31 Senior Pranks That Helped the Graduating Class Go Out With a Bang

‘The seniors covered the hallway floors with bubble wrap’
31 Senior Pranks That Helped the Graduating Class Go Out With a Bang

Historically, senior pranks have run the gamut of chaos. Some students have released thousands of crickets into the hallways, some freed a trio of goats labeled “1,” “2” and “4” and some hired a mariachi band to stalk their principal all around campus. 

But one year, a few students decided to change course completely. “The seniors at my school hyped up the prank, put posters everywhere, handed out flyers, posted daily on social media,” recalled one Redditor, adding that his classmates “installed a countdown clock” and even alerted local media in publicizing the soon-to-be prank. 

The gag of it all? There was no prank at all. “The clock struck zero,” they wrote. “Nothing.” 

This spectacular anti-joke is just the beginning — from forced snow days to cars appearing in the library, these senior pranks deserve a spot in the hall of fame — and probably the principal’s office.

rick_ts 7y ago The seniors at my school hyped up the prank, put posters everywhere, handed out flyers, posted daily on social media. Installed a countdown clock. This also grabbed the attention of the local newspaper. They arrived at the school for an article. That was for us huge news. Some seniors even gave quotes to the press. Then the clock struck zero. Everyone held their breath for wat was about to happen. Nothing. There was no prank. Fuckers.. 3.3K Award Share ...
Chanel 7y ago During my sophomore year of high school, the seniors covered the hallway floors with bubble wrap and managed to play elevator music through the announcement speakers. 2.3K Award Share ...  7y ago I would show up to school assuming it was a fever dream 813 Award Share ...
SlyCoopersButt 7y ago . Edited 7y ago Some seniors paid a company to move a big boulder in front of the main entrance to the school. The school then had to pay that SAME company to come remove it. Edit: I was told this story by a teacher. I have no way of verifying it. 3.4K Award Share ... DreamsOfCleanTeeth 7y ago Only the company wins 2.3K Award Share ...
 7y ago I heard a story of a senior class of one school switching with a senior class from a different school. Each person was assigned another person from the other school to switch with for the day. 2.2K ...
chunkyasian . 7y ago . Edited 7y ago My class decided to bring a bunch of grilles and hold a barbeque in the parking lot. The seniors before us actually destroyed so much property that we decided to just have something everyone could enjoy Edit: I went to a high school in metro Detroit. - 1.5K ...
 7y ago I heard of a prank where the students went and spray painted class of 2005 all over the school and sprayed grass killer on the football field in big letters that said class of 2005. The prank was that it was the class of 2006, they did it the week before they became seniors. So the senior class got in trouble for it but the juniors who did it never said anything until after they got their diplomas after senior year. Kinda lame, but I respect the approach. - 2.7K ...
GlitterKatt 7y ago waxing playboy magazine photos to the school floor - 1K Award Share ...
flaflashr 7y ago Away back in '69, our class painted a 55 gallon drum as a beer can. The bottom was removed, and they hoisted it up the flagpole very fast, so that when they hit the top of the lanyard, the momentum flipped it over onto the top of the flagpole. Back then, 55 gallon drums were made of steel. Nowadays with plastic drums, it would likely be much easier. Award Share 1K ... ceejdrew 7y ago I appreciate the commitment! 168 Award Share ...
theBIZNUSbitch 7y ago My class's senior prank was passing out marbles to as many people as possible pre- graduation. When you went to shake the principals hand during the ceremony, you would pass him the marble. By the time | got to shake his hand (this was a class of about 800 and my last name was towards the end) he was surrounded by a pretty big pile of marbles. The principal was cool about it, he just laughed when I handed it to him. I have no idea who came up with the idea but it was so harmless
IPROMISETODOIT 7y ago This happened a few years before I was in high school but one year the seniors stole a cow and brought it up to the second floor of the school. - 1.2K Award Share ...  7y ago For added context, cows fucking hate going down stairs as it is very difficult for their knees 925 Award Share ...
darklight33 7y ago The year I graduated, all the popular seniors got like 20-50 chickens and set them loose in the main building. Only thing is, our school was having work done on the main building at that moment. A bunch of the chickens found their way into the ceiling and died (not to mention shit EVERYWHERE). It was not a pleasant few days that followed. 916 Award Share ... Jackietobaccy 7y ago Aw man :( 284 Award Share ...
PanicAtTheMetro 7y ago Seniors turned the school into Jurassic Park and students ran around in inflatable T- Rex costumes 864 Award Share ...
appslap 7y ago Edited 7y ago Our football field bleachers were painted blue and white. The white chairs spelt out 2008 in block lettering, and we used grass chalk spray (temporary white spray paint) to make it say BOOB. Was hysterical. 693 Award Share ... + 7 more replies
islandkid132 7y ago A couple friends of mine and I kidnapped our headmaster/principal (with his permission) from assembly by rappelling down from the rafters and putting a bag over his head and ushering him off stage. Then we played a queued up video that looked like a ransom video that was happening live. At the end of the video the headmaster escapes and returns to the assembly and continues his speech as if nothing happened. 1.5K Award Share ... Groovy-hoovy 7y ago HOW did you get his permission 630 Award Share ...
kopaczae 7y ago My senior class hired a mariachi band to follow our principal around all day. 454 Award Share ... + 8 more replies
Bettielm 7y ago When I was a sophomore, the senior class did a typical prank on the Friday before exams (moving desks outside, filling rooms with balloons, etc.) so that we would all think that was their prank. Then, on then Wednesday of exams, they rented a camel and put it in front of the school with signs saying happy hump day! It was a fun prank: harmless, eased the stress of exams, and funny to see a camel standing alone in front of the school. 117 Award Share ...
 7y ago A few people all chipped in to buy a car clamp and clamped the car of the teacher who over sees year 14 (seniors). They then left a note on the window screen which was a riddle in old English which would lead to another one somewhere in the school (about 10 in total) until you finally got the last one which had the key to unlock it. She's not a teacher who can take joke and was furious about it especially because it was home time before she saw the clamp and had send the caretaker
Gojiberry852 7y ago Talcum powder on ceiling fans Alarm clocks locked into lockers in different classrooms around the school, set to go off at the same time. Our school only had one set of bolt cutters 328 Award Share ... + 12 more replies
ImmortalEngineer 7y ago Some seniors gathered a large crowd of students to form a giant circle in the lunch room, each of them chanting Fight, fight fight, fight!. When the teachers tore through the crowd to get to the center conflict, they found two seniors throwing down some mad rock paper scissors game. 653 Award Share ...
obikenobi27 7y ago We never did it, but I really thought it was ingenious to pressure wash dicks all over the school. The only way to clean it is to pressure wash everything. 101 Award Share ...
send_me_rainbows 7y ago Well, my school seniors got let out like an hour before the rest of the school on our last day. So the rugby team and weightlifting kids went around and moved every single car in the carpark, and several on the roads. Picking them up, pushing them, whatever it took. Some were one or two parking spaces different, the lighter cars and motorbikes or ones they somehow got keys for were in totally different parts of the school. I had to wait for my younger sister to get out, so I got to stick around and watch
A1DickSauce 7y ago We weren't allowed to have senior pranks because we were told that if we participated we wouldn't get our diplomas and people didn't want to do that but one of my teachers told me that when she was a sophomore the seniors somehow got into the school at night (before Columbine so less security) and filled all the hallways with ball pit balls (or wherever they're called) - 782 Award Share ...
woodrob12 7y ago A few days before graduating we listed our principal's house for sale by owner on Craigslist. Priced it abt $75k below market and scheduled an open house on the day and time of our ceremony. | heard a dozen people were in his driveway when he got home. 330 Award Share ... + 1 more reply
PGRBryant 7y ago There was a tradition for awhile in the small private high school of my hometown. All the classrooms of the school fit in one building. This is a small town where most everyone drives a truck. The day after winter break, in the middle of the night, a huge group of seniors would drive into the mountains and fill their trucks with snow. Then, come back, and pile that snow deep, blocking all the doors to the school to force a snow day. 371 Award Share ... thefrenchjuju 7y ago That is a prank I like. No
otcconan 7y ago Climbing the flagpole and dropping a dozen tires over it. Award Share 175 ... + 2 more replies
pundemic 7y ago They released three goats numbered 1,2, and 4. 837 Award Share ... GeneralSarrano 7y ago That's the oldest one in the book! 317 Award Share ... Hydraulicmink4 7y ago The real secret is to number them 1, 2, and 5. They'll suspect you are pulling that prank but you add one in 268 Award Share ...
NightRiderDevil 7y ago In the 70's my dad and his brothers took apart a car from shop class and rebuilt it in the library. Here is the wiki page about it https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:LakeridgeHigh School - 230 Award Share ...
behemothpanzer 7y ago When I was a junior the seniors got their hands on a huge pig, got it drunk, spray- painted the school police-liaison officer's name on the side and then released it into the school. The thing's hooves did several grand in damage to the floors. - 215 Award Share ...
kilig114 7y ago Filling all of the locks with glue so no one can unlock buildings. Can't get in building? No class. No class? No tests. It cost the school a lot of money. Locks had to be drilled out and then replaced. Happened at my daughter's school. She was quite pleased to miss out on a test. 177 Award Share ...
aleafyfern 7y ago Releasing thousands of crickets in the foyer. - 150 Award Share ... triplehomicidex 7y ago BROOO THAT WAS MY SCHOOL 64 Award Share ...
Ziggote 7y ago My graduating class bought a keg of Root-Beer from our local liquor store. We set it up at about 6AM in the student parking lot. There were about 2 dozen of us, we all had lawnchairs and set it up just like one of our real parties with chairs all around the keg. The police were called, It didnt take them long to figure out what was actually going on. 495 Award Share ...


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