20 Lies People Told That Spiraled Out of Control

‘Fast forward a couple hours, CPS is at our house and my parents were LIVID’
20 Lies People Told That Spiraled Out of Control

If we never lied, we’d be living in a Ricky Gervais movie, and not even one of the better ones. We obviously can’t have that, so from time to time, some degree of falsehood sneaks past our lips. Maybe it’s just a little white lie about how good your friend looks in that shirt. Maybe it’s a bigger lie about a cousin in the NBA to impress a potential sexual partner. Maybe it’s a whopper about fake cancer to get out of a test. 

The point is, we’ve all done it. Maybe not the fake cancer thing. That one’s pretty bad.

But no matter the size of the lie, it can spiral out of control faster than you can reel it back in. You tell your date about your NBA cousin, and then your flight to a romantic getaway has an emergency stopover in the city where you said he played, so they suggest calling him up to crash, so you have to call the only person you actually know in town and make them pretend to be in the NBA. Now your date has all kinds of questions like, “How can this man who is 5-foot-9 be in the NBA?” and “Doesn’t he have the money for a bigger apartment?” and “Why did he just leave for work at Chick-Fil-A?”

The point is, you never know when a lie will get away from you and how far it can run. That’s why user claytonbigsbysmydad asked r/AskReddit, “What is the smallest lie you've ever told which had the biggest consequences?”

80DD 9y ago I said i like the color green ONCE when i was 12 years old. 9 years later, all the gifts from my family and relatives is green.
ThlnBillyBoy 9y ago I was 16, drunk, and said I had a tattoo on my ass. The next day people asked and I played shy. But Billy isn't a liar so in time for next party I got a tattoo on my ass...
Aicire 9y ago In the second grade I told the substitute that my real name wasnt Aicire. It was Sarah, and the family that was keeping me made me change my name. I missed being Sarah. Fast Forward a couple hours. CPS is at our house and my parents were LIVID.
CanadianPucker 9y ago Edited 9y ago Told my GF at the time I was at a buddy's hanging out. I was out shopping for her birthday. She called him to ask if I was there. I wasn't. Caught her cheating that weekend
VelvetTush 9y ago When my sister and I were kids, I told her the Easter Bunny came through the drain. I thought it was cute, and since Santa came through the chimney I couldn't think of any other routes into the house. She cried for HOURS. Easter became the most miserable holiday for years until we grew up and she realized what an idiot I am.
 9y ago In middle school I became good friends with the girl whose locker was next to mine. One day at lunch she casually mentioned that she did ballet for a while in elementary school. Stupid me wanting to fit in says oh, me too! I did ballet. Well somehow she interprets this to mean I'm some experienced prima ballerina and to this day I'm still keeping up the lie. Truth be told, I can't dance at all.
Dylancana 9y ago Back in 3rd grade my friend dropped his brownie on the floor in the cafeteria because he said he didn't want it. When the lunch aid came over she asked me who's brownie it was and I said it was there when we got their because this was my best friend and I couldn't snitch on him. Later that day I was called into the principles office and was questioned vigorously on this brownie like it was a big deal. I held my ground and denied everything but then for the rest of time I spent in
puckislife_24 9y ago Back when I was 16 I was a camp counselor for a group of kinder gardeners. A few of them wouldn't stop shoving each other, so I told them (jokingly) to save it for fight club which was at the end of the day... being kids they thought fight club was real and told their parents about fight club which resulted in me having to explain to the administration and all the parents that no... there was no fight club. I wasn't hired the following year. They broke the first rule of fight club.
girraween 9y ago Edited 9y ago When I was little, maybe 6 or 7 years old, and I was playing with my cousin. Не was/is my best friend, even if we have grown apart in the last few years. Anyway, I told him if he jumps out of the tree onto the trampoline, he can get into the club. Не jumped and jarred his knee. Не screamed blue murder. There was no club. There was no entry test. the injury plays up till this day. It affected him when he was playing gridiron (he had to give it up), it
 9y ago My friends and I accidentally got a kid suspended. We finished the last class of our day before lunch on a Friday, and we were feeling pretty good, so we picked up a handful of rocks and tried to see who could throw them the furthest. Turns out one hit our teacher. She brought us into the office and made us tell the VP our story. Since she wasn't in the room, we lied through our teeth and made up a description of a kid we'd never seen before. A week later, the guidance teacher approaches us
GreenGlassDrgn 9y ago I was at a job fair against my will. Was trying to steal a pen so I could retire to a dark corner and doodle while everyone else did their thing. The lady caught me taking a pen, and I had to act interested in her sales pitch. Then a news reporter showed up. Before I knew it, I was in national papers as a general human interest story as a turnaround miracle story, of how I'd come all the way from the barren plains of another country far away while kicking mental illness and addiction, and
quilles 9y ago I've told this story before but, during my undergrad I took a number of business courses. During one of these courses we were learning about a small company that produced high end jam. The prof asked the class what we thought of high end jam as a business. I said that it was a stupid idea, why would I pay $20 for a bottle of jam when I could make it myself. I meant that as a rhetorical question but apparently my prof took my literally. When I was packing up at the end of class the
Chibler1964 9y ago So when I was in college I played on one of the Universities athletic teams. Some background for those that haven't been around college athletics: on away trips you are given a visiting team locker room to change and shower in after your practices and the game. Most of the time they try and put the visiting team some distance away from the opposing (home) team. It keeps the players from fraternizing or having pre or post- game conflicts or whatever else may arise I guess. Somtimes there aren't any other locker rooms available though so you
 9y ago Edited 9y ago When I was like 11, I wanted to get out of school the next day, so on the way home from a superbowl party with my mom I started acting like my stomach hurt , she said she'd give me something at home for my stomachache. Knowing this wouldn't get me out of school, I started fake crying and said it really really hurts, by this time we were already in the driveway of our apartment, she looked at me and said I'm gonna take you to the hospital but if your faking ,I'm gonna
BriceWithRice 9y ago Edited 9y ago Once when I was around 6 or 7 my mom brought home some delicious chocolate, and gave some to me. I loved the stuff and stole the bar that she had saved for my step-dad. Не comes home and my mom can't find the chocolate. She asks me what happened to it, I blame the Duncan (our dog) knowing that he often eats things off the counter (I didn't know at the time that chocolate was toxic for dogs), My mom goes terribly pale and rushes Duncan to the vet, and he has to
melapot8 9y ago Oh man. When I was 7 I had been learning how to play the keyboard for two years. It was one of those Casio keyboards that had light up keys to learn how to play a song. If you put the easy setting on you could literally hit 1 or 2 keys over and over again and it would play the entire song through. So at the age of 7 my grandparents thought I was a prodigy. I could 'play' Fur Elise, Canon in D and Moonlight Sonata. Family and friends would come over to listen/watch me
x4u 9y ago Fourteen years ago I was at a party of a friend of a friend and kinda lied to be super interested in a turtle or tortoise or whatever it was that he had in a terrarium. I just wanted to pretend to have a valid reason to be in this corner of the room in order to get a better view of a girl standing there who was apparently not wearing a bra. But she started to talk to me and it turned out she had just moved in next door and didn't know anybody there. We
Alk3PrivateEye 9y ago Once when I was a kid I invited a kid that I bullied horribly over to my house for a sleepover because I was told I had to do something nice for someone I hurt by our priest during confession (I went to a catholic school) ...the next day after a pretty boring night we were playing in the snow banks and I lied telling him my foot was stuck and I couldn't get it out, he ran well over a mile back to my house to get my mom to save me...well that kind of woke
Scrappy_Larue 9y ago In college, the girls in the apartment downstairs asked my roommate and | if we'd like to join them at a concert a month away. Neither of us wanted to, and my quick thinking roommate said that date is my birthday (it wasn't) and we have other plans. They ended up not going to the concert, and we had forgotten about it - but on that date they called me downstairs to help them move something. I walked in the door, and Surprise!! A birthday party for me with about 15 people there. My roommate was just as surprised.
Yoinkie2013 9y ago My first year walking to school alone was the 7th grade and I was late a lot. It got to a point that the teacher told me I would have to do all the days chores (putting chairs down in the morning, wiping boards clean, cleaning after lunch etc), if I was late again. Well the next day I was running late as usual. Being a lazy sob, I knew I had to do something to get out of doing the daily chores. So when the teacher asked me why I was late, I thought back on


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