27 Doctor Visits That Totally Embarrassed Patients

‘Farted on my doctor’s hand’
27 Doctor Visits That Totally Embarrassed Patients

While it’s embarrassing to go to the doctor’s office, put on an assless smock and sit with your legs dangling as you wait to be examined, it turns out that some people have catapulted past this base level of shame and reached entirely new heights of mortification. 

One Redditor, for example, told the story of a doctor’s appointment he’ll never forget, no matter how hard he tries. He was 12 at the time and had to get a routine physical, which was performed by a “smoking hot” medical student. Unfortunately, when the physical reached the groin examination portion, he got an erection. The med student tried to maintain their composure, but they eventually burst into laughter and asked, “I’m sorry, but isn’t he too young to have an erection?” which caused the Redditor’s father and the supervising physician to start laughing too. 

Other Redditors have recounted their embarrassing trips to the doctor’s office, and they include a case of black-and-blue balls, an accidental full monty and someone with the hygiene of a two-year-old.

Burnd1t 8y ago I was getting an std test. When the doctor pushed the q-tip down my dick hole, I did the weirdest fucking jig. My right leg just completely spazzed out. When the doctor pulled it out I could see her trying to hold back the laughter, which in turn made me laugh, which in turn made her laugh. Tears of laughter ensue on both sides. When the nurse came back in she asked us what was wrong which made us laugh again. I guess it's really not that embarrassing, but the doctor did see my wiener so there's
okbtsy 3y ago e I accidentally got super glue in my eye and the doctor laughed in my fucking face. I already felt stupid, at least pretend to give a shit about my pain, doc! 2.2K Share ...
seanbennick 3y ago Edited Зу ago I use a СРАР, for a while I stopped using it and during that time I had lost about 40 pounds. When I started using it again, the first night the pressure was way too high for the new me. It pumped in so much air that I swallowed a lot. The next day I was in agony so I made an appointment with the gastro doc. I was dealing with something I called The Fartening. I gave it that name as an homage to the movie The Highlander. That movie had a thing
 3y ago I thought I had a tape worm. I brought my specimen to the doctor in a plastic bag. All the nurses came in to inspect it, some were even taking photos (HIPPA wtf). Had the doctor even look at my butthole. I wanted to die of embarrassment. You can imagine how I felt when they told me it was vegetable matter from spring rolls I ate the night before. The walk of shame was real. + 1.2K Share ...
throwra92927261 3y ago I had sores on my tongue and thought I might have an STD. Went to my doctor super worried. Turns out my new tooth brush was more firm than I was used to and I had brushed my tongue so hard with it that I caused damage. I was prescribed a softer tooth brush. + Share 1.5K ...
m_batatas 8mo ago - I went to the urologist because I have a spastic bladder. Не put me in stirrups and told me to cough... I sprayed the man like a cat in heat! Then he asked me to do it again, and I farted in his face! I've never been so mortified + 5.8K Share ...
GargleHemlock . 3y ago e The time I went for a pelvic exam, and my gynecologist was rummaging around down there and suddenly asked me if I'd ever been to the Grand Canyon. 1.6K Share ...
Stander1979 Зу ago A couple of days after my vasectomy, my balls swelled up like tangerines. The whole area, scrotum to butthole, turned purple-black. I had to go to the emergency room and show it to the triage nurse. Then every nurse that came to check on me while I waited. Then two doctors, then what seemed like every nurse that happened to walk by my bed for the next couple of hours. + 5K Share ...
justagarliccrouton 3y ago I was in another country and got chlamydia while there. I pretended to be my friend so I wouldn't have to pay a fee to see them. My friend was married, they tried to call her husband to inform him his wife had an STD and I told an elaborate lie about him knowing I had sex with someone because he likes to watch and not partake so we weren't intimate and couldn't have gotten it too so they wouldn't have to call him??? Idk what the fuck I was thinking but the look on the 75yr
smartbroccoli92 3y ago The doctor asking me my name, date of birth and then asked sex? as in male or female is what he meant, but at the time I was a little kid so I got nervous felt awkward immediately turned to look at my mom and quickly said no I'm too little! all worried n shit thinking I was gonna get in trouble and they both just laughed at me haha + 8.3K Share ...
Freikorp 3y ago I was pretty young, had never swallowed a pill before, my only experience with anything pill like was flinstone vitamins. I was in there with my mom and was given a tylenol and a cup of water, and I guess no one imagined I had never taken a pill before, so I immediately popped it in my mouth and vigorously chewed, and then immediately threw up from the bitter taste. My reaction was surprise and confusion. Doctor was just like ... You just swallow them... with the water... like I was some damn idiot. + 11K Share
Hitz365 8y ago Was at a urologist in a hospital and there were a couple of power cuts. Lights dipped out, generators kicked in. As he's finishing the examination, mid-sentence, the lights go out again. Не gets up and walks out to check on things. Fifteen minutes later I'm still sat on the bed with my old chap out and pants around my ankles. A nurse walks past the open door and does one of those comedy double-takes. ....do you...do you have an appointment? Turns out the doc had actually finished the examination, and returned to the ward some 15
StChas77 8y ago Was at a dermatologist at age 18 before heading off to college. I had a few red spots on my chest and she wanted to check down below to ensure there was no internal bleeding. While my pants were down and she was checking, the nurse walked in without knocking and had a nice view along with half the waiting room. The nurse backed out quickly and I received a profuse apology. The doctor had to go prepare a treatment and I got to hear her tear the nurse a new one in the next room. +
tdmmnnl 3y ago 0 Edited 3y ago - I was about 15 and at the doctors laying on that short table waiting for the doctor. I couldn't figure out why that dumb table was so short and tried to figure out a way to make it longer. Well I realized at the end of the table there were these fancy leg extensions. So I pulled them out and waited. Doctor came in and started laughing hysterically and asked me what kind of exam I wanted? I didn't realize what I had done until 20 years later I went to the
Fartweaver 3y ago Valentine's day, 2019. I pooped blood in the morning and made an emergency appointment. My doctor is a 60 something year old woman, and she says to me you realize you can't tell me something like that without me having to take a closer look. I'm lying sideways on the bed with my knees tucked up and my pants pulled down. She applies ice cold lubricant and starts to insert a finger into my ass and I make the awkward remark you haven't even taken me out to dinner yet. Dead silence. Nothing wrong as far as
Grooveman94 Зу ago Edited Зу ago I had a ton of pain in my balls. And read too many TIFU by getting testicular torsion posts on here and a recent coworker who was diagnosed with testicular cancer. I went in to get the pain checked out. Wouldn't go away, kept me up at night, just really freaked me out and hurt. After much inspection and touching. The doc asked about what kind of underwear I wear and I said boxers. Не said he recommends getting boxer briefs as I have saggy balls and have most likely torn a ligament or
Bacon_Piggies 8y ago I went to the doctor to treat my soar throat and I agreed to get a shot of penicillin. If you don't know this shot goes right into the ass. As he put the needle into my rear end I suddenly had the need to vomit. I wasn't feeling anything until the exact moment of contact with my cheek. I yell STOP and immediately try to run over to the sink where I proceed to trip and fall. Then I just start letting it all out over the floor. I was just laying there on my side
xilog 8y ago . Farted on my doctor's hand just as she finished a prostate exam. Because of the lube it was an especially wet and raspberry sounding one. She giggled and said she'd be rich if she had a pound for every time it happened. + 1.2K ...
 8y ago I was 14, my mom was in the room. Doctor: You're eating okay? Me: Yes sir! Doctor: Do you smoke? Me: No way! Doctor: Do you drink? Me: Yeah, every day. Awkward 5-6 silence/pause...... Doctor continues to ask questions/fill out forms. 2 minutes later..... ME: you mean drink alcohol?? haha, no. Never....i thought you meant milk or something. I remember them laughing and my face getting all red. + 1.5K ...
mocopoco 8y ago E Went about an anal problem. The doctor put his finger up to check all was ok, I made a slight noise and he asked if I was ok. And this is when I said That's nice, instead of That's ok. + 2.8K ...
Machoape 12y ago When I was about 10 I had an abscess in my ass. Like right next to my asshole. I went to the doctors office to get it checked out, and they decided they had to pop it. I'd gotten these things semi often and I had to operate away some tissue or something, still have an ass scar. Anyway the nurse that drew the shortest straw had to pop an abscess inside a 10 year old ass. It might be that it was kinda big, or that it was under a lot of pressure, but she got
 12y ago This pretty young nurse used to hang out in my room in the couple of days before my surgery. She gave me company and I was her escape from rude old men. She always smelled nice. So the surgery was at the end of my spine, or top of my ass basically. I WS a hairy mofo even in high school. So this one time she comes in with breakfast and I'm like hey! and she's got dead eyes and a stone face. Turn around please. I do, and off comes the gown, and she starts shaving
Dickfore 12y ago I got circumcised at 13. After the bloody mess and smelling cauterized dick skin, the doc pointed to some towels for me to wipe off with and left the room. After I was finished, the doctor, my mom, and I had a brief debrief of the operation, and he boasted and elaborated to my mother how many stitches he had to use because my dick was so large. To be perfectly honest, it's average at best. My mother had the most awkward face I'd ever seen. + 1.9K Share ...
nathan1942 E 12y ago One night back in high school I woke up with ungodly stomach pains in the middle of the night. I spent an hour in the bathroom trying to vomit or poop so the pain would go away. Eventually my mother drove em to the hospital and after half an hour in the ER I finally got a room. The nurse came in to do all that pre doctor stuff and the moment she leaves I let rip a giant fart and feel 100% better. We left shortly after that and yes it was awkward. + 1.1K
marlborokid91 12y ago When I was 12 my school district required any kids going out for sports to have a physical. This included the whole, don't drink, don't smoke, let's take your blood pressure, check your vitals, etc. Well, the last, and most embarrassing part for a 12 year old boy is having the doctor examine your penis/groin for 'hernia'. Luckily for me I got a SMOKING HOT female med student to perform my physical. Managed to pop an erection right around the time she asked me to remove my shorts. She tried to act very professional while examining my
arana-_-discoteca 12y ago Edited 12y ago I had a rash develop on my left armpit when I was 18. It was awful. So bad that it looked like one of those 'frosty' burns which kids used to give to each other with cans of deoderant. I assumed that I was an idiot and had given myself a frosty by using deoderant too vigorously. Eventually got to the doctor and I explained how I had given myself a frosty. Не just looked at me for a while before saying: I don't know what a 'frosty' is - and I don't condone those - but
paraworldblue e 8mo ago Maybe 7 or 8 years ago, I got too stoned and thought I was having a heart attack. The ER docs seemed to be some combination of amused and annoyed by it. 258 Share ...


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