40 Timeless Bits of Trivia That Are As True Now As They Will Be in Any Dystopian Future You Can Dream Up

Facts that will never morph into myths
40 Timeless Bits of Trivia That Are As True Now As They Will Be in Any Dystopian Future You Can Dream Up

The truth is the truth. 

That might sound redundant, but we’ve been in the fact game long enough to know that some truths don’t stay true — especially in that pesky field of science. They’re always coming up with new ways to debunk the truths of old and replace them with fresh ones. It’s confusing, and it makes our job a lot harder. 

Don’t get us wrong, we’re grateful for anyone on the truth hunt. Let’s just get it right the first time, shall we? Take these facts, for example. They were true in the past, they’re true now and they’ll be true in the distant future! 

Child Support Laws

Utah discovered the quickest way to ensure child support payments: don't let the deadbeats hunt or fish. CRACKED.COM Rep. Karianne Lisonbee said she came up with it after hearing her constituents complain their noncustodial partners were spending money on hunting and fish- ing when they were behind on child support.


Jon Hamm

Before getting his big break, Jon Hamm worked as a set dresser for Cinemax soft-core- porn movies. Hesaid it was soul lcrushing. CRAGKEDOOM

The Green Jewel Beetle

CRACKED BEETLE Is that a cool mood ring? An acid trip? No, it's the green jewel beetle.

Source: Shutterstock

The ‘Wild’ West

In the 1870s, people in a town in the West staged fake gunfights and robberies. It was basically a show for passengers who were coming to town on the new railroad - it might have all been a ploy to boost tourism. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM


The Wizard of Oz

The Wizard of Oz Insect? What insect? In a deleted scene, Dorothy and her gang are attacked by a bug sent by the Wicked Witch of the West. That doesn't happen in the finished movie - but the Witch still refers to it, when she tells her flying monkeys that she's sent a little insect ahead of them.

Source: Oz Wiki

Joy Division

Joy Division bassist Peter Hook and drummer Steve Morris were once questioned by police due to their tour's schedule matching the movements of serial


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