33 Facts About Money to Stuff in Your Piggy Bank

Printed and folded facts will fit nicely in that piggy’s back slot
33 Facts About Money to Stuff in Your Piggy Bank

Do you think that when M.C Hammer said “Hammer Time,” he meant grabbing a hammer and smashing open his piggy bank? We like to imagine that after all of his dimes couldn’t fit in that little piggy, he was inspired to write a hit song.

Here, while you’re reading these confirmed money facts, we’ll track Hammer down and get the truth!

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Substitute Criminals

Prosecuted rich people in China sometimes hire body doubles to serve their sentences in prison. CUBS LIEBRA *Hu Bin, a rich 20-year-old who ٨ hit and killed a 19 *Alleged body pedestrian while double of Hu Bin. drag racing. The practice is called ding zui, which translates to substitute criminal. GRACKED.COM


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