29 Hilarious NSFW Stories People Needed to Get Off Their Chest

‘My dad found a large ring in a parking lot…’
29 Hilarious NSFW Stories People Needed to Get Off Their Chest

There are plenty of risks that come along with waxing your bikini line, but it turns out pain, swelling, burns and accidentally ripping off the skin on your labia are only the beginning. As one Redditor discovered ahead of a rendezvous with her boyfriend, there is yet another painful pitfall that should have a warning label on every Sally Hansen hair removal kit: accidentally sealing your butt cheeks closed. “The wax wasn’t very good and dried to(o) quick(ly) before I could do it properly, so when I went to do the back I ended up gluing my ass cheeks together,” they recalled of their particularly sticky situation. 

Forty-five minutes and a lot of baby oil later, she managed to separate her cheeks and come away with one hell of a cautionary tale. 

This isn’t the first (or last) time someone has found themselves in the middle of a silly NSFW situation either. Redditors have shared other hilarious yet inappropriate stories they’ve needed to get off their chest, including dildo-to-wall damage and an interesting remedy for clogged ears.

Topshot27 10y ago I was bored a couple times while taking a shit so I brought one of my cats toys into the bathroom to play with my cat to pass the time. After doing this a couple times my cat now thinks its play time whenever I go to take a shit. The second she sees me in the bathroom she runs and picks up the nearest toy and brings it to me on the toilet. My bathroom is now full of cat toys. 1.8K Share ... nodaybut_today 10y ago Pavlov's cat. 335 Share ...
seekay14 10y ago A few years ago my dad found a large ring in a parking lot. Не gave it to my mother as silly fake jewelry. Because the ring was so comically big and oddly constructed my mom brings it out every now and again, wearing it on her finger, to show to company when they visit. It's a cock ring. 3.5K Share ...
gijen3 10y ago I bought one of those dildos where the base is a suction cup. I get home and decide to stick it random places to see how good it really was. Counter top, struggled to get it off (not literally settle down), table leg was not a success, side of tub was awesome, etc. Between my living room and my kitchen was a doorway with no door in it, so it was a perfect, wide framed area to test out. So I slap it on there, and attempt to pull it off. A circular chunk of drywall and
 10y ago I have a nerve injury. It was really bothering me one particular night so I used this cream that blocks the pain. Well, usually I wash my hands as I don't want to get that cream anywhere else. However... I was with my boyfriend. Не distracted me, I distracted him, and next thing you know I am going down on him. Everything is fine and dandy until my tongue starts to feel weird. I looked up at him and accused him of putting something weird on his dick! Не asked what I was talking about, he wanted
Callmebobbyorbooby 10y ago This actually happened last week. I was asleep and having a dream that for some reason, I was banging a really hot prostitute. It was one of those dreams that were so real that mid way I thought oh my god, what the fuck am I doing? I'm cheating on my fiancee?!. Woke up, and had a raging boner and I was dry humping my fiancee. I can't believe she didn't wake up. 2.6K Share ...
SnuggleBunni69 10y ago Edited 10y ago I'm a teacher. Last year the art teacher was doing a project with googly eyes. Pocketed 2 of them, went home, got hard and stuck them on my dick. Took a wonderful dick pic. It's still in a secret folder on my phone. Sure I always show girls I date, but i can't just go showin it to people the way I want. TL;DR I got one helluva googly eyed dick pic.
somnomnoms 10y ago One morning I'd had a bout with diarrhea and I thought it was all gone. I was standing in the kitchen wearing a robe and boxers when I felt a fart coming. Foolishly thinking I was safe, I pushed it out, resulting in a shart. Liquid shit fell through my boxers and onto the floor forming a bubbly puddle. My roommate knew exactly what had happened when I yelled Oh God no...Chris don't come in here! So yes, I do shit where I eat. Share 2.6K ... Sophosticated 10y ago Nuclear fart... fart will fallout. 759 Share
SmugSceptic 10y ago My cat dragged my wife's see through underwear down stairs during a house party. Luckily we both saw it before anyone else. Still funny as hell. - 2K Share ...  10y ago No one saw it because it was see through - 2.4K Share ...
Dakotadabbz 10y ago My best friend walked in on me and this guy. My legs where at a 90 degree angle in the air. Не was ferociously eating me out. She walks in and TURNS THE LIGHT ON. We all made eye contact. She turns the light off, doesn't say a word and slowly shuts the door. 2.8K Share ...
bjcuresall 10y ago One time I came down with pneumonia and a double ear infection. My ears had been clogged shut for an entire month and I was going crazy. I had tried everything short of stabbing a hole in my ear - including 2 rounds of steroids and several rounds of antibiotics. When I started to feel better, aside for my ears still being completely clogged, I decided to give my boyfriend a bj. About halfway through I guess something about the pressure caused both my ears to simultaneously unclog. It was amazing and I could not stop laughing about the
Muh_shrooms 10y ago About a week ago my BF pulled out and came on my stomach. We started to wiped it up with some tissues. We're talking as we're cleaning and I noticed some sweat on his forehead and I absentmindedly dabbed his forehead with the tissues covered in his own man butter... Не yelled Nooo and I realized what I did, was horrified, and then burst out laughing for a solid 5 minutes. - 2.6K Share ...
CarLucSteeve 10y ago So I was making these tacos on Saturday and I had just finished cutting my jalapenos and other stuff and I went for a quick pee before eating. I went back to the kitchen and suddenly I noticed something. Something like a burn. On my balls. I started staring at my roommate (lady) across the table and I just said: Holy fucking shit, I should have washed my hands. She put 2 and 2 together and proceeded to laugh her ass off for the rest of the day. She kept coming back to my room like : Hey I've
 10y ago The other day I was walking my dog and farted so loud that my neighbors dog started barking. 1.2K Share ...
master_implosion 10y ago I drunkenly passed out in a hammock while smoking a cigarette. I woke up the next morning and could smell something was burnt but i couldn't find anything until the next day when my nuts started hurting. I found the burn hole through my shorts and boxers and found out what it looks and feels like to have a cigarette burn on your scrotum. 513 Share ... rosiering 10y ago You know those anti-smoking commercials they air now? This should be one. 412 Share ...
tinglr 10y ago Edited 10y ago I once edged for 6 hours straight, and when I came I passed out. EDIT: My highest rated comment is now about how I jerked off. Noice Share 4.3K ...
LAND MrSuperSaiyan 10y ago Edited 10y ago $ I was messing around with this guy, we were having some crazy sexy time. There's this thing we do where we blow cocaine into the other person's bum with a straw...unfortunately as this was being done on me, I sneezed at the wrong moment and the guy was sprayed all over the face with cocaine...mixed with fart. (what? you asked!) - 1K Share ...
nottattooed 10y ago When I was 15, I got the idea to trim my pubes. With scissors. So there I am, sitting backwards on the toilet (I don't know why I was sitting backwards) going to town with the scissors, and my moms new puppy walks into the bathroom. I turn and start talking to the dog trying to get it to leave the bathroom. Still cutting with the scissors. Yeah. Ouch. Cut off a portion of my clit. It was just kind of.. Hanging there.. Still vaguely connected. So I had to cut the rest of the hangy piece
Lion_the_Bunny 10y ago My fiancé and I often engage in period sex - no sense in letting a little blood stop us, right? One day, after a particularly spirited encounter, we wake up from a post sex nap to see that everything...is covered...in blood. I must have been on top, then used my hands, then got on top again and used the wall for leverage. There were all these little, bloody handprints above the headboard, and the sheets...it straight up looked like someone had been tortured and murdered in that room. We now refer to period sex as murder sex. 723 Share
 10y ago Edited 10y ago My husband's nickname for my junk. Не calls my pussy Lady and my asshole The Tramp. 385 Share ... + 6 more replies
poopscratch 10y ago I fart so loud in my sleep it scares my girlfriend awake. I've woken myself up and scared the pets as well. 334 Share ... + 9 more replies
KinovaDaring 10y ago I was on the edge for about 2 hours and when I finally came I just started bawling my eyes out. Thank you PMS. 297 Share ...
GrandMasterBullshark 10y ago I was once peed on by my best friend, not sexual or anything I had just passed out in the most unfortunate spot. 182 Share ...
Azaria-76 10y ago I was baking with my boyfriend, and had put some butter in the microwave to be melted. Underestimated the time, and ended up with the microwave walls spread with melted butter. I was really reluctant about cleaning this mess so I jokingly turned to my boyfriend and said Hey would you clean this if I gave you 20bucks?. To what he replied No, but you can suck my dick. And that's the closest I have been from prostitution. 130 Share ...
begaterpillar 10y ago : i accidentally came in someones nose. i was going for a face shot but instead of it being a regular shot... it was huge and traveling at the speed of light. it instantly disappeared in its entirety. she was so surprised she inhaled. after she stopped coughing and sputtering and blowing her nose she knew it wasn't intentional so she eventually forgave me. i still think about that moment sometimes.. 112 Share ...
Man_eatah 10y ago My daughter farted like a grown man last week at an Uncle's burial while the preacher was praying. She is 8. Everyone looked at me and all I could do was point at her. LOL 104 Share ...
 10y ago I once licked a girls ass and tasted the meal I had made her the night before. Surprisingly, garlic can make it through a person and still have a taste. 91 Share ... Artificiald 10y ago Vomits violently. 120 Share ...
NostalgiaSC 10y ago I was on my own changing my 4 month old son when after I put baby powder on he farted and made a cloud of powder and fart. It was hilarious. Now I've told someone. 65 Share ...
SirRyno 10y ago Yelling SPACESHIP while receiving a blow job. In my defense I had just watched the Lego movie and I was quite happy at the time. 22 Share ...
exitosa 10y ago Edited 10y ago I wanted to be nice and smooth for when I saw my boyfriend so I decided to try to wax at home. The wax wasn't very good and dried to quick before I could do it properly, so when I went to do the back I ended up gluing my ass cheeks together and it took me 45 minutes to figure out how to get them unstuck and to remove the excesse wax that had dried on me. Baby oil eventually did the trick. 3.8K Share ...


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