30 Times People Learned That Ignorance May Really Be Bliss

Some harsh truths are almost too much to bear.
One of them is the commonly-used refrain, “If they wanted to, they would.” It’s a tough lesson to learn when dealing with a shitty partner or an unreciprocated friendship, and it becomes even harder when it pertains to your own mother — an unfortunate scenario that played out for one Redditor.
They discovered that their mom, who “moved back to her home country” when they were nine years old, actually could have returned whenever she pleased. “I was always told she could never come back to my country due to visa/immigration issues,” they explained. “She confirmed last year that this was not the case.”
Other Redditors have remembered the times they learned painful truths about their partners, friends and the disgusting reason pistachios taste bitter sometimes. Ignorance really is bliss.