40 Random Bits of Trivia the Local Church Group Wrote on the Check in Lieu of a Tip

Spreading the good factual word
40 Random Bits of Trivia the Local Church Group Wrote on the Check in Lieu of a Tip

If we worked a job that relied on tips as a large portion of our income, wed be thrilled to get a solid fact written on that gratuity line once in a while. Money is great, dont get us wrong. In this scenario, we probably got five or six other monetary tips already, so learning that the roars in The Lion King were actually made by tigers is a good way to switch things up. Keep it fresh, you know? 

Well ask our landlord if we can start paying rent in facts!

Citizen Kane

In 1982, Steven Spielberg rrOSHUS bought the sled from Citizen Kane for $60,500. ROSE

The Dark Knight

The Joker's clown mask in the opening of The Dark Knight is a homage to the 1960s Batman series. His mask looks just like the one Joker wore in his first episode of the show, The Joker is Wild. CRACKED.COM

King of the Hill

The series ended not with a bang, but with a yep. CRACKED The first and last lines of the series are Hank and the boys exchanging a round of yep's.

The Dutch TV Island

Frustrated with the government's monopoly on TV, the Dutch built an artificial island in the '60s to transmit uncensored TV. CRACKED.COM Eventually, the Neth- erlands legally ex- panded its maritime claim and the mili- tary raided the island by air.


Paul Newman

Paul Newman's daughters are suing his Newman's Own Foundation for not donating enough to charity. STOP GRACKED.COM Newman's daughters Su- san Newman and Nell Newman allege those in charge of the foundation have ignored philanthropic endeavors and are not giv- ing enough to charities.


Stranger Things

Joe Keery originally wasn't supposed to play Steve in Stranger Things. He auditioned for Jonathan, along with everybody across the country, but they

Source: GQ

Captain America

lconic Captain America #1, with Cap punching Hitler, came out a year before the U.S. entered WWil. Jewish creators Joe Simon & Jack Kirby received dea


A Great Indian Hornbill received a 3D-printed prosthetic at ZooTampa after developing skin cancer. Veterinarians at ZooTampa worked with hospital physicians, biomedical engineers and the University of South Florida to save the life of a Great Indian Hornbill after she developed skin cancer. CRACKED.COM



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