31 Times People Learned Lessons in Very Embarrassing Ways

‘My car can probably make it through that…’
31 Times People Learned Lessons in Very Embarrassing Ways

Life has a way of teaching us lessons through our experiences, and sometimes those experiences are embarrassing as hell. 

One Redditor decided, at 9 years old, that he had enough lived experience to self-diagnose his allergies. He deduced that because he spent a lot of time outside and had never gotten a rash from it, he was “immune” to poison ivy. He decided to test his hypothesis by rubbing an unhinged amount of poison ivy all over his upper body — which, of course, resulted in a gnarly rash. 

That Redditor, however, was far from the only person to learn a lesson in an incredibly embarrassing way. Other such lessons included those about the place a 9-volt battery doesn’t belong, the wrong way to throw darts and the power of a wall socket — particularly one with a fork in it.

 . 1 1y ago When I was around 7 I wanted to see if a staple came out of the stapler fast or slow so I put my finger under it to find out. They come out fast. 52 ...
icantcook02 . 1y ago My dad told me he would distract a skunk we caught in a trap while I flipped the trap to the side. (Easier to shoot it that way) I got sprayed and I wasn't allowed back in the truck and walked home 56 ...
Its_me_l_like . 1y ago Got onto a down escalator, realized I made a mistake, tried to turn around and run back up it like they do in the movies. Realized I made an even bigger mistake doing that as I fell over and skinned my shins in front of a shopping mall's worth of people. 37 ...
 . 1y ago . Edited 1y ago I drank through a straw immediately after getting my wisdom teeth pulled. I was double dosing pain meds at the Dr's orders and still spent every day screaming in pain until the dry sockets healed. 55 ...
Remarkable-Health678 . 1y ago I saw a huge puddle on a flooded road in a big city and thought, My car can probably make it through that. Turns out that if your car engine's air intake is submerged the engine fills with water and the pistons shatter when trying to compress the water. It's called hydrolocking. Engine was destroyed and not worth replacing. 34 ...
Dry-Membership5575 . 1y ago That if a seagull is trying to steal your sandwich, it's best to just let them take the sandwich - 64 ...
Anna_Marchant . 1y ago when I was a bit younger me and my family visited South Africa. one day when when we were in the countryside I came across this weird looking bush. Out of curiosity | went to take a closer look and touched it. turned out it wasn't a bush but instead a group of spiders called 'Opiliones' clustered together. I was scarred for life after that 86 ...
popiyo . 1y ago Avalanches. So easy to get complacent and tell yourself/friends that a slide is super unlikely and the snow is just so fun that skiing that steep slope is worth the slight risk. Until it isn't and you're being swept off your feet and buried in snow. 126 ...
PureDeidBrilliant 1y ago Chose to disturb my cat - who was already pissed at me - by telling him to move off my spot on the couch. The scars are healing nicely. 254 ...
rctid_taco . 1y ago Once, as a kid, I fucked around by throwing darts at the ceiling while laying on the floor. Thankfully I only got a dart in my thigh and not somewhere worse 198 ...
FartAttack911 . 1y ago After years of my parents forcing me to paint my nails on the linoleum floor of the bathroom with a towel under me, I got my own apartment and was like НАН, NO DUMB RULES HERE. And that's how I lost my first down deposit. 502 ...
amadnomad 1y ago It was a hot sweltering day and I wanted to get my bike fixed. Played outside all day as kids do and didn't hydrate enough. Walked to the bike shop in the late afternoon, got my bike fixed and felt faint walking back but thought I'd be okay after drinking water. Came home, drank some milk then some water. Immediately puked everything and then some more. Everything I'd eaten since the morning(not much) was in the commode. Stomach hurt and my face went pale. Went and lay down, puked in a few minutes again but only bile
Nasty_little_Hobbit . 1y ago When I was little, I was always intrigued by the electrical sockets on the front of my aunt's cooking stove. One day, she noticed my interest and warned me against doing what she knew I wanted to do. Later that day, I found out why. I then had to sit and cry quietly. 429 ...
Snuddud 1y ago That forks don't belong in a power socket, unless you want to experience a flight from wall A to wall в 419 ...
Any-Impact-9962 . 1y ago Was acting like a dick to my little brother, who was already having a pretty bad day. He's not one known for physical violence. Turns out, that day, he decided to make an exception on me. My jaw was pretty sore for a day or two. 288 ...
WallyOShay 1y ago When I was like 18/19 my friend and I were riding around town and went to this spot you could park on the beach. Well the car got stuck in the sand. A homeless man was nice enough to come help dig us out of the sand and get the car out. Не asked us for a ride across town which we were happy to give. Не noticed some bowls in the car and said he could get us weed. We were out and could t find any so I gave him all my birthday money. We
nickburrows8398 1y ago Edited 1y ago When 18 I was vacationing in Mexico and me and my family went to this horse riding attraction. Next to the horse handler sat this cute little weasel who happened to be missing one of his paws. I foolishly assumed he was some exotic pet that belonged to the handler given how close he was and I figured he wouldn't have been able to survive his injuries. I reached down with intention to pet its head and scratch his ear the way I used to do so with my sisters pet ferret and it
 1y ago Joking about pepper spraying children playing on your lawn will get you a 2 day ban from reddit. 701 ...
BlueShire_Ace . 1y ago Brake checked a tailgating jerk. Не flew around me and slammed the brakes with no intention of letting off. Should have known better since he had an old beater and I had a fairly new car. 6500 dollar lesson to just let things go. - 1K ...
Competitive_Bread817 . 1y ago Gave a hitchhiker a ride. Не thanked me for my kindness while attempting to steal my medication out of my purse. 1.3K ...
i-do-the-designing 1y ago . Edited 1y ago During a fight someone announced to me they were an expert in Kickboxing. 'Course you fucking are' was my sarcastic reply Narrators voice they were an expert. Не beat me into the ER.
SnoopsMom . 1y ago As a young girl, I used to kick boys in the shins when they annoyed me. One finally kicked me back. That shit hurt more than I expected, and I stopped kicking the boys. 2.3K ...
honeyonbiscuits . 1y ago If you throw rocks at chickens and laugh at the angry rooster, the rooster will find a way through the fence to hunt your ass down. 2.2K ...
jackfaire . 1y ago I physically grabbed and lifted my dog out of a fight with another dog and he bit me 2.4K ...
jagger129 . 1y ago I wrote my own leasing contract to rent out my condo. After my renters arrived, someone from the HOA pointed out I didn't do a background check (on two 80 year old sisters) and so the HOA banned me from renting my condo out for 2 years 2.1K ...
spleenliverbladder . 1y ago Putting a 9V battery on your braces is not a great idea. It melts the rubber bands and you have to explain it to the orthodontist. 9.4K ...
msjammies73 1y ago I was late for work and starving. The chicken I pulled from the fridge for a quick dinner smelled a little weird. But it was organic and I had roasted it myself, so it must be fine. So very fucking wrong. 18 hours of pure hell. I would have gone to the hospital but I literally couldn't get off my bathroom floor. Fainted twice and ended up with a black eye from hitting my head on the toilet. When in doubt, throw it out. - 3.5K ...
StandardDeviatOr 1y ago Decided at the tender age of 8 or 9 that I was immune to poison ivy, since I spent quite large amounts of time outside and had never once gotten a rash from it. Since I was a born scientist, apparently, I decided to test this...by rubbing egregious amounts of the plant all over my upper body. Needless to say, I was not immune. In the slightest. - 2.4K ...
Kunikunatu . 1y ago About six years old. Having a picnic with my dad by the lake. Some ducks wander up near us. Dad says, You know, ducks will bite you. That's silly, they don't even have teeth. Stick your finger out and see for yourself. Got bit. Cried. - 13K ...
Complete-One-5520 1y ago I chased a giant white squirrel and I found out it was actually a skunk. I 8.1K ...
 . 6y ago People like Dr. House, Dr. Cox, Sterling Archer, etc are only funny because they are TV characters. If you act like that in real life, people will just think you're a complete asshole and you won't have any friends. 6.1K ...


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