33 of the Worst Things People Found in Their Food

‘A used bandage with blood on it in my guacamole’
33 of the Worst Things People Found in Their Food

Though surprises can be fun, you really don’t want to encounter anything unexpected in your plate of food. Depending on what you find, you may be in for a lifetime of trust issues and mental torment — just ask the Redditor whose grandfather found a thumb in his can of peas. Granddad never ate peas again, and likely had an aversion to certain hand gestures for a while afterward, too.

But a lone thumb isn’t the most traumatizing thing you can come across in your food. One Redditor found a tooth in their hamburger, which brings to mind a lot of questions with potentially undesirable answers. The Redditor, understandably, was “too scared to ask why” their burger patty came with a side of chomper, and left the establishment immediately. 

Other Redditors have shared more of the horrifying “secret ingredients” they’ve almost ingested, and every one of these stories will make you grateful for your next boring meal — after all, your salad could’ve had an eye patch in it.

nakedmolequeen 14y ago Got halfway through a pizza with the family, found a hair in my mouth, checked pizza to find RAT FUR caked on the bottom of the crust. Took me years to enjoy another pizza. 12 ...
NunguNungu 14y ago A tick. It was bobbing in the beef stew. 12 ...
 10y ago I once had a lump of clear cling-wrap inside my Denny's Belgian waffle. A quick glance into the kitchen revealed that they cover the waffle batter with cling wrap - when they went to scoop some batter, they brought the clingwrap with them At least they cover their waffle batter. 2 ...
Annie_M 10y ago | was eating at a chinese restaurant once, enjoying my lo mein when something squeaked against my teeth. It was a price of steel wool. | did not finish my meal... 2 ...
colossaldong 10y ago Shot gun pellet in a steak. Easily explainable, but damn! 2 ...
Zimovski 10y ago A Larvae in a Hershey's kiss. 1 ...
double1 14y ago Rock instead of a peanut in M&M. 21 ...
PREDXEN0426 10y ago My sister ordered nachos from taco bell and found a crunched up straw wrapper in the beans. 2 ...
g0ing_postal 10y ago I once poured myself a bowl of cereal. I sat down and started watching something, absent mindedly eating my cereal. During a commercial, I looked down and the entire bowl was crawling with little bugs. I probably ate 1/2 that bowl before seeing that. | check all my cereal carefully now - 2 ...
JohnMyers17 . 10y ago I live in India and the other day my mother got some peanut brittle; my dad bit into it and spit out a screw. 3 ...
Meloosh13 10y ago Finally, an ask reddit that's right for me! How much time you got? I found a worm in my soup at a diner. I' ve had a tuna sandwich that was about 50 percent hair. And the worst one: There was an on campus bakery responsible for all of the schools bread. It was pulled pork day and spirits were high. I was halfway through my sandwich when I set it down upside down. Lo and behold, baked into the bottom of my roll, a big fuck off spider, less a couple of legs. I threw up
EnergyCrystall 0 5y ago I had once a wasp in my cake. It was dead and i didn't have to pay :) 274 ...
maluminse 5y ago Client bit into a shard of metal in his beef soup, broke his tooth. Got $10k from the restaurant. 688 ...
jewfishh . 5y ago One time my family ordered pizza for takeout from a local pizza place. When we got home and opened it there was a huge tangled hairball on the pizza. It was a hairball the size of a golf ball at least. | have no idea how that could happen. 183 ...
 5y ago A piece of copper in my eggroll, and once | found metal bristles from a scrub brush in my lobster roll. 587 ...
refinisher 5y ago An eye patch in my salad. | was friends with the owner & cook, they swore it was not a joke & had no idea how it got there. 345 ...
server_busy . 5y ago Half a green caterpillar in my salad. Denny's, Camelback road. Phoenix 313 ...
sixesand7s 5y ago I found a full receipt crumpled up into the size of a marble in the gravy of a Yorkshire pudding at an English pub style restaurant. I bit on it, was confused, pulled it out of my mouth and unwrapped a full legible receipt, from the night before. I showed the waiter and he said he'd talk to the owner, the owner said I could choose to pay my bill, or the receipt I found in my food. The total on the receipt I found was almost 30 dollars more than what I ordered, I was shocked
Flowdipoh . 5y ago I got a creme-cheese-baguette on the go and was eating it while walking; did not really look at what i was biting into. One bit was quite difficult to chew.. and | pulled a finger of a latex-glove out of my mouth. 820 ...
khendron 5y ago An inch-long bolt in my mashed potatoes. Fortunately | found it with my fork, and not my teeth! The maître d' informed me later that the bolt had fallen off of their industrial mixer. 766 ...
 5y ago Not me, but when I was at Panera my friend found an Allen wrench in her salad. Like how tf does that happen? 1.5K ...
fuckitweredoingitliv . 5y ago A staple in my Chinese food 3K ...
ArtisticPomegranate0 E 5y ago The last two times I went to Steak and Shake, I got earrings in my shakes both times. One was a stud earring and the other was a hoop. I wouldn't eat there ever again even if it was my only choice. 5K ...
gfrBrs 5y ago Not really a restaurant, but my uni's cafeteria. I took the salad. There was the corpse of a frog neatly cut in half. Another guy found the other half. No clue how it got there 4.3K ...
dillema_enigma 5y ago A tooth inside my hambuger | was too scared to ask why that happend. So i just threw it away and got out of the place 2.1K ...
DrDisastor 5y ago An entire rat snake in a No.10 sized can of green beans. The guess was is crawled into the can at some point and just got filled with beans and then retorted. The can guy said it probably drowned before it was cooked. Poor fella. 4.9K ...
D J-MusicVast 5y ago MUSIC A used bandage with blood on it in my guacamole, yea found it when it went into my mouth. 4.5K ...
bassistmuzikman 5y ago | was at a local restaurant chain (Northeast US) and ordered a buffalo chicken wrap. Got about halfway in and bit into a large metal bolt and chipped my tooth. Not a good time. 0/10 Recommend - 2.4K ...
FearlessBookworm3 . 5y ago | found a small plastic monkey (think barrel of monkeys) that was used as a decoration throughout the restaurant in my salad 108 ...
TexasAggie98 5y ago My grandfather once opened a can of peas and found a full human thumb floating on top. Не never ate peas again. Cannery accidents once were much more common than they are today. Plus, if a thumb was severed and lost, the entire lot of cans would be destroyed so as so prevent this situation from occurring. 16 ...
SheZowRaisedByWolves - 5y ago An entire spoon buried beneath a refried beans and rice plate. Waitress told me the cook left the spoon on there on accident and absent mindedly dumped the food on there. Honest mistake, believe it or not. 29 ...
EhlersDanlosSucks 5y ago | received a sandwich with shards of what must have been half a dozen toothpicks. 41 ...
bookey23 14y ago | once ordered a hot dog in the Bahamas, took a big first bite and started choking on what turned out to be a 2 inch long nail. No clue how it got in a fucking hot dog. 11 ...


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