35 Large Amounts of Money People Randomly Found

‘I found $300 under a movie theater seat’
35 Large Amounts of Money People Randomly Found

In this economy, finding 10 bucks on the ground would feel like hitting the jackpot. Even though it would likely be used as a down payment on a carton of eggs, such an amount of cash is nothing to sneeze at.  

But there are a lucky few who stumble upon even greater riches. One such Redditor remembered the time he came into nearly $500 at the waterpark. He slid down one of the tube slides and there it was — hundreds of dollars in cash, wrapped in plastic and floating right next to him. He turned the money in to management, but when no one claimed it by the end of the day, he used that waterpark windfall to buy a puppy. 

Other Redditors have shared the random places they’ve uncovered large amounts of cash, including hotel mattresses, parking lots and the middle of the forest.

shunsui_ 1y ago About $600 that some drunk kid dropped in a dive bar about 10 years ago, needless to say I didn't try too hard to find him.. 1 ...
jane_of_hearts 1y ago 4 $100 bills in the magazine rack in front of the cash register. - 18 ...
xXHunkerXx . 3то ago $300 outside a Michaels in the parking lot. All $20s. Just so happens the next day my car broke and it cost $300 so that took all the fun out of it 10 Reply ...
StayLighted 1y ago When I drove a garbage truck someone must of throw out an envelope full of 50s in the recycling. | was driving down the road and luckily i saw a bill fly out and went into the hopper and found $250 in 50s scattered around. 2 ...
Gutler 1y ago found 100$ bill in a chucke cheese ball pit when i was a kid. 1 ...
elmatador12 1y ago Found a wallet filled with cash, I'm assuming around $3000 in mostly hundreds, at the gas station I was working at when I was about 19. Took it with me to the register and told myself I'd figure out whose it was when it wasn't busy. Guy suddenly comes racing in worried about his lost wallet. (Understandably) and I hand to him. The guy is super relieved and hands me $100. 1 ...
zerbey 1y ago My Mum found a purse with £600 in it when we were kids. She turned it in to the police. Six months later we get a call saying it wasn't claimed so it's hers now. The money helped pay for Christmas. She kept her lucky purse for years afterwards. 1 ...
inkseep1 1y ago | found $298 inside a broken beer bottle, partially burned, and then stuffed inside the opening of a groundhog hole. The bank replaced the damaged money for me. 1 ...
ONeill117 12y ago My friend found a duffel bag containing £40,000 under a bridge one time. Не took it. And now he has 40,000. // Someone probably died because this happened. 20 ...
Realistic-Crow-7652 1y ago 380€ wrapped with a Rubber band. The Moment i picked it up a man rushed to me claming it was His. I asked how much it is, Не hesitated and said. 120€ I told gin to fuck Off. 1 ...
MONOKHROME . 1y ago $1500 on the floor of Luxor casino. | didn't realize anyone with that much money went to that rundown shithole. 1 ...
username11611 1y ago $900 laying in the sewer drain circa 2009. Split it $500-$400 with my friend I was with because I actually found it and bought an Xbox, Halo 3 and the internet attachment the older Xbox 360 needed to connect wirelessly. 2 ...
VersitileCarrot 1y ago 270$ We all got drunk at an Irish pub, it had a library room that was more quiet so the group went there to chat and have some drinks. I saw this picture of a Shepard and some sheep leaning up against a wall on a shelf. I look behind the picture out of curiosity to then reveal a hardcover Frankenstein novel. I throw the book on the table and tell my girlfriend to read us a passage out loud! She grabs the damn book, holds it up high and proud ready to read, opens the book,
assfull_chaps 12y ago When I was in high school, I found $200 folded up in the toilet paper dispenser in the boys locker room. I just grabbed some shit-tickets and out plopped a money fold. So of course, having hit the jackpot, I took it home. Being the frugal young man I was, I decided to save it and spend it over time. However, a few days after this happened, a kid in my grade got beat up really bad, nobody could say why, and transferred schools. I'm pretty sure I caused a drug deal to go bad and indirectly
DesignNomad 12y ago I came back from an interview and found a $100 bill next to my car in the parking lot... no other cars around. I considered it a sign of luck and carried it around for months. 26 ...
TubbytheIDD 12y ago | work on a rollercoaster, and every night we walk underneath the ride to change locks (for maintenance) and look for shit people dropped while riding. My coworker and I found $285 just lying on the ground. The wallet was nearby amd had identification in it, so we had to turn in the money to the lost and found office, and that was that. - 33 ...
Swoosh_Hair_SWAG 12y ago Found $480 at a water park. It was sealed in a plastic baggie floating in the water at the end of a slide. I turned it in and the management said if nobody claimed it by the end of the day I could come back and reclaim it. Needless to say | bought a puppy the next damn day and shes been my best friend ever since. - 49 ...
R3luctant 12y ago I found $650 in a bank parking lot, I turned it in lost, the bank manager said it was the most honest thing he's ever seen anyone do, and if no one claimed it, it would be mine, a few months later I decided to check back on it, and lo and behold, it was still there, and it was mine. 7 ...
Dstroyer71 12y ago I work construction and while preparing a house for demolition we tore into the whole house. I found 6 grand in some old mans wall in an oddly shaped hole that he made. Не was still alive so I gave it straight to him. Не was happy because apparently he forgot about it. 5 ...
kaakie 12y ago | found $300 in a wallet at a coach store...I guess it had been returned and someone forgot to take the money out. I gave it to the cashiers because I was like 13 and thought | was being a good person. They probably pocketed it. 161 ...
gingergargle e 1y ago In a club I found a pack of cigarettes that had about 20 baggies of coke and $600 in it. | returned the two baggies of coke and $45 to the list and found. 4 ...
CCCBVB09 1y ago Not me but my mum . She worked at a bakery and before I was born she found a 500 euro bill on the floor and she didn't see anyone and just kept it. This was in Germany, we moved to the United Kingdom when I was 6. My grandma still works there - 5 ...
Snoo-68474 1y ago I found around 300 dollars under a movie theater seat once when I was cleaning. No wallet. Just bills. Had a great night that night getting drunk with friends on someone elses dime. 5 ...
svrgnctzn 1y ago Found a glasses case walking outside of Horton Plaza in San Diego in the 90s. Took out the glasses and put them on to make my buddies laugh, but then the glasses wouldn't go back in the case. Looked inside and found $1310. No name, no address, no identifiers of any sort on the case or in it. We had an amazing liberty weekend. 5 ...
Streetlight37 . 1y ago e Edited 1y ago $200 in a bank envelope on the side walk. If it had any identifying marks at all I would have tried to return it but there was none what so ever so I guess lucky me
stinkbuttfartman 7mo ago $700. I found the guys entire wallet, and it had $700 cash in it. I then went on FB to find the guy. | sent him a message on there, but he didn't respond. So I sent one to his gf, no response. I then noticed that me and his gf had one mutual friend, so I got a hold of him, he got a message through to them, told them where to find me. The guy shows up, I hand him the wallet, and not even a thank you. Не just seemed annoyed by the whole
 1y ago I found someones paycheck when I was a kid right outside the bank. Like 350 bucks in a bank envelope. I was like 11 though, gave it to dad and he bought me Ultra Magnus tranformer later. - 19 ...
Catdad2727 1y ago Black Friday 2009, I found a bunch of cash on the floor being blown by the wind. Turns out someone was arrested and put into a police cruiser, i imagine when the cops emptied their pockets and found a bunch of cash they set it on the cruiser and it flew away. I just picked up what I could without thinking, came out to about 250 dollars. I bought myself a blue ray player and a shitty 20ish something TV for my bedroom. 10 ...
dgrantschmidt 7mo ago 0 Edited 7mo ago I found $160 in between my car and a car next to mine before work. I wrote a note and left it on the car saying they may have lost something and put my number in the note. They called a few hours later saying they dropped 8 20s so we met up that night. She seemed annoyed by it? Like why would I take the money? Never even said thank you. This was almost 10 years now and I still think about how rude she was from time to time - 245
sunbearimon 7mo ago I found $450 in a book that was donated to the charity shop | work at - 880 ...
Alarming_Assistant21 7mo ago 7k under a mattress at a hotel . We always check for bedbugs anywhere we stay , this time it was more than a bug. | did check out early and went to another hotel across town 82 ...
 7mo ago According to the deposit slip, a little over $10k in cash, and $1500 in checks. Someone had dropped their deposit bag outside a Dollar General after closing one night. I found it while walking around the parking lot around 3 in the morning. Held on to it and took it to the bank it was supposed to go to when it opened. - 341 ...
juggling-monkey 7mo ago I found 800. Walked into a fish market I go to often and this time there was no staff in sight. At the counter, next to the register was a rolled up stack of hundreds with a rubber band. Keep in mind it was next to the register but on the customers side. But I instantly thought, since it was rolled up like a toilet paper tube, that they may have been doing taking or adding cash and it rolled out withiut them noticing. About 15 sec later I see the owner come out. I always see
Some_Refrigerator677 7mo ago i ino found 500 Euro when walking in the forest. There was no one around and i waited for 15 min. So now i have a new PS5. It was like a year ago. Happy me. 697 ...
GME-NeverSell 1y ago One time I found $580 in a Home Depot parking lot in an empty area during a torrential rain storm. Was just waiting for a friend to meet up with me so we could decide where to eat dinner. One time, walking with my wife at Lowes, we found $680 in the parking lot. Even gave it to the store to try to find the owner of the money. A few days went by and they called us to come take the money back. 1 ...


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