25 Mistakes That Ended Up Really Benefitting Someone

There are times that you want everything to go exactly as intended. Surgery. Putting in a window air conditioner. Using a Schick to clear-cut your southern woodlands. Other times, like when a bank employee is smacking the zero key to fill in a check total? You might pray for a fat-fingered keystroke.
But it’s not just a bank employee’s extra-zeroed oopsie. Some mistakes can turn into something genuinely positive — like an accidental pregnancy that ends up being the greatest thing that ever happened to the parents, or when the Cap’n Crunch factory accidentally filled all those boxes with only crunchberries. Maybe the former will even end up enjoying the latter watching cartoons on Saturday morning, in a cooperative celebration of unintended glory.
The following Redditors know a little something about this kind of unintended glory, and shared firsthand stories of the fudge-ups that benefited them.