26 ‘The Beatings Will Continue Until Moral Improves’ Work Stories

‘They would update the dress code if someone wore something the boss didn’t like’
26 ‘The Beatings Will Continue Until Moral Improves’ Work Stories

The phrase “the beatings will continue until morale improves” is usually reserved for high-pressure military units that will actually beat their squadron into becoming stronger performers. But as these Redditors can attest, sometimes that’s exactly what a 9-to-5 feels like, too.

One Redditor worked at a tech-support company that had a trifecta of issues: micromanagement, awful pay and being forced to promote a product that sucked. Naturally, no one was happy to be at work. The company held a series of meetings to discuss low morale, and someone from upper management kicked things off by asking the staff, “Who here is happy with their job?” When only two people raised their hands, the guy leading the meeting looked at everyone else and said, “Well, in this economy, you’re lucky to have a job at all. Meeting over,” before storming out. 

If anything, he found a way to take low morale and break through to “rock-bottom morale.”

Other Redditors have shared the ways their superiors tried to force the troops in line, including an “anonymous” survey, a meeting about a meeting and an ever-changing dress code.

227743 3y ago The spa | used to work at really pushed us to sell add ons and products even when being pushy is an obvious turn off for the client especially after a relaxing massage. People who weren't meeting quotas would have weekly meetings to discuss why we weren't selling enough and compare us to other therapists who were. The worst thing about it was they had a white board with all the therapists names on it showing all the sales/add ons as well as rebook rate so everyone could see how bad or good you were doing. It
CaptainPrower Зу ago School, not work, but in my senior year of high school, the administration started surveying students to see what they thought would best improve the school, so they knew what to implement in the next district budget. A majority of the student body said we needed renovations to our classrooms and new textbooks, both of which were very sorely needed. Next semester, the administration unveiled their plan for a new, totally rebuilt football stadium. I graduated in 2012, and was by there to help pick up one of my neighbor's kids from school when their car broke
Crispinwhere 3y ago When my company decided to downsize, the CIO gathered everyone from IT into a large conference room to give the news. During his speech he told everyone we'd all need to make sacrifices and he himself had to sell one of his houses. Everyone in the room looked at each other trying to figure out if he was trying to make a joke. Не was 100% serious. 224 ...
Botryoid2000 3y ago We normally got bonuses of 8 to 10 percent of our salary. I know you shouldn't count on bonuses, but it was pretty consistent year after year. Then we get a new CEO and the bonuses were like .25% of our salary - from thousands of dollars down to hundreds. During our department (about 6000 people) meeting, someone asked the dept head about bonuses. This would have been her cue for the tough times, we all have to do our part speech, right? No. She chose violence. She rips this person a new one for even asking and says
Pabs23 Зу ago بع My last veterinary hospital was really understaffed. Management asked what they could do to improve things and we all said that even just one extra nurse would make a huge difference. You know what we got? A fucking colouring book. According to management, colouring helps with mindfulness which reduces stress. The fact that we'd never have time to use it didn't seem to matter. 197 ...
KikiLynn42 3y ago We are down 7 specialized staff members in an organization known to be overworked at the best of times. We are having trouble filling those vacancies because anyone who meets the education and experience requirements won't work for such little pay. It's been a few months only 2 vacancies scheduled to be filled soon. Let's lower the requirements so the already overworked and underpaid staff has to train people who have no idea what they're doing. We also expect no backlash when the new recruitment is posted. Oh and the new people with less education and experience
 3y ago A place laid off half their employees one day, without warning. Then the higher-ups arranged a company-wide meeting to explain why. During that meeting, the fuckwad who was talking said something along the lines of we aren't a 9-5 workplace, so if you intend to only work your normal number of hours, I want you to stop and think about the importance of what we do here. I wasn't caught in the layoffs, but I left that place soon after. That place bled people like crazy over the next few months for obvious reasons. + 649 ...
zachtheperson 3y ago When I worked at a school during college we used to get moved to a different school over the summer with different supervisors. One summer I had a supervisor who was an abusive sociopath, One of her more minor drawbacks was she had the mentality of I don't trust the staff to do their job, so I will do everyone's job for them while constantly reminding them how they don't do their jobs so I can't trust them to do their jobs. It meant nothing got done, everyone was angry all the time, and the kids were
 3y ago Had a professor my last semester of school that simultaneously claimed i only give out A's for truly EXCEPTIONAL work. Getting an A shouldn't be easy, and students care too much about getting high grades and not enough about actually learning. The experience should be more important than the letter grade. You'd think if she didn't want us to worry about our grades she wouldn't have put us in a situation where we had to. Which is it lorrie, are letter grades important or not? + 741 ...
mechant_papa 3y ago I had a manager who would gather our team and ask us if we should do A or В. We were professionals and would provide arguments for and against both A and B, and provide her with an answer. She would then reply she had decided on с and that's what we would do. 1.2K ...
MagicSPA 3y ago One time I worked for a major satellite TV company. I'd worked there twice before, so I was part of the fast-track training programme, designed for people who have done the job before. It was four weeks, part-time, and on each Friday assessment I got 100% in literally all of my tests. They were Product Knowledge, Financial, Technical, and Customer Service. I got literally 100% in every test, and at the end of the fourth week the trainer told me in a feedback session that I had a lot of potential; there were supervisory positions and management
 3y ago I was a nanny for this Instamommy. I worked 10-12 hour shifts. And normally came in earlier as well as staying later because Mom only wanted the baby for her Instagram. I was exhausted and looked exhausted. She asked me about it. Thinking she was being nice I told her how tired I was. The next day she had a floor mattress in the nursery right next to the diaper pail. She wanted me to start sleeping there since it was unsafe for me to drive home as tired as I was. 1.6K ...
Killawife Зу ago We once had an issue with a new store manager at our store not doing his job properly, complaints were raised and a crisis meeting called. The regional manager asked us what problems we had and most people relayed their issues with the manager who ofcourse sat right there in front of us. I initially didn't say anything since i saw what this was, but when asked responded with criticism. After the meeting, private meetings were held were every employee was basically told that the company was going to go with this worthless manager person and if
Wajina_Sloth 3y ago I worked for a shitty security company, min wage, shit hours, shit benefits, terrible management, which all leads to a sever staffing issue because everyone quits all the time. One location in particular was notoriously bad for staffing, they would hire people off the street, spend a few days to train them, and they would quit the next day because of how underpaid/overworked you are for a 12h shift. Because of this they would never send an experienced guard to work there due to them knowing they would quit and cause even more staffing issues. I remember
Little_Laura_Legs 3y ago At my credit union I worked at, us tellers complained that our incentive pay wasn't fair compared to the other departments. The lending and wealth departments got their incentive pay just by doing their jobs. The tellers had to compete with each other so ONE of us would get incentive pay, and the requirements were difficult and out of our control. So we complained and suggested a more fair program. The GM decided that if we were going to complain, then NO ONE gets incentive pay. Everyone was pissed!! 1.4K ...
parentontheloose4141 3y ago manager implemented weekly individual (hour long) meetings with all employees. 9/10 she just wouldn't show up to the meeting. Generally these meetings were virtual, but sometimes she'd state in her invite that they had to be in person. Drive to the office, wait at her office door. Find out from other office employees that manager had called out for the day and hadn't told anyone. That was year 1. Year 2, manager decided to up it to 2 individual meetings per week, and then a 3rd meeting with the entire team. Again, she would regularly just skip
watabby 3y ago Edited 3y ago Each of us had to go into a room with the COO and a general manager and watch a youtube motivational video with them. It was one of those narrated videos where it's some person drawing cartoons and text on a whiteboard. Like all you can see is a hand and the whiteboard in fast motion. Anyway, the theme of the video was that you should be following your passion and pay should be secondary and not a motivation. After the video they then asked us, individually, would you like to ask us to
URMILKJUSTWENTBAD 3y ago Manager asked what to do about low morale and high turnover. I know he's a hardass so I offer something simple, well there's only 3 chairs for the given 15-25 of us on an average day, how about we get some more? His response was, verbatim, DONT YOU START THIS FIGHT WITH ME BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT GOING TO WIN + 5.2K ...
Much_Difference Зу ago They would update the dress code every time anyone came in wearing anything the boss didn't like, even if it was entirely appropriate for work. Bill got a new tie for Father's Day and it has bright green stripes? All-staff email the next day banning distracting colors. There were only like 15 employees all working in one small building, too, so it was obvious who the boss was targeting each time. + 6.3K ...
 3y ago Not me, but had a friend whose supervisor got upset bc she heard people chatting while getting their lunches out of the fridge and making coffee. Her solution? Lock the break room at 8 a.m. (so you needed to come early if you want a cup of coffee), and lock the bathroom so people would need to approach her and ask for the key every time they needed to iuse the facilities. Imagine being in your 30s/40s and having to ask permission to use the bathroom. + 6.9K ...
PossibilityNo1805 . 3y ago If you did not display an enthused reaction to the 'Mandatory Fun' activities, you were put on the shit list. + 2.2K
madkeepz 3y ago They sent a survey about what our perceptions about the workplace were. Voicing some issues with some areas was 100% going to get you in trouble so I complained that the survey was not anonymous, anddidn't complete most of it. Some days later I was personally contacted by 3 people wanting to find out what was wrong. They completely missed the whole point + 14K ...
Corndog1975 3y ago We were all swamped with more work than we could complete and mandatory meetings would happen often that were to discuss why we were behind and what they could do. One guy actually spoke up and said STOP HAVING so MANY MEETINGS AND LET US WORK, EVERY MINUTE OF THIS MEETING IS PUTTING ME FURTHER BEHIND!. They literally called another meeting 30 minutes later to discuss how the last meeting was not a positive experience for them. + 5.3K ...
Salarian_American 3y ago I once worked at a company where morale was very low due to extreme micromanagement, low pay, and having to provide tech support for a product that frankly sucked. So they called us into a series of meetings to discuss the issue. The guy leading the meeting asked us as soon as we sat down, Who here is happy in their job? And like one or two people raised their hands. Не then said, Well in this economy, you're lucky to have a job at all. Meeting over. And then he left. + 7.9K ...
TheoCupier 3y ago Worked in a fintech company in the UK in the 90s. It grew to around 1000 people, building towards IPO. HR decided we needed a company magazine to boost morale and give us a sense of community. First issue landed and the cover story was, perhaps predictably, a profile of the new CEO. A decent guy fairly well liked up until they point, worked his way through a few roles in the company. Except the angle they decided to focus on, to show us his human side, was how he was getting tired of his current 55ft
WieBentUEigenlijk 3y ago I worked for a company which was run by Scientologists. They started by making us watch a Scientology video before every shift. When sales didn't improve the way they thought they would, they then made us watch them during our lunch breaks. Then they told us they wouldn't pay us until sales improved. Then they stop commission altogether. Eventually, I left. They then tried to sue me for supposedly being on my phone during work. I proved them wrong And they dropped it. Soon after, almost every other member of staff left the business and they were


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