15 Viral Jokes About the Dystopian Society We’ve Somehow Built
If you like patriarchy, capitalism and the current state of technology, this isn’t the list for you

Given the opportunity, would we actively build ourselves a society where the only way to feel better after a long day of looking at a screen is to kick back and look at a couple more screens?
If You Tried to Fix Society After the Pandemic, You Have to Tell Us. We Promise We Won’t Be Mad
What Can You Amputate to Make Me Not Need Money Anymore?
The Account Is Suspended, But the Truth Remains:

The Day They Try to Cancel Mr. Bean Is the Day I Stop Watching British Public Access Television
There’s a Chance That Having Spy Tools in All Our Pockets Might Be Detrimental to Personal Connection
The Only Thing Worse Than What It Is, Is What It May Become
What’s Bigger News? A Teenager Sets a World Record, or a Celebrity Sandwich Artist Gets Second Place?