30 Times People Learned That Ignorance May Really Be Bliss

There is such thing as TMI
30 Times People Learned That Ignorance May Really Be Bliss

Some harsh truths are almost too much to bear.

One of them is the commonly-used refrain, “If they wanted to, they would.” It’s a tough lesson to learn when dealing with a shitty partner or an unreciprocated friendship, and it becomes even harder when it pertains to your own mother — an unfortunate scenario that played out for one Redditor. 

They discovered that their mom, who “moved back to her home country” when they were nine years old, actually could have returned whenever she pleased. “I was always told she could never come back to my country due to visa/immigration issues,” they explained. “She confirmed last year that this was not the case.” 

Other Redditors have remembered the times they learned painful truths about their partners, friends and the disgusting reason pistachios taste bitter sometimes. Ignorance really is bliss.

anothercrazydoglady 8mo ago My mother moved back to her home country when I was 9. I was always told she could never come back to my country due to visa/immigration issues. She confirmed last year that this was not the case and she could come back any time. I realised she chose not to. Ouch 2.5K Share ... + 11 more replies
Efficient_Insect_145 8mo ago When I found out a friend I grew up with had died. Then sat down and counted on my fingers how many people I grew up or went to school with are already dead. Jeez, I'm only in my 30's. Stop dying already people. Share 701 ... + 5 more replies
Loreo1964 8mo ago When my grandmother died my mom had me send her ( my grandmother's) engagement ring back to her second husband's family. She had it for 25 years, so it was a bit of a project but I did it. When my mom passed away 2 years ago I found my grandmother's will. That ring was the only thing my grandmother had left for me. I always wondered why she left me out of her will because we were so close. 13K Share ...
 8mo ago Way back in the day, I searched my name in my long term girlfriend's gchat log. I quickly found a chat of her and one of her friends discussing how stupid I was for not realizing she cheated over the summer, and how sick of me she was. Ouchy. 8.3K Share ...
Mynameisinuse 8mo ago Edited 8mo ago At the funeral my aunt told me that my brother was really not my brother. My parents took in the son of a family friend when I was 2 and raised him as their own. When I was 12 and he was 23, he was hit and killed by a drunk driver. I was crying and my aunt told me to stop being a whiny baby and that I have nothing to cry about because he isn't even your brother. I looked up to him and I loved him so much. I miss you
trainwreck42 8mo ago I inherited my wife's late uncle's computer. Let's just say I had to delete a lot of unsavory porn that I'll never tell my wife about. - 5K Share ... tossaway78701 . 8mo ago Always best to let the porn rest in peace. 1.8K Share ...
varthalon 8mo ago Over heard my best friend being asked why they let me hang around them. Their answer was it was out of pity. 5.6K Share ... Gods0fsand 8mo ago Stop hanging out with those people. They are not your friends. There are much better people to hang out with. And you don't deserve that treatment. No one does. 2.4K Share ...
octoroach 8mo ago That if I don't initiate contact with my friends they would never reach out or message me ever - 6.5K Share ... little_arsonist 8mo ago Oof. I'm finding this is true with even my very best friends. 1.1K Share ...
Fart17 8mo ago I once found what looked like an animal bite on my ankle and I was worried about getting rabies. I looked up the symptoms and the first symptom was apparently anxiety. Let's just say that was not helpful. - 4.2K Share ...
IWantToWatchltBurn 8mo ago How many calories are in a chocolate Costco muffin - 6.7K Share ... Tv_land_man 8mo ago Edited 8mo ago I was eating their cheese pizza from the food court all the time until | learned each slice was 700 calories. Probably the best dollar to calorie ratio in existence but I cut down on that pretty fast.
Chosen_of_Nerevar 8mo ago My sister and I are adopted, one day our adoptive father decides I took too long in the shower and went full ballistic rage about how you and your sister are useless go back where you fkng came from! Only went downhill from there haha Edit: typo 1.9K Share ...
lamAssface 8mo ago That my dad refuses to get a job because then he'd have to pay child support. I wondered why it was such a big deal since I thought he only had one kid after my mom left him. Не had 5 others with at most 4 different women. 464 Share ...
Intrepid_Detective 8mo ago When planning a high school reunion a few years ago, we went looking for a classmate nobody could remember having heard from/about since the 90s. (We went to private school with fairly small classes so this is pretty unusual...) After during some research, we learned he had died on 9/11. I felt pretty bad that it took me almost 20 years to find this out. 193 Share ...
Legitimate-Most6739 8mo ago That I was the product of an affair my father had. 662 Share ... yorgurteater 8mo ago I just found out this year that I am the product of my mother's affair. She stayed with her husband and told him I was his. Yeesh! Just found out in March he's not my bio dad! Crazy! Share 81 ...
XeanAhmet 8mo ago My grandmother's parents locked my grandmother and her brother in a room and starved them when they were little, and my grandmother's brother died of starvation at the age of 9. Idk How my grandmother survived and grew up. 467 Share ... + 5 more replies
JohnnyGuitar74 8mo ago Finding out that my grandpa on my mom's side of the family was a selfish, self centered ass. I always idolized him as a young kid. he was a member of the government who traveled the world developing maps out of memory. Years pass bye and I move closer to be with him only to find out that he hated having a daughter and grandkids. Nothing prepares a person like knowing someone you loved and thought the world of was a complete piece of shit as a man. 279 Share ...
copernica 8mo ago Edited 8mo ago When my psycho ex-step mom snapped, just before leaving our family without a word, she called a bunch of our extended family and outed my dad's bedroom kinks. I'm totally supportive and made sure he felt comfortable and like nothing changed, but knowledge of my parent's specific sexual preferences is something I wish I wasn't carrying. 272 Share ...
rainvirgo 8mo ago Edited 8mo ago that my soon-to-be fiancé cheated on me with the person i was LEAST expecting. and had 0 intention of telling me. edit for those asking: it was a coworker, but the one i was suspecting the least. i don't want to give too much information just in case someone i know comes across this post, as my boss and them are both reddit users. 127 Share ...
mrgarcia4u 8mo ago That Jehovah Witness are a cult, was a hard pill to swallow, but no regrets leaving that life behind. 724 Share ... Malalang 8mo ago I turned 45 this year. I was born in. Dfd 2.5 years ago. I tried getting back in, but the elders refused to even meet with me. So I quit going to meetings and discovered it's not so bad out here after all.. When/if they ever come knocking on my door, it will be a very interesting conversation. Or not. Either way, I have some choice words saved up. 167 Share ...
Bigblue12 8mo ago I think I was happier before I found out how the stock market & financial system works. Us regular folk are getting fucked while some people make a years money in a day. 211 Share ...
Serenrul 8mo ago That the reason I'm deaf in my ear is from a tumor. 241 Share ...
The_Artsy_Peach 8mo ago That when my mom and dad were going thru a custody battle for me and my little brother, my dad was only really fighting for my brother and when asked what about his daughter he said I've raised her.... I was like 14, almost 15. Thanks dad. 153 Share ...
Playful-Yam8028 8mo ago Sometimes when a pistachio tastes sour, it's because they had moth poop or larvae in the shells. You have to check the inside before eating it - 470 Share ... Fusorfodder 8mo ago Yo, fuck you, you could have kept this to yourself : ( 454 Share ...
 8mo ago That my married best friend uses prostitutes. I really admire him and think the world of his wife and kids. Breaks my heart. He's been living a double life the entire time I've known him. - 179 Share ...
pigsbladder e 8mo ago I told my bandmates that I was unhappy playing the drums and wanted to give it up. The guitarist was mad about it and told me my gf was cheating on me. She confessed and I lost my friends and my gf that day. Our circle of friends decided to side with her so | lost everybody. - 131 Share ...
that_girl_or_thing 8mo ago I was using someone elses toothbrush for weeks... 128 Share ... 8mo ago SteveZ59 Had that accidentally happen with my sister when I was a kid. Neither of us realized till we were packing to go on vacation. Hey, where did my toothbrush go? Followed by horrified realization on both our parts when we figured it out! Share 62 ...
Shakermaker1990 8mo ago About the corkscrew like appendage that ducks have.. will never look at a duck in the same way again - 111 Share ...
West-Detective5773 8mo ago Edited 8mo ago My 77 year old mom's vibrators. I coulda done without finding those. 75 Share ...
ILoveHotStepMoms 8mo ago My dad told me, but only after I asked, that I was an accident. Then, he went on a spiritual tangent on how my birth made him realise his mistakes I kind of just sat there in a haze, wondering if he cared about me. I wonder to this day if my mother cares at all either. 40 Share ...
No_Brush_7706 8mo ago That the stench we've been smelling on my block in the middle of 100-degree weather was not in fact a possum, but rather, my neighbor- dead in his backyard for over a week - 5.3K Share ... MsFlippy 8mo ago The back yard?? Ugh. I can only imagine how it must feel looking over towards his property knowing that. 1.2K Share ...


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