40 Random Bits of Trivia Drilled From the Core of an Antarctic Glacier

We ice-picked these fresh this morning!
40 Random Bits of Trivia Drilled From the Core of an Antarctic Glacier

Deep in the heart of Antarctica’s frozen wasteland, we unearthed (un-iced?) some of the coolest, most random facts on the planet. It makes sense that Antarctica was the last place wed look. Not only because of its terrain, but its just the last continent that comes up on any list. 

Its the Staten Island of continents. Snap!

California City

Abandoned constructions California City California City (in California) is technically the third largest city in the state, but it's a ghost town. There are hundreds of miles of roads and cul-de-sacs - and no homes. The dust storms caused by the construction meant it never really took off. CRACKED

Monetary Transactions

CRACKED COM In America shoppers generally hand the cashier money. In Japan it is customary to put the money in a small tray. 1000 1000 4nnn IN 4nn 700

The Civil War

For years after the Battle Of Waterloo, companies would dig up the bones of fallen soldiers, grind them up, and sell them as fertilizer. Bones are ric

Wayne Brady

Wayne Brady dressed up as Tigger from Winnie the Pooh and entertained tourists at Walt Disney World. When the comedian wasn't passing out from the hea

Salma Hayek

Salma Hayek says she was told her Mexican heritage would prevent her from ever making it big In Hollywood. But she fought against that discrimination and now encourages other women not to give up on their dreams. CRACKED.COM



CRACKED.COM SWALLOWING LIVE GOLDFISH WAS POPULAR ONCE. Does sushi gross you out? How about eating a fish while it's still alive? A short-lived fad amo


CORPORATE CRASH & BURN CATCHING THE IRE OF THE DEEP STATE Patrick Byrne, the CEO of Overstock, stepped down in 2019 after he said weird stuff about the Deep State, which caused the company's stock to fall by 36%. Coincidence? CRACKED

Fast Food

EXPIRED MEAT KFC CRACKED CON In 2014, undercover reporters filmed an American-owned Shanghai factory changing the dates on expired meat before sending it to McDonald's and KFC locations in China. KFC's parent company, Yum Brands, dropped the supplier, while McDonald's used the same company but a different plant.

Source: rd

Rolling Your Tongue

MYTH: ROLLING YOUR TONGUE IS A Genetic TRAIT. FACT: TONGUE ROLLING IS SOMETHING YOU LEARN. Elementary school science teachers like to use tongue rolling as an example when they're teaching about genetics. But it actually isn't an inherited trait. It's learned. It turns out that kids who can't roll their tongues aren't unable to- they just haven't figured out how, yet. And once they know about the trick, they figure it out pretty quickly. CRACKED.COM http://udel.edu/-modonald/mythtongueroll.htmi


Christian Bale

For a few years, Christian Bale's stepmom was the author and feminist icon Gloria Steinem. Bale's dad married Steinem in 2000, the year Bale had his b

The First Movie Scenes Ever in Color

The first scenes shown in color: 1903 CRACKED COM Ode to the New Testament The Life and the Passion of Jesus Christ is a 44-minute narrative, filmed in black and white but partially hand-stenciled in vivid Pathechrome.

Jeffrey Dean Morgan

Star Trek: Enterprise nearly killed Jeffrey Dean Morgan's career. His role involved heavy makeup and prosthetics and, as he explained, I was claustrophobic. I'd go home in tears ... I've never been on a set where I went home at night and just thought 'What am I doing? CRACKED.COM


Attack of the Killer Hippos

Hippos kill 3, 000 OPLE every year. Sharks kill fewer than six. Where are all the Hipponado movies? CRACKEDCON COM


Death is as inevitable as taxes. But not in one Italian village. Dying is against the law in Falciano del Massico, a village 30 miles from Naples in s


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