40 Loose-Lipped Bits of Trivia That Each One of Their Topics Told to Keep Secret

If anyone asks, you didn’t get these from us
40 Loose-Lipped Bits of Trivia That Each One of Their Topics Told to Keep Secret

The topic of Finland told these random facts not to tell anyone that the Finnish title for The Shawshank Redemption spoils the entire ending, but they just couldnt keep that a secret. Its too good to keep to themselves. 

We wont fault them for it. We were told to keep all of these a secret, but telling one person isnt gonna hurt now is it? So please keep these between us. If anyone knew we made these public, we’d be fired for sure!


CRACKED LOVE CONQUERS ALL, EVEN WAR. A Ukrainian couple that got married the same day Russia started a full-scale attack on their country celebrated their first wedding anniversary. Despite the war still going on, the couple has stayed strong and grown even closer together.


Neil Patrick Harris and Freddie Prinze Jr.

Celebrities who were high school buddies Neil Patrick Harris and Freddie Prinze Jr. When Curtis arrived as a freshman at Beverly Hills High School, Princess/General Leia was starting her junior year. ACADEMY OF TELEVISIO ARTS & SCIEN CRACKED.COM

Source: BuzzFeed

Calvin Klein’s Obsession for Men

Big cats go absolutely bonkers for a Calvin Klein cologne. CRACKED.COM Tigers, jaguars and leopards all love the smell of Calvin Klein's cologne Obsession For Men. In response to the cologne, the cats would start drooling, their eyes would half-close, almost like they were going into a trance.

The Cut

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Schwarzenegger's favorite Schwarzenegger role is not the Terminator. Or even, say, Conan the Barbarian, or anything like that. I think Kindergarten Cop is my favorite, Arnie said in an interview. CRACKED.COM



Escaping the KKK A 2017 A&E docuseries about - you guessed it escaping the KKK. It was cancelled when it came out that production of the show helped -

Billy West

BILLY WEST TALKS TO HIMSELF A LOT. Not only did West voice Ren & Stimpy, he was also a good chunk of Futurama, the red M&M, and even Bugs Bunny.

Mary Poppins

The lovely streetscape in Mary Poppins was actually just an indoor set. ISTH CRACKED.COM


40 Loose-Lipped Bits of Trivia That Each One of Their Topics Told to Keep Secret


John Travolta was blackmailed by the paramedic who treated his son on the night his son died. Tarino Lightbourne, the paramedic, threatened to release

Michael Bay

Michael Bay is obsessed with West Side Story. It's the movie that motivated him to go into filmmaking. He begrudgingly took a class on musical theater


During the Rwandan genocide, Alice Mukarurinda lost her daughter and her right hand. She and her attacker went on to run a charity together. Emmanuel


Dallol might be where human life began It's located in Ethiopia's Danakil Desert. It's a blistering hellscape of volcanoes and earthquakes. It's offic


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