25 Funny But Harsh Things Said by Kids

‘I thought Little Red Riding Hood was supposed to be pretty’
25 Funny But Harsh Things Said by Kids

Aside from the occasional prodigy, children are generally not very smart. They are, however, brutally honest, which leads them to hurl unintentional insults like, “I want to be like you when I grow up, I just don’t want your body.” 

Redditors have remembered the harshest things kids have said to them that were also pretty funny, and quite a few of these stories will make you very nervous about wearing a costume around a child — just ask the guy whose child called him “fat Spider-Man.”

Kickor 12y ago I wrote about this before but my daughter said he probably tripped over his vagina when her uncle asked why his son, her cousin, was crying (she had just learned the word and used it all the time). 596 ...
Gabino75 12y ago I asked my neighbor what she had in her throat. Turned out it was just how 100 year old necks sag. 372 ...
angsty-barista G 5y ago I (who was not driving) snuck a beer into the Lego Ninjago movie, and my friends 8 year old looked over at me when he heard it open and said- Your life is predictable and disappointing. I still think about that a few times a week. Fucking savage. 2K ...
 5y ago I was with my wife on a surfing trip in Hawaii. All in all was shaping up to be a great day little over head high barrels. Little local girl about +- 14 or so paddles up to my wife after surfing with us and talking for the last couple hours between sets and says where are you and your dad from?....man that stung. 204 ...
dabocx 5y ago I worked at a library and they were going to have a scare away drugs day were you dress scary for a day. A little girl told the librarian wow you went all out for the scary day!, the librarian said, Ohh that's not today it's on Friday. The little girl said Ohh well your ready and walked off. It was painful to see a 35-year-old woman eviscerated by a 2nd grader. 3.5K ...
Quimerino 5y ago My brother is blind in one eye. My son asked Uncle, which eye do i look at? Obviously i thought this was savage but my Brother took it like a champ and circled his 'correct eye' in red pen. 907 ...
captnkangaroo 5y ago I told my son he was spoiled. Не asked, Well, who's fault is that? 708 ...
YouAreNotUniqueUN 0 5y ago NO!! - My son responding to me when I asked if he liked my new bangs. Yeah kid, I hate them too, but damn. 1.1K ...
santaclausonprozac . 5y ago Look at that high waisted man! He's got feminine hips! 584 ...
guirhsv в 5y ago I work as a therapist and had a kid walk up to his new teacher, place his hands on her belly and ask in a ringing voice, Is it a boy or a girl? Не genuinely thought she was pregnant, bless his little soul. 1.5K ...
Custard-donut . 5y ago My sister told me that one of my nieces told her Waddle faster mummy! while she was chasing her. 5.7K ...
frenglish2 . 5y ago My daughter said to me Put on this mask Daddy and so we can play fat spiderman! I'm maybe 15 lbs over weight 7.8K ...
KayyKai 5y ago Edited 5y ago I was dressed as Little Red Riding Hood for Halloween and was taking my friend's nieces trick-or-treating. One of them turned to me and said, What are you supposed to be? Me: Little Red Riding Hood Her: Oh, I though she was supposed to be pretty. 1.1K ...
 5y ago A teacher dressed up as James Bond for World Book Day when I was about 8 and a kid in the year below me asked if he was the Fat Controller from Thomas the Tank Engine. 380 ...
 5y ago As a teenager I had horrendous acne. My three year old cousin was asked if they wanted to give me a hug before leaving a family gathering. Не looked at me and said No, his face has big ugly buttons and then walked off. 10K ...
 5y ago I can't believe you're 30... and you're STILL. SINGLE. -my 4 yr old niece, most likely repeating her mom in private 5.2K ...
swampjedi . 5y ago Son: Mommies have boobies but daddies don't! Daughter: My daddy does! 1.7K ...
 . 5y ago Daddy these flowers match your teeth they were daffodils 1.2K ...
PhreedomPhighter I 5y ago A 7 year old asked me Where is your girlfriend?, since my brother's girlfriend was there with us. I told her I don't have one. So she said Oh. Yeah I guess some people are supposed to be alone. Well damn. 12K ...
lexstacy 5y ago While my aunt is getting changed into a bathing suit years ago. 5 year old cousin: mom I want to be like you when I grow up I just don't want your body. 2.1K ...
MissCinder 12y ago Mom - Come give me a hug 3 year old child - No! Mom - Aww if you don't give me a hug I'm going to cry. Child - Cry a little bit then. 2.4K ...
burnmypoetry 12y ago My mom says that when I was little, my dad asked me Isn't your mom the prettiest mom in the whole world? and I replied No, but I love her anyway. 538 ...
SamusBarilius 12y ago Mom, why do so many fat people wear shirts in the pool? You can still tell that they are fat. -Me, unaware that my friends older brother (standing directly behind me) was about to get in with not one, but two shirts on. 162 ...
edge_of_ruin в 12y ago I had finished showering my then 2 year old son and had just finished my own shower. My son comes running up to and says excitedly Dad I have a penis! I then responded Yes son all boys have a penis. Dad has one just like you do. At which point he says No daddy I have a big penis! 509 ...
2BNamedLater 12y ago We were taking group photos, me, my husband and his two kids. We all posed for a few, then my 8-year-old stepson says Okay, now let's take some with just the family. Ouch. 1.5K ...


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