31 of the Most Memorable Things People Found in the Trash

‘55 gallons of M&Ms’
31 of the Most Memorable Things People Found in the Trash

Some sights burrow into your memory purely based on the fact that they made you say, “Huh, would you look at that?” upon seeing them. This is likely what one Redditor said when they arrived before an open house to haul away a bunch of junk and found a 55-gallon drum of M&M’s in an otherwise empty basement. There’s simply no forgetting that many M&M’s. 

Other Redditors have revealed the incredibly memorable things they’ve found in the trash, including the contents of a mysterious black trash bag that should’ve remained a mystery.

GoabNZ 5y ago Not a garbageman, but was a mall janitor when I was younger. I found a discarded toaster in a toilet cubicle. The mystery of why made it memorable. 38 ...
ECAstu 5y ago My uncle pulled a Gretsch guitar out of a bin. I begged him to sell it to me, but he wanted to see what it was worth first. Не took it to a shop and they gave him a grand for it. A month later it was all shined up on their wall with a $3500 price tag on it. 42 ...
 3y ago Not a garbage man, but my dad used to go dumpster-diving. Не found a fully- functional electric-massaging office chair. It was thrown away solely because it had a tiny gash in the leather. Не brought it home, sanitized it, and we owned it for many satisfied years. 173 ...
dannyg10001 5y ago Just before Christmas, noticed a few loose pieces of lego at the bottom of a garbage bag while walking my dog. Almost walked away but had a closer look... it was an entire large bag absolutely pack full of Star Wars lego! Took me weeks to go through it all and filter out the random non lego bits and pieces... but now, I have a 2 year old little girl... she's going to have the best lego set in a few year 48 ...
newusernamessuck 3y ago Not a garbage man, but was at the dump when a guy from a WHL team pulled up dumped about 15 hockey sticks onto the pile.. 8 of them seemed fine, sadly only 1 was right handed though 111 ...
Chaoscollective . 3y ago I got a 1944 Mills hand grenade that someone had thrown out. 451 ...
StubleHustle . 5y ago 40 vials of LSD from a police dumpster. 59 ...
 3y ago Not a garbage person, but I live in a large apartment complex. I could have furnished multiple apartments with all the stuff that gets thrown out here (and partially furnished mine), but the best thing I've seen in the pile was one of those grandfather clocks you can make from a kit. Still looked very nice, but it needed some fixing to get it to run again. I'm still waiting to find a piano (I would like a piano). 5.3K ...
Duck-Yo-Couch 0 3y ago Once I found a perfectly good stationary bike that my neighbors threw out that I cleaned up then used for years. Can't believe this day comes only 52 times a year. 1.5K ...
stu0027 3y ago I found a cardboard cutout from the Mr and Mrs Smith movie release when it was in theaters. I put Mr Smith on one side of the truck and Mrs Smith on the other side. Got a few fun honks going down the road with a gorgeous Angelina Jolie on the back of a trash truck 810 ...
sublevelstreetpusher e 3y ago I'm not a garbage man, but I once scored a whole custom built staircase from a dumpster. It was in perfect condition but apparently built to the wrong spec. It worked great for my barn 9.2K ...
Colausbra 3y ago When I was a kid my dad worked for a company that hauled away dumpsters and at one point found an old alto sax complete in the box. Ended up playing it for four years up until high school when it was stolen, couldn't play after that since my family couldn't afford a rental let alone pay for a new one. 2.4K ...
GoldCyclone 3y ago Worked as a garbage man for a very short time last summer, but the best thing I found was an edition of my local newspaper from the day after the Challenger exploded. 5K ...
TheeElite 3y ago in the early 2000's my best friends dad was a garabge man. I used to hang out at their house a lot and i remember him finding uncut sheets of hologrpahic dragon ball Z trading cards in the trash and bringing them back. They were super dope to see. 12K ...
EnjoyThyself . 6y ago Not garbage man, found a full goddamn drumkit a neighbor that had moved out threw away, except the central big drum (obv not a percussionist). Sold all the parts for $400 on Craigslist next day 82 ...
CaseyBergProductions 6y ago Not a garbage man but I used to dumpster dive a lot. My best find was at a construction site dumpster, it was 2 cylinders about 6 inches across and about 5 feet long of solid stainless steel. idk what they had come off of but they got me about $350 at a scrap yard 136 ...
 6y ago Once found a mint condition rose-gold Macbook with a missing A key. I guess they were really rich and didn't know that they could just pop the key back on and continue using it. 559 ...
pajamazon 12y ago 55 gallons of M&M's. I used to haul junk, and once got a call from a realtor to take a few things from a basement before an open house. We walked into a brand new, basically empty, nearly spotless basement. There were just a couple M&M's on the floor, and a plastic 55gal drum. It was totally full of M&M's and goddamn it was heavy. 236 ...
darth_noob o 6y ago Saw a .44 revolver in a plant pot, this is the UK too. 30 ...
lupistm 12y ago Not a garbage man, but when I was 16 I worked at a supermarket, I was a bagger and pushed the carts in from the parking lot. One night I grabbed a cart with a large black garbage bag in it. My curiosity got the best of me and I cut it open (big mistake) Completely full of shit, the whole bag. I assume someone emptied the septic tank on their winnebago or something. 45 ...
Trashman999 12y ago The single strangest thing id ever found was a black gym duffle bag, with Daytons Fetish written on it (not 100% sure of the name, but something like 'Dayton' on it). Inside the bag was 2 pairs of handcuffs, 2 packs of fake blood in hospital IV bags (WTF!?), a giant fake playtoy syringe (double wtf!), and a mannequin head all doll'd up in heavy make up (red lipstick, heavy eye shadow, blush, the whole nine yards). Me and my buddy were alittle disturbed when we saw it. 350 ...
Dead_Art . 5y ago Not a garbage man but work in Recycling, I got an Ipad last week and a new laptop. Plenty of expensive knives, all sorts of kitchen wear and appliances, endless clothes. And a surprising amount of toupee's 6.2K ...
billbapapa 0 5y ago . Edited 5y ago My friend works at the recycling and garbage Center. Не swears they aren't allowed to pull things out of the bins for insurance purposes. I always ask him about it when I am sitting on his 100% mismatched patio furniture that seems to get incrimentally nicer every week throughout every summer.
AttractiveBug 5y ago I work at a landfill, so I hear all the gossip. Someone wealthy had a party and threw away unopened bottles of expensive alcohol. A jewlery store called one time saying someone threw away a piece of nice jewlery on accident...people accident throw away family heirlooms all the time. 597 ...
donald_blackbird 5y ago Not a garbage man My little brother would go shopping in the dumpster bins at a USDA research center in our hometown, he found thousands of dollars worth of slightly used lab equipment and oscilloscopes. Не went on to apply to the university that sponsored most of the lab research there using an essay about the things he built with the lab equipment pilfered from the trash bins. Some madlad shit. 1.1K ...
 5y ago my cousin works for waste management and he found a fucking bouncy castle. just needed a few patches and we got that sucker going every holiday. 7.3K ...
beerbreak 5y ago I used to work in a very high class neighborhood. I've found plenty of valuable items like macbooks, $2k camera lens, hoverboards, etc. The most memorable is probably the life size black male blow up doll. 5.7K ...
drpharmacist 5y ago My dad found a live rooster in a trashcan once while working. The weirdest part about it is that there was other trash on top of it. Either that rooster was dumb and unlucky or someone was trying to get rid of it 2.4K ...
Mjarf88 . 5y ago A deer's ribcage is probably the most memorable, it was during the hunting season so not abnormal really. 3.6K ...
MemeDeli . 5y ago A corpse that turned out to be a Halloween prop. It scared the shit out of me. 22K ...
skolgang 3y ago My cousin once found a box thrown away that was full of vintage sports trading cards from the early 2000s. Ended up hitting the jackpot and found a rookie Carmelo Anthony card (famous basketball player). 107 ...


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