31 Embarrassing Things People’s Parents Do

‘Nice rack! Must be saving up for her face!’
31 Embarrassing Things People’s Parents Do

Whether it’s intentional or purely by virtue of being themselves, your parents are going to embarrass you. In many cases, you can chalk up the dad jokes and control-freak tendencies to love and care, but there are times when, despite your best efforts, your parent’s behavior makes you want to crawl into a hole and die. Case in point: One Redditor’s dad always provides his photo ID along with his credit card, and when the cashier or restaurant server inevitably ignores the photo ID, he lectures them on identity theft. While he raises a great point, the behavior is indeed cringe

Other Redditors have vented about their parents’ annoying behavior, including one mom who’s a real stickler about ear cleanliness.

treetrunk53 4mo ago My amazing thoughtful Dad leaves half used napkins and tissue a lot of places. Не comes from meager beginnings and his father told him not to waste anything. I'll use the other half later! Well then take it with you Dad!!! I've been picking up half used napkins and tissues for 35 years. Haha. 19 Reply ...
Mental-Variation-399 4mo ago Adding water to 0.000001 liter of soap. 17 Reply ...
MissChanandalerBong 4mo ago A stranger cannot exist in their periphery without them making very loud commentary along with exaggerated gestures in the direction of that person. And it's always critical, of course. Wow, she shouldn't be wearing that, that hair color is an interesting choice, wow what does he see in HER? They simultaneously think that they are very open and accepting people, which makes it more maddening. 109 Reply ...
ayannauriel . 4mo ago . My mom is constantly humming, usually the Canadian national anthem. We're not Canadian. + 63 Reply ...
Xiao_Qinggui 4mo ago My Dad was so easily distracted, I'd try to have a serious conversation with him but if the TV was on he'd see a commercial and say, Hey, that new Jack in the Box sandwich looks good! I want to try that! Or Wanna see that new movie? Drove me absolutely insane. + 65 Reply ...
meOwlita 12y ago . My mom always points out black people and then whispers really loudly, Black person. Good job, Mom. 20 ...
kingjuvi 12y ago I live in Southern Arizona. Whenever we go to stores, my mom (Mexican) assumes all brown people speak Spanish and starts every conversation in Spanish. About 7/10 times they don't know Spanish and tell her that while I stand there embarrassed. She then gets annoyed by the fact that they look Mexican and don't know Spanish. 16 ...
 12y ago . When ordering at Chipotle, my Mom reaches over the sneeze guard thing and points at the ingredients that she wants in her burrito. It's ridiculous how close her finger gets. + 22 ...
North_Drummer2034 e 4mo ago They get jealous and passive aggressive over other people doing well. Your uncle is going on vacation. Must be nice 114 Reply ...
 12y ago My grandpa says things unbearably loud in public, a trait he has passed on to my father. When the two of them are together it gets really bad. We were at a baseball game and a heavy set lady walked by and my dad says to himself, Chubbayyyy ChubChubChubbayyyyy. Moments later a woman walks by with an obviously enhanced chest but a face that looks like saggy beef jerky as if she has been in direct sunlight for the past 50 years with no protection and my grandpa says, Nice RACK! Must be saving up for her
BrotherThump 12y ago e If we are out in public and I ask my dad a question he doesn't know the answer to he'll pull out his iphone and do the fucking voice command shit. Like in a restaurant or a store in front of everyone. 23 ...
meigs68 e 12y ago My dad thinks since hes been to Italy he knows how to pronounce everything and is very cultured which in turn he is not. + 24 ...
addavenger41 o 12y ago My mom is extremely proud of her ability to strip ever last bit of meat off of bone. She does it messily and enthusiastically with her bare hands. She'll do it at the fanciest restaurants and in front of any one. + 31 ...
 12y ago I'm gay, so whenever we talk about a certain show/movie/celebrity and there is someone gay in there...they always have to point that out, even around company/random people. ОН DID YOU KNOW THAT HES GAY TOO? a bunch of strangers look at me Yes dad... They mean well, but can get really embarrassing. 50 ...
 12y ago . My dad always gives his photo ID with his credit card when paying the bill. When the waiter inevitably ignores the ID and takes the card, he gives them a lecture on identity theft. 51 ...
rabidstoat 12y ago Restaurant-related, my dad is NEVER satisfied with the first table we're given. It drives me nuts. I want to tell the host(ess) to just seat us in the bathroom first, as my dad will disagree with wherever he is placed. Every. Single. Time. + 142 ...
GenericPenName 12y ago e My dad acts like a tense and stressed tourist when outside of the house. + 82 ...
undercurrents 12y ago When my dad blows his nose it sounds like a bullhorn and it makes everyone turn and stare at us to see what made that insane noise. It embarrassed the shit out of me when I was a kid, and he always blows his nose after eating (he still carries a handkerchief in his back pocket), so in restaurants I would eat as fast as I could and then run and hide in the bathrooms for five or ten minutes. 68 ...
flourish_or_expire 12y ago e My mom will hold up an entire line of people (think grocery store line at a checkout) looking for her car key in her purse. GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY so OTHER PEOPLE CAN CHECK OUT! it's a 5 minute walk back to the car, you literally have almost an infinite selection of locations to search for your keys that will not inconvenience a single other human being. 64 ...
 12y ago e My mom... Oh my goodness, my mom. It doesn't matter if I'm at my university bookstore with her, she always grabs my ear to check if I cleaned it properly. Ey, your ears are dirty. 60 ...
thefrozenpine 4mo ago Whenever I'm walking in public with my mom, and we're crossing a street, she will first either fling out her arm in front of me, or yank on my shirt and yell, Wait, wait!!! Waiiittt! Meanwhile I'm just standing there. Like she will just assume I'm going to bolt into traffic. I'm 30 years old with a family of my own. I have never run out into traffic without looking, and neither have my siblings. But that makes me want to jump into traffic out of spite, lol! 415 Reply ...
DahnyGober 12y ago My dad turns quite flirtatious when my sisters friends come over. He's 55, and they're between 18 & 20. The way he talks is... absurd to me. + 232 ...
gablogian_ 4mo ago e My dad HAS to be at the airport like 6 hours before departure. + 1.9K Reply ...
yiNXs 12y ago Bringing my lunch to school.. I'm a teacher.. + 209 ...
i_hate_stairs e 4mo ago When you walk down the sidewalk with my mom, she keeps veering towards you until you're literally off the curb. She's adorable though + 1.2K Reply ...
Firangi_Bahus 12y ago . My mom always runs when she crosses the street, but she keeps one arm pinned to her side and swings the other out like she's going to clothesline someone. It's a really embarrassing way to run, and she maintains an intense look of concentration when she does it. + 365 ...
CaptCojones 4mo ago e I could not tell my parents any secrets because if i i did, that would be the topic of the next big family gathering + 5.2K Reply ...
BeccaAnn 12y ago e My mom's boyfriend likes to joke around with waiters. This includes giving them a home depot gift card instead of his credit card just to see their reaction when they go to process the bill. Не is a great guy and really doesn't mean to be an ass but honestly, it is really embarrassing. + 156 ...
xplos1v 12y ago e My dad thinks no one will hear him on the phone if he doesn't yell. + 359 ...
UndeadCaesar 12y ago e When in foreign restaurants, my dad insists on speaking in the accent of the nationality, even if he doesn't speak the language. + 553 ...
meltedfigs 4mo ago Edited 4mo ago My mom narrates everything she does and everything she sees all day every day. She also asks questions in a passive aggressive way Edit: this got me fired up. Adding on. She reads E- V-E-R-Y sign she sees aloud. 9 Reply ...


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