40 Random Bits of Trivia We Salvaged Out of the Dumpster After the Trivia Bakery Closed

They’re a little stale (and slimy), but they’re still good!
40 Random Bits of Trivia We Salvaged Out of the Dumpster After the Trivia Bakery Closed

We hope youre not too picky, because if you are, youll miss out on a ton of amazing random knowledge. Take these facts for example, theyre a little old, smelly and rough around the edges, but if you can get past all that superficial, surface-level crap, youll see that they have a lot to offer.

You might want to plug your nose, though.


CRACKED Chameleons don't change color for camouflage. It's usually to regulate their body temperature or communicate with their buddies. Some of them can't do it at all. Stop giving them a complex.


Napster helped fuel Spotify's success. The Max Reauto 100 Find # Clear Feide Advanced>> Filename Ditrate Free Length Uper Connection Ping Munic Wetalca The Unforgiven mp3 2.1135% 128 44100 215 Cable E The Thing That Should Not Be Metalca covedapp 6,463,892 128 44100 $40 Unknown . Incompleter Metalica -The Unforgiven.np3 299.000 128 44100 0.24 10m256 - % 80 . Music'Matalca Made of Puppetsup3 8,268,331 120 44100 $30 weekest Cable No Leal 0.237 056 192 44100 5:41 Cable obung 100 MusicMatalca Enter Sandman.up3 5.312.512 120 44100 5:30 Unknown ide 100 Ebe Matters mp3 44100 6:25 Unknown jdbs HE Metalica The Untogiven 5 mg3 44100 $:22 RedCX DSL


40 Random Bits of Trivia We Salvaged Out of the Dumpster After the Trivia Bakery Closed

Speed 2

CRACKEDcO COM. HSD The makers of SPEED 2 spent six months building a full-sized Carribean town, with 35 buildings, into which a one-third-scale replic

Alice Cooper

Alice Cooper whom you may have thought is the embodiment of Satan himself, actually believes every word in the Old Testament. CRACKED.COM

Vanity License Plates

OHIO'S NOT LOVIN' THE TOFU. MAINE UVTOFU OCT Vacationland 23 The state of Ohio told a guy to take off his license plate that said LUVTOFU because it could be seen as offensive. Tolerating tofu? Sure. But once you claim to love tofu, your intentions become suspect. CRACKED


Rats in NYC

Uptown vs. downtown rats in NYC are genetically different Rats that live north of 59th Street are genetically different than those that live south of 14th Street. Like true New Yorkers, they tend to stay close to where they were born. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW

Source: NPR

Pearl Harbor

Dusko Popov, a Serbian spy, brought J. Edgar Hoover proof that an attack on Pearl Harbor would happen, four months before it did. Hoover decided to ig


Goldfinger is the quintessential Bond villain. And a real-life architect. Author lan Fleming butted heads with architect Erno Goldfinger when Goldfing


Sergei S. Bryukhonenko reanimated a dog head. He was a Soviet scientist during the Stalin era, and was working on the first heart-lung machine. So he


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