31 Times People Learned Lessons in Very Embarrassing Ways

Life has a way of teaching us lessons through our experiences, and sometimes those experiences are embarrassing as hell.
One Redditor decided, at 9 years old, that he had enough lived experience to self-diagnose his allergies. He deduced that because he spent a lot of time outside and had never gotten a rash from it, he was “immune” to poison ivy. He decided to test his hypothesis by rubbing an unhinged amount of poison ivy all over his upper body — which, of course, resulted in a gnarly rash.
That Redditor, however, was far from the only person to learn a lesson in an incredibly embarrassing way. Other such lessons included those about the place a 9-volt battery doesn’t belong, the wrong way to throw darts and the power of a wall socket — particularly one with a fork in it.