...
amaldito в 4y ago In middle school (this was mid 2000s) I taught everyone about hornets. Little folded piece of paper you shoot with a rubber band, it hurts like a bee sting) well, after everyone was basically having hornet wars every class , it was banned and if you were caught with one you would be suspended. Share 44 ...
JessRoyall 4y ago Students are not allowed to throw money into the crowed as a part of their speech. Students are also not allowed to have someone else or a group of students throw the money for them. I ran for treasurer of my student council when I was a JR. I threw money in the crowd. I won. They made the 2nd part of the rule. In my SR. year I ran again. Had my friends throw the money for me. I won. They added the second part of the rule. 101 Share ...
theworldwillbemine 0 4y ago Not a rule but more of a measure. Every Fire alert button in school got a plastic protection cover after I 'acidentaly' pushed one. 102 Share ...
velvety-tears . 4y ago -Coloured contact lenses were banned from my school because the teachers couldn't see my soul. ( I have no idea what they meant and still don't )
Strict-Pineapple 4y ago In my first year of university I took philosophy as an elective and our professor said on the first day that he was easy going and didn't mind if assignments were late and wouldn't dock points. I turned all 8 papers he assigned in to him the day of our final exam. True to his word he graded them all fairly and didn't deduct points for lateness. I took a class with him the next year and on the first day he said that due to past events he'd accept a late assignment only with a note
Greasyfellow 4y ago Summer camp, 7th grade. The camp sold Redbull at their snack shop. One of my close friends (a 4'8 boy with ADHD at the time), ended up drinking five cans in one sitting. Went absolutely mad, then proceeded to pass out. The following year we found out that Redbull had been banned after word spread and a higher-up found out. 157 Share ...
 4y ago My middle school in the 90s banned superglue. The reason was that my teacher said we were going to have a test (not a final exam) on the last day of school. I protested by supergluing my hands to my desk. In my defense, we had had an exam the day before and been told previously that it would be a movie and popcorn day. I had an A already and was looking forward to a fun day. Share 188 ...
Max_The_Greatest в 4y ago Me and my friend got really into cubing, which is the competitive solving of Rubik's Cubes. They got banned from my school a couple months later. 106 Share ...
taikalainen . 4y ago Essays may not be written in elvish. It was a creative writing assignment I didn't want to do so I took 'creative writing' very literally. 30 Share ...


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