27 Strange Nicknames With Funny Backstories

‘Sorta Pants, because he wears pants so ripped they barely qualify as pants’
27 Strange Nicknames With Funny Backstories

The best and worst part about nicknames is that you don’t get to choose what yours is — there are creative people out there who will dub you with the least flattering moniker possible that you’ll eventually start responding to anyway. Like the guy who was nicknamed “Sidewalk” because he fell on the sidewalk and broke his arm, or the tall white girl with short guy friends who was dubbed “Snow White.” 

Other Redditors have recalled the funniest nicknames that they know of with hilarious backstories to match, and it’s good to know people still take pride in this very particular artform.

Qlinkenstein 8y ago My friend dated a chick we called 6 because she would always borrow $6 every day for food and smokes. That one has stuck for over 20 years. At work there's a Skeeter, because a guy didn't know his name and shouted SKEETER and the guy turned around so that stuck. We also have Sorta Pants, because he wears pants that are so ripped that they barely qualify as pants. An in the army there was a kid that always fell asleep at basic. One day the drill instructor found him sleeping and shouted WELL, IT LOOKS
BoilerMaker11 8y ago There's a guy I know whose last name is Lopian. When he originally met my friends, one of them said your name is Lopian? Haha like fallopian tubes? and Lope said yea. So, we started calling him Fallopian Tubes......then, just Fallopian, then Phil Lopian, and just Phil. Confused the fuck out of his parents when they visited in college, and because we all just called him Phil by default, whenever we'd meet new people, they had no idea his name wasn't Phil, because Phil is an, otherwise, normal name. 2.6K Share ...
Sparksman91 . 8y ago A kid in my school was called Cab, very few knew his real name. The reason? he wore a yellow shirt first day of school, that's it. 3.8K Share ...
barron42 1 8y ago e Edited 8y ago Kilo. Everyone thought it was drug related but his name was Miles and we converted him. Edit : geez, for the record we started calling him kilometers and shortened that to Kilo. 3.4K Share ...
 8y ago We call my friends neighbor Cupcake. He's a 20 year old dude (a few years younger than us) and when we were all in middle school my friend's dad who is Indian and barely speaks English, came outside and walked up to him and said, my sweet little cupcake. It's stuck with him ever since. 1.9K Share ...
mrexplosion 8y ago I had a pretty tight knit group in one of my high school classes. In one of our conversations, it was brought up how horrible I was at the time with remembering names. One of the guys, who happened to be Hispanic, said to me Bro, I know you know my name. Come on man, what's my name? I honestly didn't know and so I popped out the first name that came to mind. I don't know dude, Carlos? Everyone, including Carlos started laughing. For some reason, it just stuck. No one called him by his first
efro98 8y ago Had a girl in highschool who was really tall, and all of her guy friends were shorter than her. That and the fact she was white granted her the nickname Snow White 595 Share ...
ArchaicObelisk 8y ago I worked with sidewalk. Не was cutting branches on a tree one day, he decided the best place to set the ladder was against the branch he was cutting...on the outside of the cut. Needless to say, he fell and landed on the sidewalk, and broke his arm. Hence, sidewalk. Share 839 ...
MSCMTYH 8y ago I was friends with a guy at uni who was 6'6, extraordinarily slender with ginger curly hair and was allergic to everything. Seriously, he as one sneezing fit away from being locked in a bubble. His struggles to make his hair look cooler were seriously impeded by his allergies (couldn't dye it, couldn't straighten it), so he just left it. So, the funny thing with him was that he was a goth. That in itself isn't funny, but what was was the sight of a massive, lean porcelain skinned guy lurching around campus dressed from throat to
 8y ago That would be my nickname, Captain Trips. My initials are LSD, and my parents were fans of The Stand, and since I was young I've been called Trips, Acid, and 25. 357 Share ...
 8y ago . Edited 8y ago A dude at work was hired fresh out of High School and all the dudes on the floor called him Titty Milk because he looked so young. Another dude was called Blanket cause he looked like Michael Jackson's kid. 1K Share ...
ozzydollar 8y ago A guy in our rugby team is always injured so he has the nickname tampon. In one week then out for four. This prick at work we call blisters because he always shows up after the work is done. 2.5K Share ...
SerSonett 8y ago There's a rather flamboyantly gay man at my company that everyone adores. He's also rather tall. A couple years back, he and a few other got together and made a dodgeball team - pretty unusual in England. Anyway, this guy was really good and helped carry his team through competitions - it was said that years of yoga and gymnastics had made him so flexible he could contort in almost bullet-time fashion to avoid being hit. And that is the sole reason he is fondly known as The Big Bender. Share 2.7K ...
radiobread112 8y ago I know someone who has the nickname Shanks. Sounds quite intimidating, but less so when you find out it's because his friends found him passed out after vomiting into an Armitage Shanks toilet. 132 Share ...
TVCasualtydotorg 8y ago 0 Edited 8y ago Whilst in the Venture scouts, we had a new joiner called Dave. Unfortunately for him, we already had a Dave in the group. A friend of mine announced, whilst we are all stoned one evening, We already have a Dave, this will confuse us all too much. From now on we'll call you Keith. Year later, the first Dave had disappeared. Keith would still answer to Keith, but not Dave. 236 Share ...
natefly5 . 10y ago I was nicknamed Soccer Mom in high school because I drove a minivan.... Share 6 ...
pengooin 11y ago My sister's nickname is chach short for cha-cha since I couldn't pronounce Tasha when I was 1. Everyone calls her chach. I also call her munch or munchie, which is short for munchkin since she's my baby sister.
 D 8y ago My name's Charlie and I'm a vegetarian so I quickly became ground chuck. 186 Share ...
MartyVanB . 8y ago . Edited 8y ago Dude I know who had pinkie, ring and middle fingers blown off his left hand. His name was Peter so of course he was pistol pete
teshoolama 8y ago Two Dudes. Garnered from a job interview where he repeatedly mentioned the time he spent working with two Dudes in some cabin in WA doing field research. His boss shared this with all after he hired him. Love two doods. 15 Share ...
HankSinatra 10y ago In high school, I was Batman. It started when my name was misprinted in a program as Adam West. 4 Share ...
perpulman в 8y ago My name is Blake, but in college I was rushing a fraternity and we all were given name-tags to fill out and I wrote BIAKE! on mine (note the lower-case L). For the last 8 years I have been called Biak  by everybody I know. 693 Share ...
AsianHawke 8y ago . Edited 8y ago People think I got my nickname Suave because I'm a smooth talker with the ladies but in actuality, it's because I was too cheap to buy hand soap. So I used Suave as both shampoo and hand soap. My friends have called me Suave since. 1K Share ...
45MinutesOfRoadHead 8y ago в Edited 8y ago Pickle. This is actually my nickname. This guy was my school's Kevin. We were partners in home ес and he could never remember that my name was К*****. Не kept calling me Kiddle. One day this other guy misheard him and goes Did he just call you Pickle? So it stuck. I've been Pickle for like 15 years now.
CaucasianDelegation 0 8y ago Rimbo. Не gave a girl a rimjob in a cornfield and got caught doing it apparently. I never learned his actual name. 442 Share ...
saltnotsugar 8y ago We had a guy in the army we called Jacket. This was because of the blanket incident that happened in basic. One night, when the lights got turned off in our bay of 100 recruits, we heard a sound most strange coming from the back of the bay. Sounded like someone was slapping a naked cat, but the cat was happy about it. So that was weird. We went to go see what was going on and we see Jacket has his earplugs in, furiously jacking away. Не opens his eyes, takes out his ear-plugs and sees
Rickrickrickrickrick 10y ago My friend has been known as Sweet Cheeks since 8th grade. Не is now 28. No-one that doesn't personally know him knows his real name. Our whole high school only knew him as Sweet Cheeks. One day in eighth grade he told us he got caught jerking off to Sweet Cheeks Volume 8 and the name had stuck since. 11 Share ...


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