25 Unusual Requests Witnessed by Food Delivery Drivers

‘I nearly got shot’
25 Unusual Requests Witnessed by Food Delivery Drivers

The ability to summon a random delivery driver to bring food to your door has made society worse. Sure, it’s convenient, but it’s impossible for people to enjoy any innovation without making it weird. 

One Redditor remembers working at a pizza place where a regular would ask for his pizza to be “crispy.” When he asked for further clarification on the crispness, the customer replied, “If it ain’t black, I ain’t coming back.”

It’s concerning that the customer is asking for his food to be so burnt that he’s adopted his own catchphrase for it. That’s a level of specification that means he should order the pizza regular-style, and then take it home and burn it to his liking. The pizza place shouldn’t have to agonize over what’s going on with his taste buds or gastrointestinal issues. 

That said, it’s not just him — other delivery drivers on Reddit have shared the craziest instructions they’ve been given, including those involving a different kind of mushroom pizza and a major sauce stock-up.

billystinkh20 2y ago Someone once placed a McDonald's order for ketchup packets and a couple bbq sauces. The manager at the McDonalds said to me this is the dumbest order I've ever seen. Then I showed him how much I was getting and we both laughed. They paid me $12 on the app, and gave me $20 in cash when I delivered it to their hotel room. 14 ...
KnuckleMeat 9y ago We had a guy we called the Ice Man. Не was a disabled hermit who lived by a lake. Не would request that the driver stop at a gas station and get a cup of ice. Не would also sometimes have the driver deliver his pizza and he'd have you drop a check off at the bank with a bank slip for $5 back. That was your tip. Not really weird, but kind of a pain in the ass. 17 ...
hotmarhotmar 9y ago 9 I was once asked to make a pizza into a pokéball for a 35 year old man's birthday party. Не was stoked. + 18 ...
 2y ago Weirdest is actually a guy I get pretty regularly. I call him the man with no pants because well.. Не is never wearing pants. Thankfully his orders are drop and go but on occasion he has been waiting at the door. The only restaurant I have ever picked up an order for him from is literally behind his house. Не tips $10 and it is a 3 minute walking order so I always take it. I assume he just cannot be bothered to find pants to go pick it up himself. + 59 ...
 1y ago e Don't knock, Don't ring, don't make a sound, no need to get my St Benards involved in this transaction. Set the food down, and walk away + 12 ...
tcrossthebawss 1y ago 9 A few weeks ago I got an order from Wendy's and in the directions it said please stop at a McDonald's on your way and get me some secret sauce they tipped 1 dollar. I obviously didn't stop at a McDonald's + 4 ...
Temporary-Library766 1y ago . Had a customer tell me to shake out four bags of chips of his order and hed tip me 2 dollars. Не didnt follow through 1 Reply ...
RushSuccessful9082 1y ago . Did you know that putting anything in spmeone's mailbox is a federal offense? I'm serious.. I got this request before.. It was in a rural area.. A policeman who was driving by stopped and made me call the customer, and he read both of us the riot act.. + 11 ...
Any_Vacation8988 1y ago Delivered a dozen doughnuts, was a hand it to me and the instructions said call me monkey Не said his friend sends him random things with weird dasher instructions all the time. + 3 ...
 1y ago Had one last time I dashed that said Give it to the turtle When I got there he had a storage ottoman on his porch that looked like a turtle, just lifted the shell and dropped the bag in. Really wish it was a hand it to me order cause I kind of want one but no idea where they got it. + 64 ...
coolboii89 5y ago e I worked as a uber eats and he requested his food cold so I give him his food and he put it in the freezer long story short he 1 star rated me for giving him cold food 4 ...
Striker_Eureka 0 5y ago . I had delivery instructions to leave the food in a basket on the porch and that the tip was in there. I was then supposed to knock on a window on the side of the house and leave. I did this a few times, got at least $5 each visit. I loved taking that one. 3 ...
EagleScoutMaster 5y ago She asked me to knock 5 times and ring the doorbell 3 times I didn't read her instructions Nearly got shot 5 ...
jmczimpat 5y ago In college I had an assortment of funny hats in my back seat, since I swear at least once a shift I'd get a request to wear a funny hat. I had a giant fucking sombrero that I'd have to cock my head to get through doors, a bejazzled top hat, etc. Ironically, those who asked for funny hats were most likely to tip in whiskey sours or some electric lettuce. It wasn't a lucrative position, but I made it through. + 13 ...
 5y ago when I delivered pizza I had one where the customer wanted me to shout MARCO! at the door like we were playing Marco Polo but she was at the store when I got there so I was screaming MARCO! at the door like an idiot for 5 minutes before she drove up in her car and apologized for not being home. The store she was at was just down the road so she figured she had time to run there and back before I got there. + 144 ...
HawaiianShirtsOR 5y ago Put the pizzas on our shiny silver serving pans before putting them in the boxes. Brought the pizzas into the customer's dining room, took them out of the boxes, and set them on the table with all their fancy dishes. Stood with the family and sang Happy Birthday as a confused guy was led in, blindfolded. It was a surprise party. Got a good tip when I went back to retrieve the pans later. + 133 ...
TheThiccPizza . 5y ago exact words YEET IT INTO THE DAMN HOUSE i did it + 128 ...
stephalove 5y ago A friend of mine drove for Postmates and had to buy/deliver an iPhone charging cord for someone. I don't remember all the details but when he showed up to the apartment to deliver it the guy was out on his balcony and insisted that he toss up the package. Не was on the 2nd or 3rd floor and it took a couple tosses for him to catch it, but he eventually did. + 52 ...
spiritbearr 5y ago One guy had 'sayJe suis ananas I knew it meant I am a pineapple and was pretty much a meme from French class. Everyone else had no idea what it meant. Fucker never tipped, lived down a dirt road and left it on until I left. + 41 ...
VanillaQuail807 5y ago So about 6 months ago, I was a working as a driver delivering cookies around town. This is a college town, so most of our customers would be college kids that were drunk/high and wanted some late night cookies. Anyway, one night I got a delivery with instructions to yell I have some cookies for a Mr. Fatass here! outside the door. Working nights can be pretty boring, so I did it to spice up my shift a little. Turns out some guys had ordered some cookies for their roommate and they all thought it was hilarious.
SuperSinestro 9y ago I used to work for Pizza Hut, and the most memorable request was on an internet order that said Send your highest achiever. Me being the only driver since it was during the day, I took the order not knowing what it meant. When they answered the door the dude asked Are you a high achiever? I was like What do you mean? Не goes Do you achieve highs? then it clicked Umm why do you ask? Не says Here's the cash for the pizza, from now on when we order you don't even have to knock,
therealkami 9y ago - Edited 9y ago Had someone order the Extravaganzza (basically every topping ever) from Dominos. With triple toppings. I told him it wouldn't cook, manager told him it wouldn't cook. Не said it was fine. We put it through the oven 2 times, crust was basically burned. Dropped it off, came back and got a call. Apparently it didn't cook and he wanted a refund. Manager just had him banned from all Dominos locations in our area instead.
karter0 9y ago I once took an order from a guy who wanted his pizza crispy when I asked him how exactly he wanted the crust, he said If the crust ain't black, I ain't coming back + 675 ...
sillybird99 9y ago E Edited 9y ago A Bachelorette party requested a mushroom pizza with the toppings laid out to resemble the shape of a penis. A couple who ordered regularly also liked us to draw mythical creatures on the inside of the pizza box lid for them to be surprised by. + 426 ...
Drew72 9y ago Used to deliver pizza, had a regular customer who would phone in a delivery order then wait in the car park and ask every delivery worker if they had his pizza and request a ride home. The cost of a delivered pizza was about half the cost of a taxi. I drove him home every couple of weeks for a year or so. + 35 ...


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