26 of the Dumbest Kitchen Accidents Witnessed by Restaurant Workers

‘The guy tried to catch a falling knife’
26 of the Dumbest Kitchen Accidents Witnessed by Restaurant Workers

When you work in a kitchen, injuries are a question of when, not if. The fact that your chosen profession revolves almost entirely around heat and blades means that it’s not particularly kind to a part of the body ending up where it shouldn’t. After all, when your job requires you to cut and cook meat, you’ve got to be really careful that the meat in question doesn’t come off the end of your finger.

The severity of a kitchen accident, too, doesn’t always match up with the level of brain fart that might have caused it. For example, the tiniest slip-up — if it happens to be in the vicinity of a deep fryer — is now the sort of whoopsie that might require skin grafts. 

To that end, the chefs and food service workers of Reddit have shared the dumbest and most dangerous accidents they’ve ever unfortunately shared a kitchen with, including many people who doubted the power of said deep fryer.

3то ago TCM_407 It was my self: Around 7 or 8 years ago | was on the line when somebody knocked an aerosol can of Vegalene into the fryer...and nobody noticed...for about 5 minutes the can heated up until it exploded, sending around 5 gallons of 350 degree oil into the air, and then down onto my hapless self...2 months in the hospital and 10 hours of skin graft surgery later I finally got to go home from that shift 2.5K Reply Share ...
3то ago herpnderplurker I worked at a high end luxury ski resort. We had a program where young adults would fly in from other countries to learn and get experience on how to run a hotel or a specific part of the hotel. Great idea but since the parents had to pay to fly them to our remote resort ski town it was just a bunch of lazy rich kids. I worked in the kitchen. One girl decided she didn't want to work that day and came up with a genius plan! She would wrap her arm in plastic wrap
funderburks88 3то ago My buddy tossed me a lighter as I was standing next to the deep fryer. I must've had a hole in my hand that day because it sailed straight into the fryer. Luckily I threw a baking sheet on top of the fryer to contain the imminent explosion. 1.4K Reply Share ...
Individual_Can_4822 3mo ago As an 18 year old assembly chef i had to tackle my pancake cook before he dumped a 5 gallon barrel of water on a grease fire I asked him to take care of because I was 8 tickets deep - 3.2K Reply Share ...
nowayyyyyyyyybro 3то ago Calling me a chef is steep but first day on the job at Macca's I get a warning on the frier check box when | am about to filter the oil. For context filtering involves pumping the oil through a box with two sieves. I have no idea what it means so I ask my crew trainer who says it'll be fine, it usually warns you a few filters before you have to do anything. Just filter it. Next thing I know boiling oil is flowing out of the bottom of the machine and flooding into the
cewumu 3то ago We had an idiot at work spill a tub of used frier oil on a busy footpath (and then do the responsible thing and not tell anyone what had happened and walk off) the cleanup was insane. Kilos of sand and stuff just to make it walkable again. Cleaning up oil is basically torture. 416 Reply Share ...
3то ago splitfinity Friend is a bartender at a mid to high end place. They had a dude cleaning the vents over the deep fryers. Standing on a baking sheet propped over the grease. Sheet slipped, foot went in the deep fryer. 3rd degree or more up his whole foot and part of the leg. I asked how the place wasn't sued into the floor. Worker was illegal and it never got reported. Dude just got sent to the er and didn't tattle on the restaurant because his brothers still worked there. 761 Reply Share ...
CJBoom77 3то ago Not a chef but I worked as a server. The kitchen manager decided to use some very heavy duty drain cleaner on one of our floor drains. Somehow it backed up and came spilling out without anyone knowing. The first one to go into that part of the kitchen was one of our younger servers, probably about 16-17. She slipped and fell on the chemicals. Almost immediately she knew something was off but our manager was a В so she kept working through the irritation. Within 30 minute she ran out and went to the bathroom. Our
3то ago Plane-Education4750 | sliced half my thumb off on a meat slicer. 1/10 do not recommend 922 Reply Share ...
3mo ago 23feeling50 In high school, I worked at the fancy restaurant in my small community of ~5000 people. It was a Swiss restaurant that did wine and fondue and the such. Anyways, our line cook was an experienced chef from Dallas. I have no idea how he ended up in bumfuck Egypt with the rest of us. This dude liked downers. Like REALLY liked downers. Не would take Xanax/Hydros/Roxys and then chase them with adderall so he could have downers and keep working. guess one day he didn't chase his downer with an upper. It was a busy night
8thlevelofhell 3то ago | was making some sugar lace tuile for a dessert and dropped the spatula into the boiling sugar mix. My lizard brain automatically reached for it, covered my index finger in the mix and yanked back because the heat shocked me. It all happened in less than a second but | completely degloved that finger. 123 Reply Share ...
Formal_Command_5571 3то ago Edited 3то ago Not a Chef but was a Manager at KFC in the late 1990s and one of the upright warmers wasn't working and they had the old school long tube fuses. We were closed and were cleaning the floors so standing in an inch of soapy water I opened the fuse port and the fuse did not pop out like the inner spring was broken. so i stuck my finger in and tapped the fuse to bump it out while it was still plugged in not thinking and it shocked me so bad it knocked
3то ago wefwegfweg Pan set on fire. Hero Chef jumped to the rescue, killed the extractor fan, picked up pan of flaming oil and ran through the kitchen and out the back door with it. Burns all up his arm. To this day regales the details of this story with such commentary as everyone else was panicking and didn't know what to do. Just profoundly stupid. A pan setting on fire is relatively common and not cause for panic. No one was panicking, no one was even remotely phased. It's just such a non-issue. If a pan catches on fire,
Chester-J-Lampwick 3то ago | watched our new Chef slam a chit (food order ticket) into the spindle (metal ticket stabber), it went through and through the meaty part of his hand. Не grabbed a rag and was never seen again. - 171 Reply Share ...
crunch816 3то ago I'm the furthest thing away from a chef, but I recently started a job where I work in a kitchen 20-30% of the week. I pulled a pan out of the oven. Put the oven mitts away. Picked up the pan again. 78 Reply Share ...
Leading-Shop-234 3то ago | witnessed a chef attempt to open a large can with a chefs knife. Не angled the blade towards him and hit the handle of the knife with his palm. The blade didnt penetrate the can and instead riocheted off the top. Не drove the blade into his stomach deep enough that it was hanging out without him touching it. The manager told him he would be drug tested if he told the doctor he was at work when the accident happened. The cook pulled the knife out of his stomach and drove himself to the emergency
skater-1995 3то ago Not a chef but worked in a kitchen at a fast casual restaurant when | was 18/19. During a lunch rush working the grill I accidentally set the plastic bottle of oil on the stove instead of on the shelf next to the stove. Melted the bottom of the bottle off, large amount of oil spilled out onto the grill and led to flames a couple feet high. Managed to get it out quick but gave me and everyone else an absolute heart attack 71 Reply Share ...
odies1971 3то ago Edited 3то ago Dude dropped a pair of tongs in the fryer full of hot grease, and he tried to grab them before they went in. Good news, he got them. Bad news, he got them while they were in the grease. Yeah, that was bad. Closely followed by the guy that tried to catch a falling knife. Yep. 63 Reply Share ...
cfgy78mk 3то ago We had someone working in the kitchen who had just moved to the country. They were told to check the expiration dates in the refrigerator and throw out anything if it was expired. They threw out a whole bunch of stuff and we're like huh? there should hardly be anything expired we go through this stuff pretty fast what's going on? turns out the country they are from uses DDMMYY format and, being in the US, we use MMDDYY. So they thought 10/1 meant Jan 10th etc and threw away a bunch of perfectly good food. In
allthecircusponies 3то ago Not a chef, but work in a deli kitchen. One of my co-workers turned the fryer on without oil in it. Clicked the yes button when it asked if the pot was filled. Went up in flames. Another time one of the cooks in the restaurant kitchen left a (plastic) rack of knives out to dry over the pilot lights on the gas stove (overnight). Instead of, ya know, in the dish pit or on the magnetic rack. That, also, caught on fire.
avrus 3то ago Salad bitch knocked a can of pam or whatever spray it was from a side shelf into the deep fryer. The entire line cleared in the middle of the Friday dinner service. It didn't blow up, and I was cranky and tired. So I grabbed oven mits, a full sized baking tray as a shield, grabbed tongs (clicked them twice), and fished it out. Never went off. 36 Reply Share ... aami87 3то ago Didn't go off because you clicked the tongs twice! Share 11 Reply ...
LusciousHam 3то ago Was working an evening shift on a Friday night. One of our lines cooks came in late. Не was having some trouble at home and was coming in late for the last week but overall he was a great cook. We had a new manager that was young and cocky. Не decided this was the last straw and fired the line cook. We protested cuz we needed him for that night but the manager stood his ground. Manager told him to get his stuff and get out. The line cook apologized and left, or so we thought.
dwreckhatesyou 3то ago Not the Chef, but on the line. We had this dishwasher (wonderful guy, very well liked) who would take out the garbage at changeover just before my shift started. I arrived one day to find everyone a little shaken and a couple people scrubbing down the walls of the dish pit. I changed into my whites and went to start setting up my station and get the lowdown from the kid that worked my station during lunch and he was white as a ghost. I asked what happened... Apparently during a busy lunch service he had misplaced
thehazzanator 3то ago Someone storing their cup of water above the fryer (teeny tiny cafe kitchen) and it falling in, mid service. Was a fucking nightmare to clean 25 Reply Share ...
8086OG 3то ago It didn't actually happen, per se. We had a fryer catch fire one night. No big deal. What was a big deal was one of the new hires running towards it with a pitcher of water. My sous chef tackled him. Straight rugby style. Took him down HARD to the floor where I was standing. Fire was still burning. Wasn't paying any attention to it. Guy who got tackled was also soaked with water, and super pissed. Не looked up demanding an explanation, and told him he was an idiot. Waited for the guys to get up.
dasuglystik 3то ago Someone attempted to stick their hands into an 80 Qt. Hobart floor mixer before it stopped moving and got their arm twisted around a couple of times, multiple breaks. Sickening. 3.8K Reply Share ...


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