40 Random Bits of Trivia We’ve Been Fermenting for Weeks and We Think Have Gained a Sort of Collective Sentience

Good facts come to those who wait
40 Random Bits of Trivia We’ve Been Fermenting for Weeks and We Think Have Gained a Sort of Collective Sentience

Were not quite sure how we feel about putting these facts out there. Weve become attached to them over the past few weeks, and they now hold a special place in our brains. Actually, now that we feel them swimming around in there, we think theyre trying to become attached to us, parasite-style.

Here! Were more than sure we want to get rid of them now. Take what just happened to us as a cautionary tale because it seems like theyre now looking to latch onto your brain and never let go.

Classy Meek Mill

CRACKED HAVING TO TAKE AN ETIQUETTE CLASS In December 2020, Meek Mill, the rapper, was told by Judge Genece Brinkley that he had to take an etiquette class by August as part of his probation for a 2008 conviction for drug-dealing and gun possession.


Cabrini Day

IN COLORADO, COLUMBUS DAY IS GOING TO BE CABRINI DAY FROM NOW ON, It's in honor of Frances Xavier Cabrini, who built 67 schools, hospitals, and orphan
Source: CNN

Steven Spielberg

The Blues Brothers featured a whole lot of cameos from musicians... .. and Steven Spielberg. The legendary director shows up as the county tax assessor Jake and Elwood must pay to keep the orphanage from being shut down. Which was pretty much the only payment he received for his contribution. 12 It was probably either that or more aliens/dinosaurs/sharks. CRACKED.COM

Strangers with Candy

COMEDY NERD BEHIND-THE-SCENES FACTS Strangers with Candy made Comedy Central history. 26 CRACKED.COM The show was Comedy Central's first original, live-action, non- sketch series. Yeah, that's a lot of qualifiers, but pretty cool nonetheless.



Jewel beetles can feel infrared. CRACKED.COM They have receptors in their chests that can detect a forest fire dozens of miles away. While you or I might run in the opposite direction, they get all horned up and fly toward the fire (a charred, desolate wasteland is the perfect place to copulate in peace).


The biggest desert has most of the world's water. CRACKED COM It's Antarctica, which, though cold, HAS So little precipitation that it's a desert. 70 percent of Earth's fresh water is frozen as Antarctic ice.

Source: NASA

Ancient Greece

Greek physician Soranus of Ephesus believed in contraception, through sneezing. He recommended that when a man is about to ejaculate the woman should

A Million Ways to Die in the West

GRACKED.COM MILLION WAYS TO DIE IN THE WEST Seth McFarlane was watching Hang 'Em High (1968) when he began joking to his writers about how depressing it would be to live in the Wild West, where GUNT EASTWOOD everything could kill you. HANG'EMHIGH The inside joke turned into a feature film.


Stephen King

PEOPLE GET MAD WHEN HE'S HONORED CRACKED Some literary critics are never happy when someone SO popular wins awards, but legendary scholar Harold Bloom carried a particular grudge against him.

Source: CNBC

The Amazon

The Amazon rainforest totally depends on the Sahara desert in Africa to survive. Winds blow dust from the Sahara, including phosphorus, and deposit it in the Amazon, where trees desperately need it to stay alive. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM

Source: NASA

Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp collects Barbies Barbis 04 CRACKED COM He started buying them for his kids, but his collection of limited edition dolls became personal at some point: I've played with a lot of Barbies and Kens... it's actually one of the things I'm good at.

Breaking Bad

We have Breaking Bad because Vince Gilligan hadn't heard of Weeds when he pitched it. Br eaking Balc weensk If he had, his idea would have felt too mu


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