25 Mistakes That Ended Up Really Benefitting Someone

‘My paycheck was supposed to be $443.21, but a zero got added to it’
25 Mistakes That Ended Up Really Benefitting Someone

There are times that you want everything to go exactly as intended. Surgery. Putting in a window air conditioner. Using a Schick to clear-cut your southern woodlands. Other times, like when a bank employee is smacking the zero key to fill in a check total? You might pray for a fat-fingered keystroke.

But it’s not just a bank employee’s extra-zeroed oopsie. Some mistakes can turn into something genuinely positive — like an accidental pregnancy that ends up being the greatest thing that ever happened to the parents, or when the Cap’n Crunch factory accidentally filled all those boxes with only crunchberries. Maybe the former will even end up enjoying the latter watching cartoons on Saturday morning, in a cooperative celebration of unintended glory.

The following Redditors know a little something about this kind of unintended glory, and shared firsthand stories of the fudge-ups that benefited them.

Necessary_Row_4889 10mo ago We had our manager get fired and then the company had a hard time filling his job. Managers of other locations didn't want our office tacked onto them since we had terrible numbers and the manager never got bonuses. So we'd report to some guy working a few towns over who we might never see in person just via phones and email, then we'd get handed off to another boss who we'd never see. The first time we got a new temp boss | called him to ask how much time off | had left, he told
CatacombsRave 10mo ago Back in 1996, I was in Miami with my family. On the day we were supposed to come back, we overslept and missed our flight to Atlanta. That flight? Well, it exploded not even fifteen minutes after takeoff and killed everyone on board. It was the deadliest plane crash in Florida history. 5.7K ...
10mo ago A911owner One semester in college there was a housing shortage, so I was put in a hotel room on campus with another student; my paperwork said | could move in on Saturday morning, however I was scheduled to work both Saturday and Sunday morning at my job that was right next to my parents house, so I just figured on moving in on Sunday when | got out of work. About a week before move in, the manager called me and said there had been a mistake and I actually wasn't going to be able to move in
10mo ago Junkstar Scalped 20th row seats for a Sinatra show when I was a teenager, and the scalping agency mailed me front row seats. Fantastic show. Confused mobsters seated next to us. 2K ...
10mo ago Kalsir Once during a lecture the lecturer asked if anyone knew when the battle of Agincourt was (was a lecture series with very diverse lectures, not focused on history). I raised my hand and answered 14-15 (with the intention of saying it was during the 14th or 15th century but turned out it happened exactly in 1415 and the lecturer figured thats what I said. Didnt benefit from it really but it was funny that everyone thought I was way more of a history buff than actually was the case. 1.2K ...
Top_Chair5186 10mo ago Our fridge went out 10 days before Thanksgiving 2023, lost all of our food and everything. Ordered a cheap new fridge and delivered 8 days before Thanksgiving. 5 days before Thanksgiving, our front door camera starts going off at 7:30am with notification, then another and another within a few minutes. Look at the notification and it's a Kroger food delivery dropping off 15 bags of groceries that we never ordered. Contacted Kroger immediately saying it wasn't our order and Kroger told us to keep it. Ended up being a whole family's Thanksgiving meal and completely restocked our
rehabforcandy 10mo ago Got a letter from the government that I forgot to pay taxes in 2021 and I needed to file immediately and they would determine my penalty. Finished them last night, they owe me money. 217 ...
GuitarEvening8674 10mo ago Edited 10mo ago I guess I can talk about it now... many years ago my paycheck was supposed to be $443.21, and a zero got added to it. I never said anything and they never caught it. I was paid $4,432.10
gguedghyfchjh6533 10mo ago Edited 10mo ago Bought a washer and dryer 20 years ago (expensive then, like $3K). They delivered them and installed. I bought them on a new store credit card, which I received. | started getting statements with no balance so I called them and they showed no balance, charges, or purchase. Being honest to a fault, I tried explaining to them over the next month - at least a dozen times - that yes, I had in fact purchased a washer and dryer from them and they were actually IN MY HOUSE. They couldn't find any record of purchase and eventually
Bertie637 10mo ago Edited 10mo ago I recently went on holiday and was compensated for the pool at the hotel being closed. We turned up, the pool was fine. 60 quid off the holiday, thank you very much! 678 ...
StazzyLynn 10mo ago My son was in a car accident. A bad one. His seatbelt actually malfunctioned and came unclipped. Не was ejected from the car and suffered a ton of injuries. Broken back in 4 places, broke every bone in his right arm and severed blood vessels. Internal injuries to his kidneys and liver and traumatic brain injury. Those are the major injuries. There were several other non life threatening injuries. But the point of this, is that the passenger side where he was seated, was crushed and had he been there, he wouldn't have survived. Being ejected from
hey_look_a_kitty 10mo ago The drive-thru at Starbucks had a mixup and gave me the wrong breakfast sandwich. | was running late and feeling adventurous, so | ate it anyway. Now it's my regular order! 271 ...
10mo ago mattrmcg1 Applied for grad school very late, so zero chance in hell of getting in, had already been rejected by a lot of institutions at that point. While filling out the paperwork I checked the wrong box (checked non thesis) and was pulled into the dean's office the first day of classes. They asked if | was non-thesis and or thesis track, and I looked at my application and said oh I had down non thesis. They go oh good because we would've rejected it if you were thesis. So got into grad school that way. That alone
TristanTheRobloxian3 10mo ago Edited 10mo ago walking up 26 flights of stairs. let me explain. so we were on vacation in florida in 2022, and my great grandparents condo is on the 26th floor. my parents and i decided to walk up to the 26th floor from the 1st as a sorta challenge or whatever (we are all into lifting and exercise shit btw) the next day my leg started hurting really bad for whatever reason likely due to that, and on january 3 2023 (5 days later) we got that shit checked. it was a bone lesion which was
10mo ago SubduedChaos A 4 year X-ray tech college program mistakenly denied me entry. I went with a two year program instead. I then learned the pay is the exact same for the job regardless if you have a bachelors vs an associates. Employers only care if you passed your boards. The only thing you need a bachelors for is if you want to be a radiology department manager. And I for sure don't want that job. I want to work with patients. 151 ...
Dinkypig 10mo ago This cute girl hit my butt lightly as she walked by. We had been flirting a good bit, so I walked by and light popped her butt. Turns out she accidentally hit me with the cooking skillet she was carrying and didn't even realize she had hit me. She nearly punched me in the face. Anyway we've been married for 11 years. 244 ...
10mo ago PlaidBastard Jury is still out, but...life existing in the universe seems like a net win for me personally. 168 ...
10mo ago Bedlamtheclown | hit the wrong button and left a group text. Later after therapy I saw that it was an abusive group so when I left and they got angry about it I was able to see the behaviors that were underneath the surface 131 ...
AGUYWITHATUBA 10mo ago Got really drunk my senior year of college and kissed a friend late at night. We stopped there because I was engaged at the time, to someone else. When I woke up the next day I realized I had been under so much stress I never asked myself if I actually wanted to marry my fiancé. The answer was no and broke it off with her within the next week. I'm very happy with that decision as I found out afterwards all of my friends and family disliked her because of how manipulative and overbearing she was.
10mo ago BeneficialScheme8060 Having a child at 17. If I hadn't had him I'd be a bar rat with no future. I went straight to college after having them and have a great life now. 102 ...
Dapper_Money_Tree 10mo ago My state required all students pass a math exam to get your high school diploma. (This has now been replaced by some other test. I'm old.) My remedial math class was a shit show. The school couldn't keep a teacher employed so it was taught by a rotating cast of subs. My Junior year I took the test and knew I failed. I had one more chance to pass in my Senior year. So, instead of taking it I went to the office and told the vice principal that my transcript was wrong and that I had,
10mo ago maybenotarobot429 I forgot to cancel my recurring match.com membership. Met my wife on there 2 weeks later. Been married 20 years. 71 ...
Bumfuzzler7820 10mo ago All of my friends got into a certain graduate school (like 10 of us) and I never even received a rejection letter...by the time the school figured out that they had misplaced or lost my application, it was too late. I was accepted a spot at a grad school far away but it's the best thing that ever happened to me. A graduate of my grad school is a well known CEO and has always kept in touch the professors to ask who the brightest students are....well, they were all Overwhelmingly supportive of me showing the most
BatLarge5604 10mo ago | had a pituitary tumour as a teenager, after a test a tech put a decimal point in the wrong place meaning my count read as 600,000 instead of 60,000, meant | got pushed further up the queue for surgery. 42 ...
10mo ago ghostofwinter88 Interviewing for a job offer. Recruiter asked what my last drawn salary was, I gave a rough figure, and they assumed that figure did not include bonuses when it did. | got a 40% raise from that offer. 3.9K ...


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